pafp deep dark depths | sinking

In every situation you give me peace
Dark brows pinch together as she trots with purpose along the river bank, searching the murky depths below. With Cindershade finally cleared from Beesong's den, Sableaw hoped to gift her mentor a meal. A fresh shimmering fish still cool from river water, the molly's favorite. A shadow shifts beneath the surface, indicating a rather large fish swimming underneath. A grand meal fit for the lead warrior. Hesitation caused her fluid movement to falter, momentarily doubting her ability to hunt let alone swim efficiently enough to grapple and catch the beastly thing. "For Cindershade." Sablepaw chants the inward mantra, sucking in a steady breath as she prepares to toss herself into lazy waves.

Her leap was graceful enough, allowing her to slide underwater without too much of a boisterous splash. Back legs kick furiously out of tune with her forelimbs, attempting to wrestle with the disturbed bass now thrashing about in her grasp. The sharp dorsal of the aquatic creature cuts into the flesh of her arm. Shock from the sudden sting of pain caused the girl to involuntarily release the breath she'd been holding as bubbles rose to the surface. Her mouth clamps shut, realising her mistake far too late when the fish decides to snap its toothy jaws around her arm, biting hard and her maw opens again. What was meant to be a simple hunt quickly shifted into a fight for her very life.

Wanting nothing more than to break away from the terrifying large mouthed bass, Sablepaw manages a single meager swipe to the creature's eye. It's relentless hold ceases as the pair part in opposite directions, leaving the dual toned apprentice to sluggishly breach the surface with a loud gasp. But her fight was taxing and her movements were slow, too slow to bring her back to shore. Both limbs and lungs burned from over exertion as she slips beneath the waves again, features twisted and frozen with panic. She was sinking. (@Smokethroat)
Don't gotta be afraid because you're in the lead

A splash he might have otherwise ignored made his fur prickle in unease. It was not uncommon to hear the fish leaping from the water, a tree branch dropping into the depths, a stone kicked by a careless apprentice; but his ears flicked upward to the oddness of this one specifically. When you lived by the water as long as he did, when you listened to it, braved its depths and respected its roar, you came to an understanding with it. The river was merciful, but merciless, calm but violent; the ides of a storm ever brewing constantly beneath the surface. What he heard was not a fish and he was standing in an instant, the impact too heavy the slap of the water too uneven. It was something bigger, heavier, perhaps the size of a young cat. Smokethroat broke away from his hunt, the trail of his vole lost as he whipped around to dash back to the water's edge. He'd seen a few apprentice here earlier, but none now and he scanned the rolling tumult of ripples and waves with that orange eye narrowed in wariness before finally a single black paw broke the surface in a swipe of panic, a striped head moments later gasping for air.
The dark tom broke into a sprint alongside the pebbled shore, racing past the apprentice to try and cut her off and leaping onto the smooth rocks doting the edges of the water with claws scraping to maintain his balance; if he didn't grab her soon she was going to hit the drop further down the river and be swept all the way from the territory granted she didn't drown first. A sharp swear rises in his throat but he swallows it, springing forward onto the bowing tilt of a tree slanted sideways over the water so its branches could dip just barely into the water as though testing its temperature. Clambering up he moved down it, the old waterlogged willow bouncing beneath his frantic paws as he rushed down it to lean over with his claws digging into the soft bark for grip; as Sablepaw swept toward him he lunged down to get a grip of her scruff; biting down perhaps a bit tighter than he intended but he was too fearful of her slipping from between his teeth to risk being delicate.
Now hanging over the edge of the tree and dangling over the water with the sopping wet apprentice dangling from his jaws he tried to lift her and pull back onto the sturdy branch only for it to tremble below him and his claws to slip. Smokethroat growled low in his throat, frustrated and locked in place hanging over the branch with backlegs clawing frantically for traction so he could lift them both up to no avail.

Her hunt for a watervole was interrupted when she had heard splashing near by. No ordinary splashing that fish seemed to offer. No. It seemed as if something was struggling, someone was struggling. She stood immediately and looked over her shoulder. The vole had heard her movements and skittered off but Petalnose ignored the temptation and hastily turned the other direction, first trotting and then breaking out to a full sprint to the source of sound. Her ears perked with alarm and her tail fluffed with unease as she made her way over. She turned her head in every direction until it landed on Smokethroat. The lead warrior was holding a bundle of fur. Sablepaw. Her heart ached as she saw Smokethroat struggle and Sablepaw limp- she had must’ve fallen in. She watched the tom try to catch back footing on the tree but it didn’t seem to help him at all. She knew she had to help. Immediately.

Petalnose’s eyes widened like twin full moons, for a moment she was frozen, her heart raced faster than when she had been sprinting. Then, she pushed her nearly frozen limbs to sprint to the struggling two, her sprint slowing as she carefully balanced on the tree in attempts to make it to them. Her tail swayed to and fro stiffly to keep her balance. Her claws dug with all their might into the bark. Then she angled her body to prepare to pull the others up, her limbs trembling from her attempts of balance. “Hold-.. on!” She called loudly as she found her stance after wobbling, bending down cautiously in attempts to grab Smokethroat’s scruff firmly and pull him up next to her. The heart of the warrior raced faster than ever, panic striking her eyes. If she was going to die, she definitely wouldn’t choose to drown. The death seemed terribly slow and painful. However, she didn’t want her clanmates to succumb to that sort of death either. Even nearly drowning was terrible, it looked terrible. It had to be the worst death of all except burning. Then again, she had only experienced poisoning, near drownings she hadn’t remembered her almost succumbing to. Again, it looked terrifying.

//Hope posting now is okay, lmk to delete it if not. :)
Iciclepaw distinctly remembers a conversation with the white-streaked black apprentice in which she admitted she could not swim. The tortoiseshell had made a comment about Sablepaw's ShadowClan parents being unable to teach her, but had guessed Cindershade would in their stead. She knows there are drypaw warriors who refuse to dampen their prissy little paws, but she is not a cat who sees their point of view or their value. A cat who hunts from the river should swim; she firmly believes that.

She's not far from Smokethroat when he seems to be on the alert. "Sablepaw!" His gasp causes her eyes to drift to the water's rugged surface. A struggle is captured in the thrashing waves, the bubbles of air bursting upon the river's exterior.

She grits her teeth, following her mentor. He uses the bending, nubile branch of a willow to secure himself and Sablepaw, but the bark is slippery and too flexible; he can't get them both out safely.

Petalnose is nearby, and the she-cat quickly whips herself into action, rushing to the willow in an attempt to fasten her teeth into the lead warrior's scruff. Iciclepaw feels helpless; the both of them wouldn't fit on the branch, and if she added her weight to it, it could snap and drift away from near-safety. She watches tensely, waiting for it to happen anyway -- if it does, she will leap into the water and drag Sablepaw to shore herself.

( ) willowroot follows her fellow lead with a soft yawn, ears flicking in a halfhearted attempt to listen for prey. part of her almost turns to speak to her apprentices, ask them what they scent, perhaps set a challange, but she remembers all to quickly the state the two she-cats are in. neither of her apprentices are in a state to be out on patrol, and so the lead trots along. shame- it would've been fun to see ashpaw and iciclepaw interact. the two are very obviously in love, that much is clear.

as smokethroat bounds ahead, his apprentice on his tail, the smoke feels her fur raise along her back as she hears the frantic splashing, sees a dark shape in the water, child sized, sky blue eyes panicked. sablepaw breathes frantically and willowroot leaps into action almost as quickly as her counterpart. as smoke leaps above onto a skinny branch, joined quickly by petalnose, willowroot splashes into the river, long legs carrying her with some effort towards the struggling apprentice. "oh stars," she mutters. sablepaw hangs from tight jaws, tail sweeping the rapids, patched fur darkened by soaking water. willowroot edges carefully out into the rushing stream, claws out to grip on algae strewn rocks. she's been in the rapids before, but only a few times, and seeing the white froth at the edge of her vision sends her heart thumping wildly. reaching the hanging child, willow finds purchase on a rock that barely pokes from the water. scrambling onto it, she'll arch her back and create a platform for sablepaw to push off of.

grunting with effort, the lead warrior calls up - "sablepaw, push off of my back and try to grab the branch. smokethroat and petalnose will pull you up!" her claws scrabble at the slippery stone. it's a matter of luck that she's a strong swimmer. if she gets swept away, she'll find her way home in a matter of minutes. the apprentice above her however? not so much.

In every situation you give me peace
The world along the outskirts of her vision becomes increasingly dim. Lungs burning as they desperately held onto a final, feeble breath. But there is a sharp pain that sinks into the tender skin beneath her scruff. The jolt is enough to pull the apprentice from her watery stupor, albeit barely. Periwinkle eyes stretch wide as her head breaches the surface again, mouth agape to suck in as much air as possible between the coughing and sputtering. The roar of the falls drowned her senses, allowing her to only make out several muffled voices. Blurry vision sweeps from one side of the flimsy branch to the next, picking out several bodies haphazardly strewn across its length.

Fear comes crashing upon her all over again as she feels her form nearly being swept away by the rush of water. Desperate claws grasp sodden bark as she drunkenly pulls herself up, teetering as cautiously as she can across Willowroot's back before tumbling safely upon the pebble laden shoreline. Her trembling form turns to watch the others eventually make it back to shore by the skin of their pelts. "Sorry. I'm sorry," Her plan failed miserably, it wasn't supposed to end this way. "I-I didn't mean for any of this..." She begins breathlessly, voice trailing. Her nose and throat still raw from what little water did manage to infiltrate her body.

So many risked their lives to save her and that allowed guilt to worm its way into her belly. By now she was acutely aware of the pulsating sting calling attention to her forearm and the crimson that dyed the rocks below. "I just wanted to fish, I wanted to try." But now she regretted it. Fresh tears spring forth as she glances down her arm to spot angry puckered flesh, no doubt the spot where the bass bit her.
Don't gotta be afraid because you're in the lead
The sounds of thrashing water and yowls catch the ears of the molly as she had set out into the wetlands. She had been in search of Sablepaw after speaking with Beesong, the cinnamon healer officially releasing her from the confines of his den. She had taken a vow within her mind, spilling her declaration that Sablepaw would never have to worry about hiding from the ferocity of battle again—that she would turn her into a fine warrior yet. She had set out in search of her apprentice, wondering if perhaps she'd gone out with another able-bodied warrior and could retrieve her for their own private training lesson.
Cindershade breaks out into a sprint when the thrashing of water and voices break her ears, sending her heart into a frantic rhythm of drum beats. Paws slam against the reeds, powerful limbs pushing her forwards as she flies through the undergrowth—a shadow of a phantom that's nothing but a blur. Her jaw slacks to taste for an enemy scent, be it Wind or ThunderClan, but no such taste bathed her tongue. She soon breaks through the line of weeping willows, the scene of the river coming into her vision just in time to see Sablepaw manage to scramble onto the pebble-laiden shore. Smokethroat, Petalnose, and Willowroot all come into few and she quickly is able to piece some type of situation together from their bristled pelts and sodden frames. "What happened?!" She pants, eyes wild as she pointedly stares at Sablepaw's own soaked form. The feeble cries of her apprentice fall upon her ears and she says nothing, her jaw set as molars clash together. I just wanted to fish...I wanted to try...
Anger and guilt wash over her immediately as she stands there, her once lashing tail now growing eerily still. She's to blame for this. Her own apprentice wants to flourish, but she's been holding her back. Her duties and injuries had gotten in the way of that, she knows. They had spoken of it before. But she wasn't aware Sablepaw was so ignorant to try and fish by herself. The warrior's ire comes off of her in heat waves, ivory claws clicking against the pebbles below her paws. Black lips pull back slightly, gnashing teeth visible against her dark form as she hisses. "Did you wander off alone, Sablepaw?" She steps closer towards her, velveteen ears flattening against her broad helm. "Well?! Speak now, child!" Her voice grows drastically as teeth snap together, not giving her apprentice time to answer.

( ) they tremble from the effort of holding the apprentice, relief pouring into their body as the girl manages to spring from their back and clamber onto the branch. as sablepaw finally tumbles to shore, willowroot will pull themself from the icy depths, body tired but mind too preoccupied to notice. rushing towards the patched apprentice, they bend to begin licking the girl's fur up, hoping to dry her somewhat. "little one, take a breath," they'll murmur, gently sniffing the bitemark left from who knows what kind of river predator. as their fellow warriors spring down from the tree, willowroot will glance towards the two, emerald eyes shining with gratitude. "you're okay, you're safe, sablepaw." they swipe their tongue across the girl's flank. this girl, six moons old- stars it feels like only yesterday when she was a squirming, yowling scrap at her mother's belly. willowroot remembers well the treacherous birth and subsequent tumultuous kithood of boneripple's children. they had spent many a day babysitting to give the former shadowclan queen some rest.

now, sablepaw is an apprentice, and still seems as young and terrified as a kit. her soft apologies escape trembling lips, and the lead warrior aims to comfort. she has begin to soothe and dry off the chilled child when cindershade comes tearing in, verdant eyes wild, maw bared in a terrified snarl. willowroot jumps slightly, ears flattening at the sight of the furious rosette as she growls out her questions. sympathy for sablepaw blooms deep within the smoke's chest, and she opens her jaws to speek as cin's own teeth snap, biting at the air. "cindershade, give the girl a moment," she begs, stepping back, but keeping her tail protectively curled. "she's just had a big fright, and i think she's seen the consequences of her actions."

if they didn't know cindershade well, they would say that the woman is angry at her apprentice, but deep down, willowroot knows the guilt and anger the other lead is feeling towards herself. they have felt it all too well- moons of pregnancy and childbaring, when they should have been looking after their apprentices, training them into bold and fearsome warriors. cindershade must be feeling a similar feeling of let down, and performing it as anger. "i'm not trying to mentor her for you, just asking if we can get her home to camp."

Iciclepaw's shoulders relax with relief as all three cats make it to shore. The black and white apprentice is waterlogged and clearly dismayed. Her eyes cloud with tears as she apologizes. The tortoiseshell shakes her head warily. Apprentices! Would she have to deal with this sort of thing someday?

Cindershade is soon to arrive, her sharp voice filled with unmistakable worry despite her scolding. Iciclepaw cannot fault her. Smokethroat would have given her a scolding she could feel in her bones. The tortoiseshell looks at Willowroot, who tries to comfort Sablepaw as though she were still a kit. She is sure that's the smoke's motherly instincts taking over, something none of the rest of them have.

Iciclepaw steps closer to Sablepaw, her blue eyes critical. "You could have cost another cat's life because of your carelessness." There is no anger in her tone; she believes Sablepaw will learn best from this experience if she experiences a great deal of shame. "Perhaps now you'll remember how dangerous the river can be. It's not to be treated lightly. Especially since your mother never taught you how to swim." There's a hint of sympathy in her glacier gaze, but it would be hard to detect without searching.

She looks to Smokethroat and Petalnose. "Are you both alright?"

beesong arrives on the scene after the commotion has ended, narrowed gaze raking over every cat present until his eyes land on the one in need of his assistance; sablepaw. soaked to the bone, shivering and teary. raw flesh, punctured by the teeth of a fish, oozes blood from her leg. beesong sighs through his nose, abandoning his previous objective of collecting herbs to come to sablepaw's side. "someone, find me cobwebs," he mutters... a task simple enough for nearly anyone to follow through with, since cobwebs were so easily identifiable and widely known. as for the marigold he'd need, that would have to wait until they return to camp. unfortunately, he couldn't carry marigold with him everywhere he went, no matter how convenient that would be with riverclan's penchant for injuring themselves.

cindershade and iciclepaw do not wait to berate the apprentice for her foolish behavior... trying to swim without properly knowing how, is what got sablepaw into this situation in the first place, it seems. beesong rolls their eyes at the imprudence of youth. how do children manage to survive to adulthood, they wonder at times. taking on the river before one's even learned how to keep their head above water? they shake their head, but they don't speak on it. cindershade can handle her own apprentice. willowroot's already began to groom sablepaw's fur the wrong way, and beesong hums in silent approval. good. that'll help warm her up and calm her down. "keep grooming her like that," they instruct, moving to sniff at sablepaw's wound. it isn't bad, all things considered. certainly not life-threatening...

while waiting for cobwebs, beesong would begin to clean the bite mark with his tongue; a compromise for not having moss on hand.

He shakes water from his coat, were it not for Petalnose's own teeth in his scruff he would have slipped and joined Sablepaw in being swept away by the pressing current. She was lucky all she got was a few bite marks (from him and the fish) for her idiocy.

"I'm fine."
He glances to Petalnose for affirmation, to see that she was as well. It had been impulsive on his part to throw himself over that limb. Thank StarClan the rest of the patrol wasn't far from the spot.
The dark tom whirls on Willowroot's softness, orange eye narrowed, "Lessons learned like this are fatal, she would do well to listen to her mentor from now on and not go near the river alone when she can't swim. A fool's errand, she could have died." Living was not the punishment she would get, shivering and apologetic as she was, Sablepaw had nearly died and the gripping fear of losing another cat so soon after they had lost so many already filled him with a burning heat; he wanted to burst at the seams in anger.
"Iciclepaw, fetch Beesong his cobwebs."
At least the other drypaws had the sense to not do this. Though he wished they'd all learn properly at some point. Perhaps a swimming lesson for the clan was in order, maybe when Buckgait's kits were born so they could all be further shamed at their inability to swim by having mere newborns excell at it quicker than they.
In every situation you give me peace
Willowroot's tender voice and rapid licks do well to calm the violent tremors shaking her body from both fear and cold. Although the molly's motherly nature could only help to a certain extent. Deep, shuddering breaths entered and exited Sablepaw's mouth in an attempt to calm herself per Willowroot's instruction. That pace quickened however, once she witnessed Cindershade barreling through the reeds with fury written across her features. Terror amplified itself tenfold as her own ears flattened further against her head, raw throat tightening as her mentor demands her to speak. Her ivory jaw drops only for no words to tumble forth as she draws further in on herself, ultimately snapping it shut again.

Shame draped itself over her like a red hot pelt. Bombarding her from all sides in the form of Iciclepaw and Smokethroat as they drew close, speaking their piece. Each one wearing varying degrees of anger or disappointment. Watery eyes find her paws, trembling under the weight of their chiding. Careless. Fool. Each word cuts deeper than the last. At some point Beesong appeared sniffing at her wound and asking for webbing. It takes all she has within her not to recoil away from the rasp of their tongue although the discomfort is apparent upon her face.

It becomes apparent to her that Cindershade still awaited an answer. Although Sablepaw is unsure what good her explanation will do now that she's received all but clawed ears over her ordeal. She finds herself pulling comfort from Willowroot's tail still wrapped around her and finally answers the dark lead in a small voice. "You told Snakeblink you really liked fish...I wanted to surprise you with a fresh one. A gift for your release from Beesong." The remembrance of her struggle with the bass draws another trembling breath from the girl. "I swam fine at first. But the fish was bigger than it looked, much bigger. I had to fight it because it wouldn't let go of my arm. It finally released me after I clawed its eye but I was so tired that I-I started to...I didn't mean to-" Her voice trails, tapering off as guilt and shame takes hold once more. What more was there to say? It was already proven that an apology was unwanted.
Don't gotta be afraid because you're in the lead
Iciclepaw steps back as Beesong approaches, murmuring for someone near to gather cobwebs. The tortoiseshell does not volunteer herself for this task immediately; she waits for Smokethroat and Petalnose to answer her question.

Her mentor certainly does, and he berates Sablepaw with a far crueler tongue than either she or Cindershade had. Iciclepaw watches the skunk-streaked girl with a veiled expression, though as she begins to cry the tortoiseshell gives in to an exasperated sympathy.

Smokethroat orders her to locate cobwebs, and she does, heading to the willows surrounding the river. It's not long before she can locate just enough to staunch Sablepaw's wounds, and she approaches Beesong with a wad of the silvery fluff in her jaws. She waits beside the scarred medicine cat, looking on passively as Sablepaw explains why she'd tried to catch the fish. A gift for her mentor... Iciclepaw shoots Cindershade a glance. How would the lead warrior react to such news?


Petalnose was relieved to see Willow root come help as well to push them up as she pulled with all of her might. Then successful, she carefully followed the others to safety, her heart pounding as if it was going to fall out of her chest. There was a risk of her falling backwards but luckily the she-cat was no drypaw and she knew how to swim to safety. The thought of it was still terrifying. She looked to Smokethroat and Iciclepaw, nodding silently to note that she was okay.

She shook her pelt from the water that had seeped onto her from pulling the two up. Then, Cindershade made her way to the scene. She herself would have been harsh with the apprentice, especially if she was startled by a big mishap. She too would've lashed out or simply scolded them, however her ears twitched to Smokethroats words. He was right. This was a lesson of it self, the tall female took a deep breath in and out as she sat back on her haunches. She watched the mentor fret and Sablepaw explain herself as Willowroot groomed her, soon hearing the familiar voice of Beesong. She gave the medicine cat a respectful nod, her heart growing warm as she saw her. Remembering her personally saving her that dreadful night. She adored the other cat's company.

She then looked to Sablepaw again, worry clouding over her expression. Petalnose noted the shame and guilt in her face, aiming to give the apprentice a firm but comforting lick on the ear. "Mistakes happen. Just don't do it again. You might as well give me a heart attack. I can help teach you to swim as well, or maybe when you get good at it teach you to dive." She meowed first stern with her quick sentences and then soft at the end of it. "I can get the fish for you and put it in your paws to pass Cindershade if need be." She offered, stretching her legs from her tensed muscles, attempting to loosen them up.

A plumed tail curls around her striped apprentice, pleading verdant eyes staring at the enraged warrior as she's poised. Willowroot begs for her to calm down, to give Sablepaw a moment for her fright; and perhaps, the smoke was right. Cindershade stares at her apprentice's trembling form, periwinkle eyes full of tears and an unmistakable fear. She could have died—she almost died if it weren't for the warriors who stood around her now. Iciclepaw takes no time to jump in, her words as cooling and sharp as her namesake. Whiskers twitch in agreement but the lead warrior says nothing, for a flurry of emotions have gripped her tongue in a vice grip. She's angry, oh so angry; but she's also guilty. Her wounds have set Sablepaw's training back severely, but her ignorance to even think—to think she could jump into the unforgiving waters without any type of supervision. She was still young—only six moons and still a child. She had no business.
Beesong seems to hear the commotion and arrives on the scene with haste, going ahead and examining the bleeding wound upon the molly's arm and chest. Movement finally comes from the rosetted molly, a lash of her tail and a rumble within her smoky chest. A dark part of her didn't want Beesong to treat her, though that was a but too cruel on her part. Fish were not clean creatures, despite living in water. A cut from a fin like that could get infected fast—and that could end up being fatal in itself. Smokethroat steals the words from her own tongue, and Cindershade narrows her gaze with a nod of agreement. While everyone else speaks, Sablepaw has yet to. Cindershade continues to wait for her answer, though whatever excuse it was going to be would not soften the blow.

Until it did.

The shaded warrior invisibly flinched as the reasoning comes to light. A celebration it was. A gift for her. Sablepaw wanted to gift her with a fish for her recovery, and her mind travels back to their discussion within Beesong's confined den. She shared her declarations to her apprentice, her promise to make her a fierce warrior so she'd never feel as if she had to hide away again. Moments pass in still silence, her shoulders inevitably easing their tension as she relaxes finally in her position. Her eyes still burned like star fire, broad muzzle still clenched and rigid. "When they are done here, you will go to camp and you will go to Beesong's den so they can properly treat your wounds." She begins, the flaming ire that burned her tongue now gone—but a chilled tone replaces it. "We will speak of this later. Alone." Her eyes flick to Petalnose as she speaks up, inviting herself to teach Sablepaw how to swim and dive. How preposterous! Irritation bloomed within her chest, sudden aware of the feeling that perhaps she was incompetent of a mentor. Ivory teeth flashed as she glared at the patched molly, "She will need no such thing, Petalnose. I appreciate your generosity but I can teach my own apprentice how to swim properly—despite this mishap." A low growl rumbled under her warning tone, daring her to give any sort of rebuttal. Cindershade was a lethal within the water herself, quiet and confident with powerful muscles and adorned with a glossy pelt. Despite her heritage, she was a natural swimmer; and Sablepaw would be too—if she had anything to do with it. A sharp exhale exits through her nose now, velveteen ears flicking at the mention of the fish again. It'd be a thoughtful gift, but the rosetted warrior's abdomen lay in too many knots for her to even look upon shimmering scales. She'd turn then without another word, paws traversing quietly over upturned pebbles from her explosive entrance until she disappeared within the reeds.

Also IC opinions. She is a bitch I'm sorry fbdjs


Petalnose watched Cindershade closely as she snapped at her, her expression non-moving and her gaze cold as stone. However, the snarl felt like a slash to her face, anger stirring in her chest as she felt challenged. Like she should say something back. She hadn't meant to come off that way to the she-cat. Petalnose merely meant to help when Cindershade wasn't available. The patched warrior felt as if she got a hostile expression for nothing. The frustration stirring in her body about blown. It was hard to contain. Her fur raised, nose curled up and she opened her mouth to say something but she closed it back slowly. She had remembered she did that all too much as a kit and apprentice, no sense of respect. Petalnose reminded herself that she had that respect now and she was not going to handle it as she once did many times before. "Self control." She reminded herself. The she-cat was known to talk back, say something blunt and cause a sting back if she was ever talked in that manner. Especially if she was made to look bad in front of her clanmates. But this situation was already stressful, she wasn't going to add another wound to the situation. "Just lash out these feelings on something else." She relaxed her fur but she made sure Cindershade saw her frustration. Watching her leave, she scoffed, straightening herself.

Her heart thumped more with anger and stress, not daring to look at her other clanmates. She said nothing and merely padded off the other direction against the river line, her tail lightly lashing and head low. She thought she would catch a fish to extinguish her feelings. Enjoy the warm spring rays on her fur as she listened to the flow of her clan's water.