private DEATHMATCH ʚїɞ roaringpaw

One. Two. Three. And now, almost four - almost more, if more than Coltkit and Ivorypaw had gotten into that squirrel, if more of the innocent kits in the nursery dove right into the tender flesh without a second thought - the idea made Softpaw shiver. There was something deeply sinister lurking within ThunderClan, something sinister enough to go after the lives of kits without caring about the collateral that their actions might bring. All of the victims, of kittypet-blood; and despite that, hadn't they all proven themselves as capable and loyal warriors of ThunderClan? The warriors, who had come and earned their places, the kits, who would earn their place - those were true ThunderClanners. Whoever was out there killing them was far from it.

After the meeting Softpaw sought out Roaringpaw before he could leave with Leafhusk and the other ThunderClanners that were of kittypet-blood. She believed that this wouldn't be her last time seeing him - perhaps it was naive, to believe so easily that she would see him again, but it was a belief that she held on tightly to. She should have talked with him sooner, once it had been established that kittypet-blood Clan members were the targets of the attacks, but she hadn't found the time - she hadn't made the time, she thought regrettably. Perhaps some of it was that Roaringpaw was far more social than Softpaw ever was, picking up friends right off the bat - it had been harder to make time for just them.

"Roaringpaw!" Softpaw called as she trotted up to the flame-pelted tom, brow creased in worry as she stopped in front of him. The last thing she wanted to do was delay his journey with the others, but she wanted to speak with him before he left. "I'm... sorry that this all is happening." It wasn't her fault, so she was hesitant to apologize, but the words slipped out - after all, wasn't she the one who had made empty promises that ThunderClan would come around to the idea of kittypets becoming warriors? "I never thought it would come to this."
  • !
  • 78702926_pKp9rsLXtiBg2Kr.png
  • SOFTPAW apprentice of thunderclan, nine moons
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted.
    penned by Archivist.archivist on discord.