pafp DEBT COLLECTOR ☾✩ plottin & schemin

the scout patrol had been a bust, cut short by oncoming teeth. they did now know the dogs had moved, settling amongst the sunning rocks. riverclan’s sunning rocks. but they didn’t seem to mind since they resided across the river. it ruffled her fur, but if she were in their position the same choice might have been made. why risk lives when there was no threat?

nightbird met up with silverlightning shortly after the announcement, pulling them away from the crowd enough to be able to think. the mutts were ferocious, she could give them that, but strength was wasted on those without the ability to apply it intelligently. still, attacking them head on would only result in a bloodbath. they were too large, especially if thunderclan’s forces were split amongst the three of them. the only way would be to use their one track minds against them.

her eyes were trained somewhere far off in the distance as her mind worked. as much as anyone wanted to sink their claws into those mutts, it would fail without a doubt. “it’d be a waste to attack head on,” it went without saying that the ‘waste’ in question was the lives of thunderclanners. they needed to find some way to drive them out more peacefully, lure them somewhere that gave no chance for return. nightbird’s tail twitched behind her, teeth biting into her cheek in thought. they had settled near the river, maybe that could be used to their advantage. it was no secret the body of water had risen following the snowmelt of the blizzard, with that much water the current might be strong enough to sweep them away. how to get them there was another thing entirely. ”they’re right by the river, we could use that to our advantage,” the molly thought aloud, looking up to silverlightning for the first time to wordlessly request input.

// pls wait for @Silverlightning to post!
[ ☾✩ ]

War weighin' on my heart but I can't fall
Silverlightning follows in behind the black tabby with an air of silence, expression taunt with thought as he settles down upon his haunches. A soft hum of agreement vibrates within his throat, listening idly as Nightbird utters the potential waste of lives should they attempt a more barbaric attempt. "Absolutely." He rumbles, chin tipping up as he continues to think on the matter. These dogs were larger than any coyote he'd ever come across. Regardless, the canine's mannerisms remained relatively the same, single minded when it came down to something they liked. Perhaps both a blessing and a curse. But if there was anything he knew about predators, it was that their resolve instantly becomes crippled the moment victory slips from their grasp. Then the icy grip of panic overtakes the mind. All they needed was to flip the mindset of fight, to flight.

"Forcing them into the river would be ideal. The current would sweep them away, solving our issue." The only question that remained was how. A single plan does indeed come to mind, though it leaned slightly on the side of some necessary recklessness. But it was strategic, and certainly foolproof. A low sigh wafts from his nose as he lifts a single sterling paw, knuckles making an indention upon soft mud as he creates crude shapes. Marking out the location of sunning rocks, the river, and camp in the form of circles and lines. "I do have a plan...but it will involve a decoy, a part I am willing to play." He murmurs, finishing up the rest of his diagram.

"Our attacking group will split into bands of three, laying in wait within the foliage around sunning rocks." Silver states as he draws a curved line from camp to sunning rocks, placing three X's in spots where the groups should hide. "Dog's hunt in packs, correct? I shall lure them out, give them a good chase and bring them to this point." His claw proceeds to etch another X upon the pinnacle of their metaphorical sunning rocks. With the river so engorged the dogs could certainly plummet into the waters below. "Once a signal is given the other groups shall come forth, fighting tooth and claw to drive them off the rocks and into the water. They will be like mice trapped between our paws." Silver sighs, draping his tail loosely over grey paws.
Seekin' shelter from the storm on this blank road