development Death on my generation! ☾ Throwing a tantrum


heaven says " now spell ɿɘwꙅᴎɒ "
Jan 17, 2024

Her cry is shrill. Her voice reaches a volume so high it sharpens knives that slice at her own throat - but Frightkit doesn't care! Her thoughts are too busy crackling and popping behind her ears, a feeling like no other - hot and ferocious - expanding so quickly within her chest that she's frankly shocked she isn't managing to scream out her ears and nostrils! But boy, does she seem determined to try.

Frightkit howls.
She Screams.
She Wails.

There's no time to breathe, she will not allow for it! So her face quickly turns red beneath her inky mask, soon after taking on a purple hue. She screams and screams until her voice cracks then dies and she's howling silently. When she doesn't hear the sound of her own concussive thunder, then she starts stomping her feet, kicking up dirt, lashing at the air so furiously she just about knocks herself over. Now she's raging on the floor, kicking and wailing and sobbing she's so unbelievably angry!

Frightkit had never felt this before. Throughout her entire life - short though it has been - she'd never had a reason to be anything but happy. The worst she's felt was boredom, but that was usually rectified by playing with Sheepkit, Lakekit, even Ferretkit and the others. Before them, she'd had Spotpaw even - and his ceremony was the only other time before now that she'd felt an awful pain in her tummy. Losing Spotpaw had been annoying, and for a while she'd thought she'd just discovered some odd trait in him that pissed her off because every time she saw him leave for a patrol, or pass by the nursery without visiting Frighkit felt she hated him a little more.
But that feeling had gone pretty quickly thanks to her other friends being helpful distractions.

So what was she going to do with them gone, too?

Frightkit sucked in a pained breath into burning lungs, but it did nothing to ease the torment clawing at her insides. No! No no no NO! She couldn't allow this! It wasn't FAIR!
So Frightkit resumed her screaming!

I SHOULD BE AN APPRENTICE! NOW NOW NOW! I WANNA BE AN APPRENTICE NOW! I HAVE TO! I MUST! MAKE ME AN APPRENTICE NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW - " and on and on she went, before falling into more unintelligible, incorrigible, screaming. She kicked until her flailing limbs began to bruise and ache, and howled until she was dizzy and gasping for air, but nothing would make her stop!

Nothing would ever make her stop! Nothing less than exactly what she wanted!

  • //Any power play is allowed but keep in mind Frightkit will absolutely kick and claw at anyone that touches her <3

  • " Speech "
    DFAB— She/Her — Unsure
    2 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Windclan Kit
    Sister to Deathkit, Witherkit, Grasskit, Whitekit and Midnightkit

    Physically very easy | mentally very easy
    Attack in bold #1b1e21
    injuries: None

It would have been hard for Brackenpaw to not have heard Frightkit’s tantrum, they were willing to bet that even the neighbouring clans could hear it with the heights her screeching had reached so far. Honestly they were kind of impressed by the fact that it was unrelenting. It was easy enough to find the source, just needed to see the surrounding destruction to the ground surrounding her.

While they approached they didn’t exactly know what to say. This wasn’t exactly something within their comfort zone, they really did support it if anything. The calico was not pleased with what Sunstar had given her, if they could hide behind the excuse of being a kit like Frightkit then they would be alongside her in this vendetta. Now that they're a paw (even if they didn't feel like one) they didn't think that she would be given any sympathies that may be thrown the kits way. While she couldn’t understand why someone would want to be an apprentice they could at least silently support her in this protest.

So instead of directly intervening she watched this tempest of a mood unfold, sitting close enough to have their presence be known if Frightkit was in a state to be able to notice her surroundings. They were not going to be the poor soul to get her to snap out of it. If anything, the new apprentice kind of wanted to watch what would happen if someone else tried. Things didn’t look good though, with the way that she was exerting herself Brackenpaw was sure that this must be starting to hurt.

“Why do you even want to be an apprentice? It’s probably going to suck and you would probably hate it.” Their words were sharp, the meeting had turned their mood sour and while she would usually keep the blade that was their tone dulled with Frightkit she couldn’t muster up the energy to try. Her multicoloured tail swayed on the ground like a snake, trying to avoid being struck by any flailing limbs. If they understood the real reason behind this then she would have sympathised. And yet, Brackenpaw is not a mind reader, so she just assumes that this display of anguish didn’t have a deeper meaning behind it.

  • ooc.
    they/she, tunneler apprentice of Windclan, 6 moons (ages on the 22nd)
    a lithe and fragile looking calico that looks like they still need to grow into her ears
    Speech, thoughts, attacking
    easy to befriend other kits, gradually harder to befriend every rank after that
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Juice ↛ @/ouijeejuice on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
    All opinions are IC!! Bracken is a little hater


When Bluepool was younger, there was no apprenticeship, not in the formal sense that there was now. Sometimes, if you were lucky, your parents or a kind older cat might show you a thing or two, but for the most part you were on your own. Survival of the fittest has shaped her into the cat she was now. Whether that was for the better or for the worse was still in question. On one paw, she was strong because she had needed to be. A more than capable fighter and a decent hunter. On the other paw, she is ruthless. Stuck in the mindset that to show mercy is a form of weakness. If you let your enemy live, then what is to say they won't come back and kill you?

She rather likes being a mentor though, if she's honest. She likes being able to take a young cat and mold them into a finer warrior than they could ever be on their own, likes watching the youth of the clan blossom into adults that would make the stars proud. Featherpaw had reccently graduated into Featherspine though, and now, without an apprentice, she finds herself with a good deal more free time on her paws than usual.

That is not to say that she doesn't enjoy her newfound peace. There are other things to keep her paws busy, after all. But today she finds herself with absolutely nothing at all to do and so she lays sprawled out in a patch of sunshine, eyes half closed and a small smile upon her lips. Or rather there was up until the screeching started. Kits. Bluepool will never understand the she-cats who yearned for them. Some cats liked having the nuisances running under their paws, the shrill screaming that often accompanied their games and their tantrums. Bluepool was not one of those cats.

Irritation is what makes her stand, makes her make her way over to the kit that writhes and flails and cries. She looks to Brackenpaw as she speaks, asking why Frightkit wants to be an apprentice anyways and she has half a mind to scold them for it. Easily, she could make being an apprentice so much worse for them. But she refrains. Right now, she just wants this awful noise to stop. "You're too young to become an apprentice quit yet Frightkit, but if you quiet down I'll show you a couple of moves" Can the kit hear her through it's tantrum? She is uncertain, but it is worth a try.

  • xiikDkk.jpeg

  • d8xs4yJ.jpeg
    A small framed moor runner with a blue toned pelt and black stripes. Her tail is cropped and her eyes are golden in color. On her chest, she sports a large 'X' shaped scar.
    Difficult in battle. A skilled fighter + isn't above using dirty tricks in order to win
Apprenticeship could not come soon enough for Rowankit. Father had always wanted his children to be moor runners like he was, but at this point, Rowankit did not care whether or not they learned to hunt in the fields or underground. They needed to get away from Gorseptal, who was practically turning her nose up toward Snakehiss' brood at this point. Plus, the nursery was getting far too crowded with many of the kits getting bigger ( and louder, apparently ).

The chimera huffs, sitting on the sidelines, their tail twitching with each time Frightkit demanded 'NOW'. They would not bother directly consoling the upset kitten, but rather offering a snarky comment, "Screaming won't make you an apprentice." Seriously, what was Frightkit thinking? Did she think that Sunstar wanted whining babies as his future warriors? Never had they heard such ear-splitting cries, not even from their own littermates.

  • *
    they/she; kit of windclan
    a shorthaired black solid/tortoiseshell chimera with amber eyes
    "speech", thoughts, attack
    link to full tags; @ on discord or dm @beaaats for plots!​
Frightkit's shrill cry breaks through the calm air and pierces Ferretpaw's ears. She tries to ignore it, but the kitten just keeps going, ignoring the desperate shushes of cats around her. Each time the crying stops for a moment as Frightkit catches her breath, Ferretpaw feels like she's relieved - only to be battered with her relentless screaming once more.

She's had enough - truly, she has. Several moons in the nursery with these crybabies had left her with little patience, and her promotion to the apprentice's den had given her a self-importance that puts her above their complaints. "Somebody make it stop!" Ferretpaw complains loudly to nobody in particular. Soon enough, there are several cats trying to calm the kitten, some more blunt than the others, but Ferretpaw knows that they won't get through Frightkit's head. Somebody needed to use force.

With an exasperated growl, Ferretpaw approaches the kitten who thrashes on the ground and clambers over her, giving her a sharp nip in the ear as she attempts to hold her down and stop her thrashing. Of course, her attempts are futile - the kitten's front paws swipe her face, and her back paws rake her stomach, and it's not something she can stand to handle. If physical force wouldn't work, then her backup plan would.

Ferretpaw jumps off the kitten and spits in every which direction, furious and irritated beyond belief. "Shut up, you stupid baby!" she finally exclaims. "Sunstar didn't make you an apprentice because you're not old enough. Do you need someone to spell it out or what?" She hopes, after this spectacle, that she never has to share a den with the crybaby. She can't imagine hearing these screams and wails day after day after any minor inconvenience. Not even Ferretpaw was that self-entitled; and that was saying something! Of course.. she doesn't quite get the source of the kitten's sorrow, that she had been left behind by all her friends. Ferretpaw doesn't really care either way.

"Stop your whining already or none of us will want to share the den with you, anyway!" The words are harsh, but fearful of the prying eyes around, her voice begins to hush and drown under Frightkit's screams. Knowing that at least someone had heard her insults, she fears for the worst; but decides that nothing could be worse than hearing Frightkit cry.
  • dhafz7m-a2116783-c1e6-44ba-b63a-0d11aae47207.png
    ferretkit FERRETPAW ━━ penned by ixora
    ━━ 6 MOONS,, ages every 31st
    ━━ NPC xx NPC
    ━━ MATE to none | PARENT to none
    ━━ HEALTH ♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎ | ferretpaw is healthy.​
  • 80478082_2zXyCfbKQMdMTjo.png

  • speech is #d98b54

Something shrill pierces the air and it startles Spotpaw to no avail, jerking awake from his sunbeam induced nap. At first he thinks the camp is on fire once more and he rises to his paws, a look of terror sparking in his eyes. He stumbles, stumbles over the noise and finally in his haze he realizes its just Frightkit crying. He jitters with the emotions that had surged through, gritting his teeth as Bluepool tries to comfort her, Brackenpaw questions and Rowankit makes a statement.

And then Ferretpaw is on Frightkit and immediately there are alarm bells ringing. Thats his friend- thats his friend and she's hurting her. The only thing he feels is a surge of fury, protectiveness over Frightkit leading him to step forwards and he's still not over the panicking adrenaline from earlier, so he just...

He raises his paw and attempts to slap it at Ferretpaws cheek, light enough to not do much damage, but heavy enough that it'd give Ferretpaw a good startle if it connects. A low growl rumbles in the tunnelers throat, his tail lashing back and forth. "You like picking on kittens, or what?" his fur begins to raise on his back, boyish voice high-pitched in his upset anger. Who did Ferretpaw think she was? The righteous executioner of punishment? Well, two can play that game and Spotpaw didn't care what punishment Whitedawn would deal out to him later if she finds out. "You didn't have to hurt her! You're a bully! Bluepool had it under control after that, no one else is helping! Be kind to her! Did you really think being mean would work?!" he hisses, ears flattening, surprised at the lack of tact from any of the cats present besides Bluepool. At least she had half a mind to offer a solution! His emotions bubble up and finally the adrenaline from earlier begins to slowly wear off.

He feels embarrassed at his out of control outburst, but honestly, Ferretpaw had it coming to her one of these days, Spotpaw decides.

His attention turns back to his friend, a small whine leaving his lips as she shrieks. "Frightkit, Frightkit- I'll come visit you eveeeeery day from now on until you become one, okay? And then- And then you can make your nest next to mine and we could go on a whole bunch of cool apprentice adventures when- when you become one, just-" and he decides he's not helping, either, yet he keeps blabbering on promises for her. "Shhh, shhhh, you'll be one very soon okay? Promise, promise, and then like I said, we'll all be one big apprentice group just like we were when we were kittens! Honestly, being an apprentice isn't even that cool... We'll all be together again soon!" except Spotpaw decides even if he had grown up besides Ferretpaw, he'd hold a grudge. And he'd hold it well.

  • 78638605_3Hzs4nvfAIDJvhi.png
    spotkit, spotpaw
    amab ,, he/him ,, 6 months
    tunneler apprentice of windclan ,, mentored by whitedawn
    small & oddly proportioned cinnamon tom with high white
    "speech, afd9f2" ,, thoughts
    unknown sexuality ,, single
    smells like windblown heather
    chibi by pin ,, penned by chuff

Much like everybody else, Dimmingsun decides to investigate the source of such horrible wailing too. It's impossible to ignore, and call him too curious for his own good, but he feels the need to figure out the why. Had someone hurt a kit? Or a kit hurt themself?

And technically, both of those are correct. Sunstar skipping Frightkit has apparently been like a thorn into her tiny heart - and she continues to hurt herself with the onslaught of emotions that force her to react in such a way. Truly, he doesn't really know what's the right move here. A queen would know for sure. He likes the company of the younger cats just as much as his fellow warriors, but he's more specialized in dealing with a grumpy apprentice... not a kit throwing a tantrum.

"That's enough," comes the deep rumble of Dimmingsun's voice, lower now in pitch as his expression pulls into something stern. Some try to calm the fire while others just add fuel to it; Frecklepaw is one of the latter, and he fails to keep his fur from bristling. Frustration is understandable, but that's where the line is drawn. "No warrior raises a paw against a kit, and certainly not one of your own Clan."

Where Bluepool had offered to show Frightkit some moves (and what an honor, really, to have a lead warrior teach you something before you're of age), Spotpaw takes the more... verbal route, uttering words of comfort. Hopefully. Dimmingsun decides to take that route, except he diverts and twists it into another direction. He crouches, close to Frightkit but not so much that her paw would fly into his eyes, and says, "Did you know that apprentices have to get rid of the elders' ticks?"
𓆝 . ° ✦ As if on cue, the monstrous tantrum he had seen coming had erupted. Though, he wasn't exactly expecting... all this. Grasskit took a hesitant step forward, but was beat to the punch by several other cats. He watched Ferretpaw attempt to hold Fry down, to no avail of course, which pulled a somewhat uncomfortable giggle out of him. He desperately wanted to figure out some way to diffuse this. Spotpaw's attack on Ferretkit felt uncalled for at best. "Well, now that's not-" he started, unsure where it should go.
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:
  • 53fac3ddf1437ce63593b72ee6ae2086.jpg
    Small fawn tabby with pale green eyes.
    "speak" thoughts action
    — peaceful, healing, and minor injury powerplay allowed
*+:。.。 The first to break through her endless howls was Brackenpaw - and she just had to say the stupidest thing Frightkit has ever heard! Wailing even louder, the girl pounded her paws against the grass, screaming her little head off, "I DON'T CARE! I don't care I don't care Idon'tcareIdon'tcareIdon'tcareIdon'tcare I DON'T CARE! " She gasps for air, then resumes with a sob, "I wanna be with you, and Lakekit, and Sheepkit and Ferretkit! I wanna I wanna I WANNA! "

Bluepool comes next, big and dumb and stupid and useless! And even though she's an older warrior and Frightkit was told to respect her elders, Frightkit can't seem to find it in her to see the sense in that rule. So she instead glares teary daggers at the dumb idiot before her and spits, "I hate you. I don't wanna learn NOTHING! I wanna! BE! AN! APPRENTICE! " and then she falls right back to her intelligible screaming.

Because why wasn't anyone listening to her?!

Rowankit offers sage advice in the form of clear-cut facts, but that just makes Frightkit scream even more!

No, maybe none of this shrieking will get her anywhere, but if it isn't obvious by now, Frightkit isn't entirely in control. Her chest hurts. The pain from ripping her throat to shreds with her antics is nothing compared to the ceaseless clawing inside her tummy. Anger, fear, and offense all beg for attention, whipping through her insides like a family of centipedes determined to burrow their way out. It hurts really bad to feel emotions so strong. It hurts even more than nothing is going to fix it.
She just knows, after all, that these feelings will only worsen if she doesn't get her way.
If she's left behind.

So what else is she supposed to do but fight?

A bite nicks at her ear - not enough to tear anything, but painful enough to get her attention. She howls like a banshee, but Ferretpaw's efforts only result in Frightkit having someone now to direct all her emotions at. YOU shut up! You're stupid and ugly and no one likes you! "Bawling, she kicks and claws at her friend - because whether Ferretpaw likes it or not, she is Frightkit's friend, though that doesn't seem to do anything to stop the awful girl from leaving Frightkit behind!.
Yes, Fry is still more upset that Ferretpaw was promoted without her than she was about the assault.

But finally, finally, Frightkit's yowling peeters to a quiet hiccuping sniffle.
Her silvery blue eyes widen as she watches Spotpaw of all cats come to her defense. Rubbing at her puffy eyes, she almost recoils when the tom turns to look at her, his own blue eyes soft and gentle where no one else's has been. It's not enough to make her hate her situation any less, but his words do manage to cut enough of a chunk in her to stop her tantrum.

Or maybe she's just finally all tired out.

He visit? "e-every - every single da-a-ay? " she blubbers, eyes narrowing with the suspicion that he won't stick to it. He hadn't before, after all, and she'd almost thrown a fit back then too about it had Sheepkit and Lakekit not distracted her.
The promise of everyone being together again is what snaps her fully clean of her rage. Letting out one last little wail, the girl crawls to her feet and aims to shove her nose into Spotpaw's chest. She weeps incoherently about nests, bugs, and maybe something about mateship, but her muffles quickly grow quieter as exhaustion finally pulls at the corners of her over-exerted consciousness.

Dimmingsun's voice reaches her through her mounting fog, however, and Frightkit sighs before sparing the warrior one final, burnt-out look.

"That's stupid "

  • " Speech "
    DFAB— She/Her — Unsure
    2 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Windclan Kit
    Sister to Deathkit, Witherkit, Grasskit, Whitekit and Midnightkit

    Physically very easy | mentally very easy
    Attack in bold #1b1e21
    injuries: None
  • Sad
Reactions: Grasspaw
speaking color is #BBE8EF

𖤓 ✟ —— he cannot help but pin back his ears as they are met with the cries of the child. incessant screaming, excruciating and without just cause. kitepaw has nothing against children, but frightkit picks a nerve in him right now that he cannot ignore, and so he swiftly gives thanks to starclan that he does not share his den with her right now. as to be expected, the child's wailing brings forth a swath of cats, all of whom seem to attempt to hush the kitten in many various… some extreme ways. if he hadn't been interested before, it was because of ferretpaw seemingly attacking frightkit without discretion that he was. frightkit… windclan's children bore interesting names, albeit fitting it seemed; frightful indeed, her screams would keep anybody up at night. and nosiness was contagious, for kitepaw arose from his spot just a few seconds ago to observe the spectacle first hand for himself. (perhaps he should shove some moss in his ears first, ere he go deaf.)

so many cats are talking and yelling and arguing and kitepaw feels that it would be almost impossible to get a word in himself. not that he knew what to say to settle the situation. despite his pride, he was little more than a kit himself. kitepaw can understand frightkit's frustration, he too carries it at the thought of his unmoving future as a moor runner, but surely a tantrum wasn't going to change the fact that he was just too big for the tunnels, nor the fact that frightkit was still too young to begin her training. kitepaw does not believe that coddling the child is the smartest move to make on any of their parts, but he cannot help but be grateful that she has reached a cease in her ear-grating mewling because of it.

"tears don't catch rabbits." he finally says his peace after finding enough pause in all the fussing. his words are soft amidst his frustration. "if you want to be an apprentice so bad, perhaps you should show sunstar that you are befitting of it." of course, he feels that if some cats are befitting through their actions then naturally there are those others that he feels are not. he casts a passing thought (and perhaps a pointed glance) at ferretpaw. who in starclan's name attacks a child?

  • KITEPAW he/him, moor-runner apprentice of windclan, 7.5 moons old
    average sized tomcat with light cream tabby markings. he has a white chest and half face. his fur is a medium length and he has large whiskers. his eyes are a light blue.
    ⭃ highly religious, stubborn and hard-working, kindhearted and charismatic, honest, diligent, foolish and impulsive when frustrated, will speak out when something feels unjust.
    open to minor and minor powerplay / / underline and tag when attacking ⇌ see his bio here
    penned by @DOFFERZ!doffloppa on discord, feel free to dm for plots. template credit to vayle.



She cannot help the way her eyes roll at the words that come out of the young girl's mouth. 'I hate you!' she screams and the it devolves into her crying something about not wanting to learn and the whole thing is ridiculous, absolutely ridiculous. Bluepool is about to deliver a swift cuff to her ear in an attempt at delivering some discipline to the screaming kit, but someone else beats her to it. Someone who is far less gentle than what she herself would have been. "Enough!" She finally roars, teeth bared. Spotpaw is comforting the kit well enough, Kitepaw too. She'll leave them to it.

Her eyes fix on the source of her current ire. Ferretpaw. "Dimmingsun is right" she says, nodding in the direction of the moor runner with an appreciative nod "it is not your duty to deliver discipline to a kit, much less the level you have taken it to. Go. Pick ticks off the elders for the rest of the day. I'll speak to your mentor later."

And then there was still the matter of the girl shriveled up on the floor, crying into an apprentices fur. Absolutely disgraceful she can't help but to think. If she ever had kits, certainly they would know better than to act this way. Kitepaw steals the words right off of her tongue though, and with a little more grace than she would have said it. "You will need to start acting like an apprentice before you can become one Frightkit. An apprentice learns and is respectful. If you do not wish to wait another moon to become one I suggest you consider that." she says, golden eyes narrowing as she speaks. Stars help whoever had to train this mess.

  • xiikDkk.jpeg

  • d8xs4yJ.jpeg
    A small framed moor runner with a blue toned pelt and black stripes. Her tail is cropped and her eyes are golden in color. On her chest, she sports a large 'X' shaped scar.
    Difficult in battle. A skilled fighter + isn’t above using dirty tricks in order to win
Even despite Frightkit being his sister, seeing her wailing like this, loud and dramatic, is annoying. He doesn't interrupt the others, but he makes a face as she wails and wails, as she's reprimanded and comforted one after the other. His lips curl downwards slightly as he watches, and after a long moment of doing so, she finally quiets down slightly, though he still hears her quiet sniffling. After a moment, when nobody is speaking and he's able to get a word in edgewise, Whitekit finally speaks. "Crying and screaming like that is embarrassing," Whitekit tells her with a slight scowl, eyes narrowed slightly. "You're gonna make everyone think Ma's not a good mom, letting you throw tantrums like that, so stop acting like a newborn kitten," he continues, not put off by the fact that he's saying this to her in front of so many others. He can't embarrass her any more than she's already done herself.​
  • Wow
Reactions: Grasspaw