Death & Resurrection | Mothers

Mosspaw did not know what her mothers would think of her decision.

As ever, she tried to act composed and stoic as she searched for them. She wanted them to see that she was ready for the journey ahead. The lashing of her tail, however, betrayed her worries. This was a conversation that she wasn't ready for.

This journey was something she needed to do. That was what she told herself. If they would try and stop her, she would argue with them. Even if the thought made her heart ache like someone was clawing it out. Never before had she faced her parents disapproval, and she was not certain she could face it. They would want her to be safe, she knew, and this journey would be anything but. She could only hope that their pride would outweigh their worry, and they would let her go.

Because they were possibly the only cats in the world that might be able to convince her to stay.​

scared. worried. uneasy. that's all she could say. she didn't want to make mosspaw feel bad for this decision, it was a damned brave one, but she couldn't help how worried she felt. mosspaw was her daughter. oh. her little minnow was growing up too fast. with a frown, she made her way to mosspaw, quickly embracing her with a gentle lick to her fur, as she cleaned mosspaw up.

"you're really brave, my minnow. I'm proud of the molly you're becoming. i love you more than i could ever express. and I want you to know I will be eagerly waiting your return with the biggest fish I've ever caught."

she murmured worriedly.

"i know I'm not a hunter but for you, my daughter, i will practice."
( ) as soon as cicadastar dismisses the clan, willowroot is quick to move. verdant eyes scan the full clearing for the familiar earthen pelt, for the emerald eyes so like her own. the journey announcement had been shocking enough- sending cats away for moons, to search for a cure they're unsure they'll ever find. it sounds like madness, but cicadastar makes madness work. the thing sending the queen over the edge is her daughter's decision to join the journey. as she joins her mate beside their daughter, she cannot help the shake in her voice, nor the anxiety that sparks in her eyes. "mosspaw, my warrior girl," she'll murmur as poppysplash grooms the tabby apprentice. "you are so brave, darling, we are so proud of you." she cannot bring herself to say what she wishes she could, what were you thinking, how could you leave, what if you die.

it's no use telling her stubborn kit off, not when the girl knows she is making the right choice. willowroot would go on that journey if her kittens were older, if she didn't have so much to leave behind. "you have to promise us you will be safe. stay with your clanmates and don't trust strangers." moss knows all of this, smart girl she is. it is the mother's worry that has willow repeating herself with lessons she has taught her kits moons before. blinking hard, the femme curls around the other side of her daughter, pressing into her with soft purrs and nuzzles. "you're almost a warrior, sweetheart. we trust you to make your own decisions. we trust you will be smart and we know you're already so clever and capable." resting her chin atop the girl's shoulder for a moment, willowroot breathes in her scent.

"i'll hold your mother to that promise," the queen allows a small laugh. "and i'll make sure your little siblings learn all about where you're going. they'll be so excited that their big sister is so brave." a silence, a shaky breath. "don't forget to come home to us, love."
Her mothers' pride in her almost overwhelmed Mosspaw. It had never occurred to her that it might be harder if they were proud than it would be if they were angry. For a moment, she thought to shout out that she would stay. The clan, the stars, they would all have to make do without her. It was a terrible thought. Her composure wavered, threatened by the tears at the corners of her eyes and the slightest tremble in her paws.

Poppysplash and Willowroot curled around her and she leaned into their warmth, closing her eyes as she tried to steady her nerves. They told her that they were proud of her and that they trusted her and loved her and she knew all that, of course she did, but that did not make it any less wonderful to hear. Poppysplash promised her the biggest fish she had ever seen and Mosspaw did not care much about the fish, but the thought of sharing it with her family once she made it home did fill her heart with joy. So eagerly she nodded, unable to find any words.

All they asked of her was that she promise to stay safe and come home to them. It was the simplest thing they could have ever asked of her, but it felt like the hardest.

"I promise." She breathed, and prayed that the stars would not make a liar of her.​
  • Crying
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