DEATH OF A BACHELOR [ redstorm ]

Seeing Red's face as Squall brought in Haze's deceased body was enough to make her shed silent tears as she returned to her housefolk that night. The grief of a friend brought her to her knees, and she wanted so desperately to be there for him, comfort him in his time of need. She had no idea what to do other than press against him and pray to whatever the stars were that they'd get justice for Haze. And she wants to believe Blazestar, wants to believe him so bad- if he wouldn't get revenge for the siblings that have suffered so much loss, then she will.

But alas, she has no idea where to start, so for now she'd stick by Red's side. Speaking of Red, she looks for him as soon as she arrives in to camp. She wants to see how he is, how hes holding up and a tiny sigh leaves her mouth, ears pinning back to her skull. "Red? Redstorm? Amigo?" she calls out at the crack of dawn, as colors begin to split the sky and illuminate the earth. She waits with a bated breath, he better respond. He better respond, she needs to know hes okay.