Dec 12, 2022

TW: Emetophobia

Fantastream has only ever been ill a paw-full of times in her life. She had come down with yellow-cough like so many of her clanmates had, but unlike many cats she had been fortunate enough to have house folk who could take her to their medicine two-leg. He had poked her with a sharp stick and then her two-legs had made her take this gross tasting liquid for a few days and then she was better. This was different, though. Today she had woken up feeling fine. She had eaten her kibble like she always did and then she had left for SkyClans camp. Now, she was on a hunting patrol with many of her clanmates but something didn't feel right. She stops in her tracks, suddenly feeling so incredibly dizzy and nauseous. She stays rooted to the spot for a few short moments before her jaws part and the contents of her breakfast are suddenly on the forest floor.

"Sorry, sorry" she gasps out to whoever is nearby "I dont know... I don't know what's wrong with me. I was fine this morning... Maybe I just ate some bad kibble?" it's never happened before but its the only explanation that makes any sense in her mind. What else could it possibly be? Either way, she felt positively starving now. "I feel fine now.." she quickly clarifies before anyone has a chance to inquire. She just wants to get back to the patrol and pretend this whole embarrassing ordeal had never happened.

// tagging @FIGFEATHER but no need to wait!


It took Figfeather several minutes to realize what had happened, too busy hunting stalking a mouse she had been. When she returns to the patrol victorious, rodent in maw, Fantasplash is apologizing. Peering around she notes the bile that sits not too far away from her mate’s paws, a frown tugs at her lips. ”Are you sure? Maybe it’d be better if you went home for the day.” Rest would for certain make Fantasplash feel better if it had been bad kibble, and besides… The sounds of hacking and wreching would scare away the prey, as much as she’d love her mate to stay and continue hunting at her side.
  • » Figfeather
    » SkyClan Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » Mate to Fantastream
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » "Speech"thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and aid to her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
Ill, and then suddenly fine? Orangeblossom detaches herself from the trail of the mouse she'd been failing to track so far, carefully placing herself to avoid the scent of Fantastream's breakfast. A small thud and a golden shape appearing at the edge of her vision tells her that at least Figfeather had been successful in her hunt, she notes with a small glow of pride not unlike that which she'd regard one of her own kits with. Mildly uncomfortable expression returning as it follows the warrior to comfort her mate, the deputy turns her attention back to Fantastream. They'd just brought back the lungwort, they don't need something else contagious going around ...

"Go and see Fireflypaw before you do. I'll adjust your patrol tonight." She nods, comfortable with the suggestion to send the tabby-patched molly home for some rest. Dawnglare is up and somewhat well again, she believes, the sight of the crimson spectre she'd seen haunting the fringes of camp once more; but the habit of addressing his apprentice as their primary healer would be difficult to break for a few days.​

The hunting is already growing thinner. Bobbie has had the luxury of knowing only long green-leaf days rich with prey, but she's aware—painfully so—that those days are nearing their end. The stories of frozen nights and empty bellies swirl around her head, infusing her with the anxiety that still comes so easily. Luckily for her, today isn't quite that fruitless; a plump blue jay hangs from her jaws as she returns to where her patrolmates have begun to congregate. A quick matter of clambering into a tree and sneaking up on the bird. The climbing part is easy for Bobbie, but she's still working at the catching portion of the task.

"Are you sure?" she asks the daylight warrior, worry creasing her brow. Fantastream's sudden proclamation that she feels fine seems abrupt, given the patched warrior had been coughing up her breakfast only a moment earlier. Figfeather is expectedly concerned, and she and Orangeblossom agree that Fantastream might want to head home early. Bobbie nods agreement. "Orangeblossom's right—better safe than sorry. No use hunting on an upset stomach, either."


  • 6TR0CBJ.png
    bobbie ; lead warrior of skyclan
    x. she/her ; 42 moons ; tags
    x. small, scarred lilac tabby and white she-cat with green eyes
    x. played by dejavu
    x. mother to lupinepaw, crowpaw, and drowsypaw. mate to blazestar.

Blazestar scurries down his own branch at the sound of wretching on the forest floor; his pelt sticks out at odd angles, studded with pine needles. A thin, scruffy-looking squirrel hangs limp from his jaws; he deposits it, kicks leaf litter over it, and joins the rest of the patrol. He takes just a moment to brush his flank against Bobbie’s, giving her a wordless smile before regarding Fantastream and Figfeather. The tortoiseshell quickly tries to insist she’s fine, but the Ragdoll shakes his broad head as the other she-cats verbalize their concern.

They’re right. Listen to Orangeblossom and stop by the medicine cats’ den before you head back to Twolegplace.” He gives his deputy a worried glance—he does not remember the yellowcough patients throwing out the contents of their stomachs, and instead recalls they’d hardly been able to eat prey at all, but with leafbare’s approach, there is no room in the Clan for sickness.

, ”