Decorations || Accesorising

Jul 28, 2022
The return of flowers to the territory has your character feeling ABSOLUTELY FASHIONABLE. Write about your character adorning themselves and others in accessories they've found in the territory.

So I walk alone down the darkest roads

Albeit Ravenwatchers seemingly cold manners, the young warrior did enjoy doing somethings, that included weaving things into furs just for the fun of it, and with the new blossoms of new-leaf the warrior had plucked a few flowers arranging from different colors before she began to weave them into cat's fur with their willingness, the first to have approached was Petalfall, and Ravenwatcher gently worked a few flowers into the others fur.

Soon enough she noted the shadow that loomed over her and glanced over before gently plucking up another flower and tilting her head slightly at the other who had approached. "Do you want some flowers?" she asked calmly, training her deep blue eyes on the cat who had approached her once she had finished the one cat's fur she had been working on, she figured by now that news had gotten out that the normally cold and off-stand warrior was decorating cat's fur

Shadow-lit eyes watch on from his shaded corner as a clanmate weaves flowers into another's. Eeriepaw's seen pelts adorned with the bright blooms of the warm months before, but never actually seen the process of their adornment. The weaving of stems into fur, the careful choosing of blossoms.

How did Ravenwatcher know which ones to choose? Which ones were perfect for Petalfall's already floral-adorned nature?

So vastly different from his typical interests of bones and bugs, the process he observes intrigues him greatly. And, not just because it's Ravenwatcher at the helm of this process, a warrior who doesn't seem like the sort to be weaving flowers into fur. He must get a closer look.

Gangling limbs stride over to Ravenwatcher and Petalfall. He's a quiet audience for the duo, eyes unblinking as he observes the practice before him. It seems difficult, this. Eeriepaw doesn't think he'd ever be able to follow in Ravenwatcher's practice, wouldn't be able to weave flowers as neatly as the warrior.

A voice cuts into his thoughts and he blinks, his stare moving from the flowers to match the blue of Ravenwatcher's gaze. "Do you want some flowers?" she asks. Eeriepaw blinks once more, thinking for a moment, before nodding his head.

"... Okay," he answers, though he isn't certain on how his own fur would bode for the practice. Eeriepaw sits, settling before the warrior, his tail curled around his paws.

She had been sitting in the mouth of the nursery, lazily wondering how much longer she would be stuck her until she finally got to see her kits, when the question rang across camp and caught her attention. Mismatched ears twitched, head lifted up, Halfshade's equally dual-toned eyes shone with enthusiasm. ShadowClan did not often care much for looking nice or decoration, the clan was homely and boring at the best of times and most the cats who did care about looking nice or being well-groomed often got looked at judgementally or called foolish. Her limbs felt stiff as she rose to stand, head twisting and grabbing a single blue blossom from her own nesting material before trotting over on heavy pawsteps and a less than graceful gait; unfortunately being pregnant meant prancing about was too tiring so she was forced to plod along at a normal pace with surefooted steps than her normally light and springy ones. The blue flower was dropped with a flair atop Eeriepaw's head as she passed by, a laugh light on her maw.
"There you are darling, a good start I think! Blue is fetching on you." Halfshade glanced from the apprentice to the warrior with a smile, "Ravenwatcher, I didn't take you for the flower sort-do you have a favorite?"