death with dignity — yukio


fate leads the willing and drags the unwilling
Feb 18, 2023
anger makes you stupid . stupid gets you killed .
Duskpool sighed, head swerving to stare at Yukio’s drooping frame, tail rustling the fallen leaves, pine needles wedging themselves into obsidian-smoked fur. They’ll be a pain in his backside to get out, but he made no move to pluck them out. Instead, he heaved himself to his paws, balancing awkwardly on three paws, his crooked forearm hovering over the ground uselessly until his paw tentatively pressed into the dirt, deeming it good enough.

Exhaling through his nose, muscles coiling—tensing beneath dark supple flesh at the familiar burn washed over his frame. Just a sprain, dumbass. He told himself while his wounds bunched, pulling beneath layers of cobweb. Nothin’ but scratches.

“Come on, pipsqueak.” He jerked his helm, scanning Yukio’s meek frame. “Wanna show you somethin’.” He didn’t explain further, tail flicking, gesturing towards the lush forest lengths away from them, just within reach. “Think you’ll like it.”

Massive paws tapped Yukio’s flank, head-butting the other. “Up you get.” He coaxed. He’ll get Yukio out of camp if the ticked tabby wanted to or not. Dusk didn’t have any qualms with dragging him by the scruff either.

Staying in camp sure as hell wouldn’t do either of them any good. A fresh change of scenery would do the grieving queen some good, Duskpool included. Not that he’d say shit. He was doing it for the kid. Nothing more. He knew. He knew all too damn well. It was gut-wrenching and painful. It never wanted his kits ( adoptive or not ) to feel like that, but fate was a master of cruelty, taking what it wanted, and ignoring the consequences.

At the queen’s whines, Dusk nipped at Yukio’s ears. “Don’t make me drag you by the scruff, Yukio.” He stared eerily into dual-toned optics, his own molten copper narrowed, daring the other to say no. He didn’t mention the dark bags beneath Yukio’s eyes, nor his own. Sleep was wishful thinking for a brute like him, Yukio wasn’t an exception.
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don't rush something you want to last forever .
The cream-ticked tabby stumbled on a root, nearly groveling in the dirt if it hadn’t been for Dusk’s paw firm against his shoulder, balancing him. Oh. He nearly ate dirt, didn’t he? “S, Sorry.”

Yukio shuffled forward, pausing to stare at a neatly decorated nest, dotted with colorful flowers. He peered over his shoulder at Duskpool, blinking owlishly. “Did you…” Did you add the flowers? He wanted to say, but the words felt heavy on his tongue, sandpaper, rough, difficult to swallow. Why did Duskpool go out of his way to do this? The queen shuffled forward, stepping into the nest with curious optics. Why…?

He would have been content sleeping inside the camp, staring longingly at the nursery, heart heavy, tears prickling his eyes until they cascaded down cream cheeks, darkening the fur. Yukio didn’t want to leave. The unbearable fear that Sky would one day banish him from their home.
thought speech
anger makes you stupid . stupid gets you killed .
Duskpool huffed, ignoring the unspoken question, instead, nestling beside it with a flick of his tail, muscles straining until he unceremoniously collapsed against his side, grunting at the thrum of pain. “Change of scenery will do you some good, kid.” He muttered, resting his head against its edges. “Should know. I was the same.” He grumbled, voice barely audible, molten copper peering into the darkness, save for the moonlight sprinkling through the trees, dotting the forest floor with moon-kissed freckles.

He knew how depressing it’ll get. Hell. He never truly got over their deaths, watching with a bleeding heart as his kits cried, begging for their father to save them as they met an untimely end. His heart hurt. Shaking his helm, Duskpool pivoted, staring at Yukio’s prone frame, nestled within the nest, curled until it swallowed his frame whole. He sighed through his nose, smiling softly. He reached forward, rasping a rough tongue over Yukio’s helm, rumbling soothingly. “Sleep kid. Sure as hell gonna need it.” He muttered, ignoring the shaky sob that Yukio slipped out. “Shhh.” He whispered, soothing the queen until the cream-ticked tabby surged forward, burrowing his head into Dusk’s chest, eyes squeezed shut, sobbing.

Duskpool sighed, lifting a paw to wrap around Yukio’s frame, tugging him closer. “I know. I know. He whispered head tilted, smiling sadly, marred flesh crinkling with the motion.
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