Pebblepaw didn't think he'd ever get used to the frigid winter air. Large ears quickly grew numb as the wind battered them, and fearing that he'd eventually lose them if leafbare continued for much longer, the tom couldn't help but miss the warmth that childhood had offered him. They were on patrol with some others in their clan, but as the older cats began to disperse to renew the scent markers, the dusty feline found himself without a figure to follow. It was difficult to tell who was who when their scents still muddled his developing nose and eventually, Pebble found himself moving in an arbitrary direction. Even in winter, the woods weren't quiet. Birds tweeted above, warning others of the muted cat that prowled the land, his pelt sticking out against the oranges of the sodden floor. The heavy cracking of a branch caused a stifled yelp to escape from the apprentice, copper eyes quickly scanning the horizon for the suspect. There, he saw a shadow, prowling through the forest's underbelly as if it was not supposed to be there. He only caught a glimpse, but it was enough to send alarm bells ringing in the former kittypet's head.

The lavender tom swiveled around, desperately searching through the barricade of trees for other clanmates. No one seemed to be around, even now - had he wandered too far? Flattened ears came as a consequence of knowing that he was in danger, either from whatever had alerted him or from the clanmates who'd have a bone to pick with him for straying from the patrol. Before he could decide which one he preferred, instinct forced him to face forwards, to deal with the threat. 'Please don't be a dog.... please don't be a dog...' The brief glance he'd seen didn't remind him of a dog, it was far too small compared to what had been described to him, but he still worried. "Excuse me! I know you're there. You're trespassing on ThunderClan territory..." He swallowed a lump in his throat, nearly trembling out of his skin. Pebblepaw didn't feel ready to defend his home, his claws had never pierced flesh before, but the stranger beyond the tangle of dead bushes hadn't given him a choice. Bowing, he prepared to launch himself through whatever stood in his way to protect his home. He steadied his quiet, quivering breath, and allowed his eyes to narrow. "Identity yourself or leave. Now."


sandpaw was busy trying to stalk a tiny little mouse. probably the smallest thing she's ever seen, it was elusive too. there wasn't any room in sandpaw's brain to listen for predators, she hadn't even noticed pebblepaw. however, he called out and the little creature sure did. it scurried off so fast she couldn't even dream of catching it, so instead she dramatically threw her body against the ground, releasing a hefty sigh.

she couldn't see pebblepaw, but beyond the string of bush he steadied his tone, talking about some leave or else. an eyebrow quirked, who was he talking too? sandpaw rose to her paws, shaking her fur, only to see narrowed orange eyes glaring at her. was she the trespasser? how could that be when she slept in the same den as the grey apprentice. "easy pebbles! when did you get so scary!" sandpaw said paired with a grin and a nervous laugh.
[ 𖤓 ]


"Everything okay over here?" Shiningpaw had been snuffling through some roots nearby when he had overheard Pebblepaw confronting a mysterious creature! Well, maybe it was just Sandpaw. Clearly a case of mistaken identity, ha! The large apprentice practically bounced his way over until he was able to stand beside Pebblepaw, a stupid grin on his face. "You're getting as prickly as the elders. Careful, it'll give you wrinkles!" He warned playfully before he cast his gaze towards Sandpaw. "How's the hunting going?"

He was preparing for the worst, for the epitome of evil to rush out of the bushes and attack him for his insolence, instead, a confused head popped above the brambles. Pebblepaw's stomach dropped when he recognised who the alleged intruder was. She began to laugh and speak but he was half-deaf to the words, shame causing his ears to burn and wide eyes to avoid looking Sandpaw directly. Lilac paws scuffed the earth below in uneasy silence, a new conviction in his gaze when he finally tilted his spotted nose upwards again. Pebblepaw took a giant leap forward, landing just a minute breadth away from the she-cat. With his tail tucked and his forehead bopped against the forest floor in defeat, Pebblepaw let out an almighty wail. "Aaaah I am so... so so so so sorry Sandpaw, I didn't realise who you were! I can't believe I threatened a clanmate..." StarClan's flaming mouse dung, how could he do such a thing?! He should be cast out at sunhigh and fed to the carrion crows! Pebblepaw breathed into the damp soil below. There was no excuse for his confusion, none whatsoever. "Please find it in your heart to forgive me, I should be used to you by now but..."

He wasn't. He isolated himself from the other apprentices socially, not wanting to waste their time as he played catch-up on all the necessary skills he should've learned already. Already embarrassed, another voice didn't help the feline feel better about his transgression. Confused, he tilted his head towards Shiningpaw and retreated a few paces back from Sandpaw. Sulking as he spoke, the male raised a nervous paw to his own face, searching for the 'wrinkles' that the older tabby had mentioned. He realised it was a joke when his fur and pawpads felt as smooth as ever, having not quite lost that kittypet luster yet despite moons in the forest. "Oh..." A weak smile was cast towards his fellow apprentice to indicate he understood, but so weighed down by guilt, Pebblepaw didn't let it stay for long. "I'm sorry it's just... I don't know." Shiningpaw indicated that Pebblepaw's accidental target had been hunting. The more that happened, the more he wished for the earth to simply swallow him up then and there. It'd been a good life, he'd let the humility kill him peacefully if it wanted to.

Pebblepaw finally caught Sand's gaze. "Oh stars, you didnt miss anything because of me, did you? I'll hunt with you, I'll make it up to you, I swear it."

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her expression turned from nervousness to utter shock as pebblepaw closed the distance with a mighty leap. sandpaw flinched back slightly at the movement, but he wasn't moving to attack. no, instead he threw himself to the ground and began profusely apologizing. a sad sight, no thunderclanner should ever be driven to begging at ones paws. "it's okay, really!" she said, flashing a smile even though pebblepaw's face was glued to the earth.

attention was turned to shiningpaw as he approached, greeting the other apprentice with a flick of her ear. another apology left pebblepaw's mouth and her eyes widened once again. why was he so sorry for a little mistake? this is the response she would expect to someone accidentally chomping into a clanmates tail instead of prey, not just a little scare. bobbed tail swished behind her as she monitored the exchange, yellow gaze flitting back and fourth until shiningpaw directed his attention on her. "could be better," sandpaw huffed, only slightly annoyed by her recent loss.

"it was gone long before you popped up, slippery little thing," she said looking back at pebblepaw who had now decided to meet her gaze. a small lie couldn't hurt, especially when he was already so distraught. a white cap paw waved dismissively as he promised to make it up to her. "you don't owe me anything, it was my fault," she said with a weak grin. it hurt her pride, but she didn't want to see the former kittypet so torn up about this any longer. "i'm down to hunt though, these mice keep walking all over me. eventually i gotta show 'em who's boss."
[ 𖤓 ]


With all the noise and commotion going on, Cove immediately assumes the worst. She doesn't want to assume the worst, but the voices are young and distant enough for her to not be able to make it out- cream paws hit against the ground in determination, she'll get there faster than one could say 'vole'. And, maybe off by a split second, shes there as she says it in her head. Vole, what a silly word!

The scene before her is not as gruesome as her mind went to and tense shoulders drop, an apprentice outing! How fun! But with the threat of predators, and despite their mentors probably being nearby, she'll linger and listen. Pebbles' emotions are all twisted in to a knot and he is visibly frazzled about the situation, aww, a frown crosses her lips. "It happens, sweet pea!" eyes float over to the other two apprentices, slightly questioning, before her gaze returns. "Better to be safe than sorry, you know?" now they're all talking about hunting again and Cove does feel slightly weird for hanging around so long, but she needs to make sure they're safe! What if something happened to one of them while she wandered off to continue her solo hunt? She'd never ever forgive herself!

"Mice are fickle creatures! I'll tag along with you guys and show you how a true pro does it, if you'll have me." her words are playful, light and only a jest- shes not the best by far, no, but she is a decent hunter. Perhaps this would provide enough distraction for Pebble to regain control.
✦ ★ ✦

Shiningpaw settled a fair bit as he realised that there wasn't any danger, thank StarClan for that, but it was a pity that Sandpaw's hunting had met a bit of a deadend. That wouldn't do. The tom looked in turn between those who were present before erupting into a wider grin. "Hey, why don't we ditch the mice for a bit, yeah? Bet together we could catch something bigger, like a pheasant! I spotted some tracks not too far back, maybe the creature's still about." If they could land a win then he imagined it would do them all the world of good, not to mention that such a bird could keep the entire clan fed for the day.