Deer Me It's Trouble // hunting patrol

//Anyone is free to join this hunting patrol. Apprentice tag @GINGERPAW

It seemed that he had lucked out and there seemed to be no sign of any of the reported deer in the area that he had selected to hunt along. The Great Sycamore loamed high above and brought with it a promise of prey. Shiningsun just had that feeling that today would be a good one, or maybe he just needed it to be for the sake of his sanity. The weight of negatively had been dragging him down but he was determined to maintain his glowing outlook for the sake of his peers.

"Fan out, but remember that if you see trouble give us a heads up. I don't want anyone getting caught out by nasty surprises." Shiningsun offered a nod to his apprentice before he headed off in his own direction. It wasn't long until he honed in on a scent trail left by mouse and it led him closer to the mighty tree. The warrior was focused on stalking along with his jaws parted in order to close in on his quarry wherever it happened to be hiding. Though little did he know that he was being stalked in turn.

The mouse was just ahead and Shiningsun primed himself to leap, but as he attempted to do so he found himself being tugged back by his tail rather abruptly. A shriek of surprise and pain broke from him as he was dragged backwards by a deer that had seized his tail. The larger beast had been inquisitive about the tom's lashing tail so had grabbed it in curiosity, much to the feline's misfortune. Shiningsun was released swiftly and the deer sprang away into the forest in shock, leaving behind the tom huddled against the base of the sycamore with an expression of horror.


It was his first patrol since becoming a warrior. Nothing had changed except his name, but the boy still felt nervous for some reason. Shinebug wasn’t scared, not really, it was a more giddy sort of feeling, like going for a first drive after getting your license. The shaft of sunlight wondered what he’d be like as a warrior, and this patrol would provide a glimpse into that future.

He was glad Shiningsun was a part of this patrol. The new warrior always looked up to his older clanmate, even as a kit, wanting to emulate the other’s endless energy and enthusiasm as best he could. Shinebug saw him as capable, understanding, and easy-going, the perfect cat to have on a premier hunting patrol.

All of that was why sun-drenched fur stood on end as a shriek of pain sounded throughout the forest. Immediately, Shinebug abandoned the squirrel he’d been stalking and bolted towards the source of the noise, finding nothing but Shiningsun with fear writ large on his face. Seeing that perpetual smile turned into a horrified scowl sent a shiver of anger down the normally passive cat.

Anxiety flared up and claws unsheathed as Shinebug stood beside his peer, sky-blue eyes scanning their surroundings for any attackers. “What happened? Are you all right?” of course the boy had heard about the deer, but the idea of some massive, horned monster stalking the territory was so nerve-wracking that Shinebug had to deny it for the sake of his own sleep.​

” did it just.. bite you? “ comes her first, incredulous question. she slinks from the undergrowth where she had been crouched, listening for the scuttling of rodents coming up from their burrows nearby. the split in the grass only happened to give her a sliver of vision, a peek to where shiningsun skulked along, alert and targeting. he’d found something, and she didn’t dare move — certainly not when a deer, beady - eyed and big - nosed, leaned down and down and down until.. it bit him. right in the tail, it nipped him. it dragged the tom back and for a panicked second, she thought it would lift him into the air and.. she didn’t know. drop him, sling him. watch him fall and crush him, just as they had sandthorn. fear paralyzes her until it jerks back, runs away at shiningsun’s shriek of pain and her paws finally seem to thaw. she staggers when she emerges but reaches the elder warriors side with wide, frantic eyes, ” i can’t believe it it did that. i’ve never seen one do that, why would it..!? “ trailing off, speechless, freckleflame leans forward to check him for injuries. she didn’t know what to say, not to him or shinebug, who fretted aside him. she only gives him a look she hopes is reassuring, but felt hardly reassured herself.

  • i.

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    f. she / her, daughter of sunfreckle and rabbitnose. large, fluffy cream - ribboned tortoiseshell with seaglass eyes. larger than life! every part of her is broad ; wide in everything from her face to shoulders to her feathered tail, something reminiscent of her father’s kittypet heritage in the square of her chin and hulk of her figure. she appears illusionarily fluff - ridden at first, thickly pelted in shades of fire and soot, long & tangled, knotted with undergrowth — seeming soft and pudgy, and she is.. that figure curving into hard, hidden bulk along heavyset flanks and well - muscled limbs. a characteristic lack of personal space leads her to a slouching, touchy posture, often inclined to lean or bump against her peers.
    prone to bouts of explosive emotion. all opinions are solely in - character and during these times, often untrue or said only in anger.


Shiningsun swallowed back the lump that had formed in his throat during his moment of terror before he chanced a look at Shinebug and Freckleflame. Though admittedly his gaze didn't linger on them long as his wary gaze shot back to the surrounding forest out of fear of the deer returning. "It g-grabbed me!" The words fell from his mouth and continued to convey his sense of disbelief over what had occurred.

"We should move to another area to finish the hunt. I don't want to risk running into another deer, and I doubt much prey will be going about now after my... er... scream." The further away from the sycamore they could get the better. Provided that they didn't find yet more deer elsewhere. If he was made to endure another heart attack then that would be the end of him.