decided to wage holy war — pigeonsight



  • GENERALand in my darkest fantasies
    ↳ pigeon for his good eyesight and constant preening ; sight for his attentiveness and sharp eyes​
    male, he/they, afab
    ↳ gay - disinterested in romance​
    20 moons, ages on the 1st
    warrior of skyclan
    penned by @foxlore
  • APPEARANCEi am the picture of passivity
    longhaired tortoiseshell
    ↳ with long, silky black fur inherited from his father, pigeonsight looks soft and generally harmless. he is tall and slender, almost reedlike in his appearance, and walks with silent pawsteps. in winter, the long fur between his toes collects iceballs, and in the spring it collects mud. he tends to get twigs and seeds caught between his toes and in the thick fur around his neck and chest. he gets his good looks from his mother, and takes similarly good care of his ginger-splashed pelt.​
    smells like catnip and other plants
    sounds like
    physical illnesses / scars
  • PERSONALITYwaitin' for you side of stage
    POSITIVE TRAITS: intelligent, observant, calm
    NEUTRAL TRAITS: curious, vain, honest
    NEGATIVE TRAITS: strict, obsessive, judgmental
    ↳ a naturally curious cat, pigeonsight acts very little like his namesake. he asks questions about things that he does not fully understand, and worries that he may come off as irritating to others. he has sharp eyes and a sharper wit; he is difficult to deceive, and is able to see right through lies from others. he believes in honesty above all else and cannot stand habitual liars. he enjoys listening to stories from others, though, and is willing to indulge in lies solely for the sake of entertainment. he is quietly judgmental, passing quick criticism on others, but often finds himself feeling guilty for these unspoken thoughts.

    a negotiator by nature, he prefers to settle disagreements with words rather than physical violence—when the circumstances call for it, though, pigeonsight is skilled in ambush tactics via dropping onto the backs of enemies from above. he is a skilled tracker and climber, but refuses to dig for fear of getting his nails dirty. vanity takes the place of his childhood innocence, leading to his slight obsession with his pristine tortoiseshell pelt. he is easily bored, prone to pacing around the clan’s camp when not entertained. he is a strict follower of rules, although he often wants to know the exact reasoning for said rules; he enjoys solving mysteries and drawing conclusions about such things.​
    makes sure to fully pick up his feet when he walks, giving him a prancing gait. makes unsettling eye contact (due to being told as a child that he needed to make more eye contact no matter how uncomfortable it made him).
    ↳ true neutral
    ↳ inquisitive rogue
    ↳ ice/flying type​
  • RELATIONSHIPSsuppressing all my private rage
    NPC xx NPC
    ↳ no siblings​
    ↳ no offspring​
    mentoring no one
    ↳ previously mentored no one​
  • INTERACTIONbut as my sister said, i’d probably last six days
    poor fighter, prefers to ambush enemies from above
    might start fights | will show mercy | might flee
    STRENGTH: ●●○○○○○○○○
    STAMINA: ●●●●●●●○○○
    DEXTERITY: ●●●●●●●●●○
    SWIMMING: ●○○○○○○○○○
    CLIMBING: ●●●●●●●●●●
    HUNTING: ●●●●●●●●○○
    CONSTITUTION: ●●●●○○○○○○​
    poor conversationalist, seems grumpy but definitely is not. difficult to hold conversation with.
    very slow to trust
    INTELLIGENCE: ●●●●●●●●●●
    CONFIDENCE: ●●●●●●○○○○
    CHARISMA: ●●●○○○○○○○
    CREATIVITY: ●●●●●●●●○○
    WISDOM: ●●●●●●●○○○
    HUMOR: ●●○○○○○○○○​