~ Zaeya ~

Jun 14, 2022


Their love story is one both familiar and strange. Deersong had been in turmoil over a relationship when she met the spiky-furred Thistleback. While the two were originally acquaintances, things quickly changed the day Thistleback performed an act so simple yet so sweet that it touched the molly's heart immensely (dug her a hole for her to find more of her precious shiny rocks).

Their affections grew rapidly after that day, the pair quickly finding comfort and peace within each other's presence, and the love between them was finally spoken after Deersong was attacked by a rogue while on her way to see Thistleback at his two-leg home. Each day that passed seemed to only strengthen the bond between the pair and soon enough, as is the natural outcome of said affections, Deersong will soon find herself pregnant with her beloved's kits.

1. It is preferred that the kits stay in Skyclan until they are at least warrior age (12 moons).
2. This litter follows realistic genetics, described below.
4. These kits will be loved and adored by both parents. Cruel names are not permitted. Name inspirations are provided below, and while not a requirement they are heavily preferred as they are what the pair would realistically name their children- synonyms/similar names would also work!
5. THESE SLOTS ARE NOT FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE!!! The choosing date for this litter will be Thanksgiving!
6. Activity is expected to be between casual and active. However, after two weeks of no posts without a warning or any communication, we do have the right to rehome your slot. With this being said, real life happens and muse can fluctuate- especially with kits, just shoot either me ( @~Zaeya~ ) or Stiner a heads up on-site or on Discord!
7. These kits will start at 3 moons and age realistically (aging date is up to RPer)

BONUS NOTE: The characters chosen will be receiving headshots from Stiner!

Sire: SH black w/ low white (carrying dilute, chocolate)
Dam: LH cream ticked tabby w/ low white (masking lilac)

Toms can be red tabby or cream tabby
She-cats can be tortoiseshell, blue tortoiseshell, chocolate tortoiseshell, or lilac tortoiseshell
- kits can be shorthaired or longhaired
- kits can have no white, low white, or high white
- kits without white can have any realistic eye color besides blue; kits with white can have any realistic eye color
- tabbies will be ticked tabbies
- red tabbies will mask black or chocolate; cream tabbies will mask blue or lilac
- shorthaired kits will carry longhaired; non-dilute kits will carry dilute; black-based kits will carry chocolate

Deersong is Gen 1 (Skyclan Deputy)
Thistleback is Gen 1 (Skyclan Daylight Warrior)
This litter will be Gen. 2

- Second Cousins to Dogteeth in Riverclan
- Nieces and Nephews to TBD Deersong siblings & Thistleback siblings
- Adopted siblings of @Coyotepaw @squirrelpaw , & kit character played by @Plo Koon (Will be updated later)

Deersongs choices (Kit names she would use include; flowers, stones, names of loved ones or family, and names for the times of day)
- Daykit
- Nightkit
- Duskkit
- Dawnkit
- Eveningkit
- Blazekit
- Daisykit
- Primerosekit
- Daffodilkit
- Heatherkit
- Sweetkit
- Softkit
- Tulipkit
- Azaleakit
- Zinniakit

Thistlebacks choices
- Sharpkit
- Briarkit
- Thornkit
- Bristlekit
- Spikekit

(1) - @vayle Eveningkit
(2) - @Kitty-Kat- Pricklekit
(3) - @lokisaurus Palekit
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Reactions: ThistleBack

and i stray by strange affection
eveningkit . eveningpaw . eveningflame/light(?)

↳ ' evening ' after her blue and orange pelt resembling the sunset, often goes by ' eve '
— kit of skyclan
— female, she/her
deersong x thistleback, sibling to ???

blue tortoiseshell with high white and pale blue eyes with feathery fur and a tricolored pelt, eve is an undeniably pretty molly. her fur is soft and remains short in most areas, yet growing longer around her face, neck, and long plumed tail. she takes good care of her appearance, nearly always having it groomed to perfection. there are often various feathers of flowers weaved in to the long fur of her tail. she is mostly white, her blue and pale orange splotches generally cover her face, legs, and tail. eve has soft facial features and large rounded almond shaped eyes that are a pale blue in color. she has a very feminine physique with long slim legs and a small frame. the molly is not too short, but even at full height she will stand smaller than most others her age.
↳ carries herself gracefully. she talks with a bright and comforting voice.


( + ) outgoing, intelligent, creative ( / ) opinionated, dramatic, confident ( - ) jealous, mischievous, gossip eve is known to be well-liked and to have many friends. her confident and kind nature makes it easy to see why. she treats everyone amicably, unless they have given her a reason not to. she is very socially intelligent and that makes her a good friend for high and low points in one's life. despite her wide circle and friendly demeanor, the girl loves gossip. she doesn't necessarily start it, but she cannot keep a secret to save her life. once you tell her something, there is no say on if it will stay between you and her or not. she is quite playful and enjoys pulling pranks on her clanmates, often without getting her paws dirty. eve loves attention, especially from her parents. noticing others getting more than her ruffles her fur and she may go to dramatic lengths to regain her spotlight. faking an injury, sickness, or whatever to get eyes back on her is not something she's unwilling to do. she is highly opinionated and will state her idea without prompt. if she doesn't like something, she will tell you to your face that it's stupid. she also will voice her opinions on things that do not pertain to her, and may get upset when she's not listened to. she is also not a pushover by any means. if you were mean to her or one of her friends first, she will defend fiercely.
mannerisms: she has very expressive features and is awful at hiding what she's feeling.
— will not start fights | will end fights | will flee | will show mercy
excels at weaving, making friends, climbing

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however I struggle however I pray my claws and fangs won't go away

  • pricklekit | pricklepaw | pricklefern
    reasoning: 'prickle' for her tufts of spikey fur; 'fern' for her personality
    also known as alias, title, parental nicknames (tba)

    03 months old
    birthdate: 00/00
    ages real time on birthdate

    demi-girl [afab]
    uses feminine/gender-neutral pronouns (she/they)

    demiromantic | asexual | monogamous
    single; not looking
    prefers females

    skyclan | kit
    born and raised in
    no past ranks

    created 11/21/22 | updated 11/21/22 | subaccount
    all opinions are ic
    played by kitty-kat
  • shorthaired blue tortoishell with high white + green eyes + somatic mutation
    a long and lithe feline, pricklekit is graced with the sleek predatory figure of a panther. smooth muscles ripple beneath her pelt, and she moves as though on the prowl, slinking about with a casual sort of grace. her short pelt is smooth and sleek, save for a ew tufts upon her chest, the base of her tail, which refuse to stay flat no matter her efforts. her fur is a mottled mixture of blue and cream and white, solidifying into larger patches upon her tail and face. a single black paw stands out against her otherwise pale pelt. heavily lidded deep green eyes complete her looks.
    has RBF at all times; has distinctive black paw
    no scars
    smells like decaying plantlife, honey, and pomegranates

    design by kitty-kat- | visual reference
    accessories: n/a
    hygiene: clean and well groomed, obsessed with keeping both herself and her surroundings neat and tidy
    body language: powerful, confident, predatory - she stalks about with the natural grace of a huntress
    voice claim: tbd
    face claim: tbd
    aesthetic: persephone, death, forests, panthers, bones and skulls, shades of green

    100% | overall extremally healthy
    no current illnesses or injuries
    no chronic conditions
  • reserved | observant | intelligent | humorous
    positive: confident, polite, loyal
    neutral: playful, soft, genuine
    negative: antisocial, mistrusting, distant

    personality blurb; at least 5 sentences
    facial expression rarely changes; emotions are expressed in small way such as a faint quirk of her lips for humor, a raise of her brow for intrigue, ears pulled back in irritation, a wrinkle of her nose for distaste, the look of her eyes softening for fondness or an icy coldness for anger
    sense of humor is very dark and bland but also enjoys puns and dad jokes
    speaks in a neutral, monotone voice; doesn't speak much, but when she does it is often honest and meaningful
    likes: plants,
    favorite food: pigeon
    favorite color: black
    favorite time of day: mornings
    favorite flower: lilies
    favorite weather: just after it rains

    mentally stable | no known mental disorders
  • deersong x thistleback | gen 02
    2 littermates (name, name)
    3 adopted siblings (coyotepaw, squirrelpaw, name)
    other relations: dogteeth (second cousin); more tba

    crushing on / in a relationship with name | 1/? shipname
    previously crushing on: name (amicable? rejected?)
    previously in a relationship with: name (amicable? rejected?)

    introverted | forms platonic relationships easily but will not make the first move | finds it hard to form romantic relationships; must have a platonic relationship prior
    close friends:

  • mentally medium | physically easy | attack in bold #4f7942 and tag
    strengths: hunting, stealth, climbing, leaping, agility, strategic fighting
    weaknesses: tracking, running, has low stamina, lacks brute strength, swimming
    other skills: tba
    peaceful powerplay is allowed
    healing powerplay is allowed
    non-peaceful powerplay is not allowed

    neutral good | loyalty to skyclan as a whole comes first (may change with age)
    won't start first
    will end fights
    will run away
    won't attack kits
    will attack elders
    will maim
    will kill


✧ Palekit - Palepaw - Palethorn
named after his light cream pelt at birth
✧ tom-cat / he/him pronouns
✧ 3 months, ages according to active siblings
✧ skyclan kit

✧ Deersong x Thistleback, gen two
close to his parents, bit of a bully to his littermates


✧ Palekit is the definition of "doesn't fall far from the tree." Born so light he could be mistaken as a pure white kitten, a few weeks lend color to his coat - a swirl of his mother's warm golden complexion and his father's white markings. He is a ticked tabby, as shown by the shading along his back and the barring down his shaggy legs, though his face is masked by diamond-patterned white. His eyes are two different colors - one a spring-green and one so unusually blue that it could be confused for slate-gray in the right lighting.

As a child, he will be nothing more than a spiky puffball of matted curls and mismatched fur textures. He will grow into a sturdy adult, agile in build, with a particularly pronounced muzzle and chin to accentuate his pointed ears and protruding fangs.
as an apprentice, he will get into a spot of trouble in the Twolegplace, leading to a split tongue.

( + ) fearless
( / ) competitive, stubborn
( - ) bullysome, brash
✧ in depth description of personality here if u want!
✧ hobbies??

✧ powerplay allowed with reason
✧ ❝ speech
✧ penned by lokisaurus
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The adopts are now closed! Thank you so much to everyone who applied, our chosen applicants are

Vayle with Eveningkit!

Kitty-Cat with Pricklekit!

Lokisaurus with Palekit!

Don't be discouraged tho, you may get another chance sooner then you think 👀