defensive scarecrows - sweetybee


he's out of pocket
Apr 26, 2023

he remembered when he first got here, broken out of the cells. thistle back helping him out the window, everything being new- everything being exciting. but overtime, his anxiety grew. past trauma making him wonder. was he going to be good enough? was he good enough?

climbing trees wasn't as easy as climbing curtains. they ripped at weak kitten claws. they had him fall on his behind several times, and on his head once or twice. but as time progressed, he'd become confident, and he was sure he'd made sweetybee proud.

hunting wasn't easy, only recently being attacked by birds from a failed attempt. the wounds that healed were unseen. he was clumsy, uncertain, he'd question himself too much. his misses were common, but he'd still manage to chase them down, or do what he needed to do to at least catch one in a day- so that's something right?

and fighting wasn't easy. the days of covering his eyes, flattening his ears, and wishing that they didn't see him was over. he knew better now. he was smarter now. but he just- he couldn't figure out fighting.

he could feel that he was on the brink of being a warrior. and quite honestly, he felt he wasn't ready. he'd glance to his mentor and let out a small sigh. the brown tabby with little white patches frowned a bit. "do you think I'm ready? to... be a warrior?" he asked, biting the inside of his cheek as he pulled to a stop and sat down. his ears folded back and he gazed down at his paws that his tail had curled around.

Sweetybee is proud of her apprentice, he has come a long way since they first started training. She cares for him dearly, and seeing him grow and knowing he is so close to becoming a warrior makes her feel like a mother who's kits are leaving the nest. He's all grown up now, why'd that happen so fast??

Taking him out on some of their last training sessions together fills her with excitement and pride. He's not the best fighter, but he does well with other skills. She wonders if she should try and fit in a few more sparring lessons, but if someone doesn't have the heart for violence, is it right to force them? To fit them into a mold they don't belong in?

Sweetybee hears him speak and turns to listen to him. She gives him a soft smile. "If you don't feel ready, we can keep training until you are." She says. "I wouldn't want to push you into being a warrior before you're ready...Some cats just take a little longer to learn, and that's okay!" She continues.

"In my opinion, I think you could use a little more improvement in fighting.... It's important to know how to defend yourself and others," She says. "If you'd like, we can fit in a few more fighting exercises before its time for the ceremony?"

pocket couldn't say he wasn't comfortable with sweetybee. she was the most comforting figure he had, and he cared about her and her input. and he was anxious that when he did become a warrior, he wouldn't be able to keep talking to her. which, he realized didn't exactly make a whole lot of sense.

her words were even comforting as she offered that he could have more time to train with her. but... he didn't feel that was right, however she didn't seem bothered either way. sweet, just like her namesake.

the idea of fighting bothered him, but he knew she was absolutely correct. he did need to know how to defend himself, but he gave a slow nod of his head to show he was listening. it took him a moment to collect his words, before speaking, his voice soft, "thank you... I really do appreciate you taking the extra time to help me." he shuffled his paws against the frozen ground. " I .. wouldnt mind that. ill make sure to work hard, sweetybee." he offered a shy smile towards her. even if he was comfortable, the anxiety was still there.

She smiles gently at him, her heart hurts at the thought of him having to fight in any capacity. If only the world were kinder, a place where someone so young wouldn't have to fight at all. But that is not the world they live in. She learned so from the moment her eyes opened and she was greeted with blood and death. It was hard to go against ones nature, for someone kind and gentle to learn to rip open throats and slice open bellies. She remembers feeling sick the first time she had to kill another cat, and she knows the same must await Pocket should he ever find himself in that situation.

"It's no problem to me!" She says. "I want you to be the best you can be. Now... How about we do a quick lesson? Perhaps we can think of a style that best suits you."

She thinks it's a good idea. Strike hard and fast and hit sensitive areas and the fight will be over quicker than if you didn't. Though, hitting those areas can be quite gruesome if you're going to kill. But if you sock someone in the eye hard enough you'll certainly have them reeling.​

pocket was aware of death. but he didn't like that he would one day have no choice but to face a cat in battle, and either die, or be killed. and unfortunately, it meant that he would have to learn to survive. he also knew that he wanted nothing more than to make his mentor proud. she did everything she could for him. and since doompaw left... she was really the closest cat he had.

it was his own choice to undergo the stress of pushing others away, of trying to protect himself- but he would still speak, and he would still do what he needed to. his anxiety with someone never lasted long. his thoughts just needed contained a bit better.

throughout his apprenticeship, he just felt he wasn't enough. it had dwindled him into feeling like he genuinely wasn't. he was just a kittypet, but so were many others. "alright! do.. do you want me to defend myself or attack?" he asked, preparing himself for both and bracing himself just in case.