deep end | ambush

Silver brume escapes parted jaws as the dark molly scents the air. Faint notes of rabbit lay nearby, covered discretely by a layer of frost. A meal that hefty would do well to fill the bellies of several cats back home. The only determining factor would be if she could catch it. "I picked up on something that way, a rabbit." The young warrior voiced with an optimistic smile. "I should be right back." She murmured softly to one of her patrol mates, briefly grabbing their attention before they turned back to their own hunting.

Sablemist's paws gingerly maneuver the terrain with poised precision, gliding across the ground as she tracked her prey. A small tuft of fur sitting alongaide a lagomorph print marked progress in her search. Peering beyond a cluster of reeds she spotted the rabbit nibbling hastily on a tender flower. With steady breaths she closed in, reducing distance before coiling lithe muscles to take a leap. Curved claws grasp her prize, allowing her to deliver the final blow. A bright smile trickles across her maw at her success and new peronal milestone. Her first rabbit.

She's prepared to lift her quarry and reunite with the patrol when she heard the snapping of foliage nearby. Ebony ears flick to and fro as periwinkle eyes skim the surrounding area. Noting blurred figures hidden by a rim of cattails her breath hitched at the sudden scent of rogues. Unease prickles along her spine, ears flattening against her head. "You have no right to be here." It irked her that they continued to persist in remaining a burr in riverclan's side. Eyes of blue that typically convey gentle passiveness sharpen in the face of her enemy. @THISTLE.

≖≖ riverclan warrior / sixteen moons old / she/her ≖≖