pafp DECEMBER TO REMEMBER [ ✦ ] prompt

She sits just outside the nursery, her paws working as she weaves the last flowers of the season into a nest. Their decaying yellow petals adds a bright pop of color to the green of the reeds and the moss and half-way through, she takes a step back in order to admire her handiwork. She was good at weaving, but she wouldn't call it her best skill. Still, she found a lot of the elders coming to her complaining about their nests. They would coo about how good she was at it and how much they loved it when she made their nests but she knows the truth. They just don't want to do it themselves and asking a younger apprentice to do it would mean that they would be sleeping on something only half done, which would make their bones ache and that in turn would cause them to complain to HER when she would come to visit them and that is something she wishes to avoid greatly.

So here she was, making something with extra padding to ensure Pigeonfur was kept warm in the cold moons to come when suddenly a shadow passes over her. When her teardrop eyes glance upwards she catches sight of a face she remembers from her childhood, a cat who had always been present in her life for as long as she could remember. Willowroot. Often, she had babysat for their mother, watching over herself and Jaypaw-then Jaykit and Owlkit (when he had been alive). It was nice to see her, so Dipperpaw dips her head in polite greeting, motions for her to join her with a sweep of her plumed tail. "If you are here to request I make you a nest I'm afraid you'll have to wait" she says with a soft chuckle "The elders have me working over time today" and if she didn't finish her work load she would never hear the end of it, she's certain.

// please wait for @willowroot