f2u codes DEJA'S F2U CODES

PREFIX for reason; SUFFIX for reason
⤷ thoughts on name
NAME is brief descriptive blurb / character summary / story / etc.
☆ ─── BASICS
    ⤷ title & gendered term preferences; orientation
  • ☆ 00 MOONS • 00 Y/M
    ⤷ created 00 . 00 . 0000 at 00 moons
    ⤷ ages every 00
    ⤷ born 00 . 00 ( season )
    ⤷ thoughts on their own clan
    ⤷ thoughts on other clans / allegiances

    Longer appearance summary. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In vel enim sagittis, congue justo nec, facilisis magna. Donec luctus tincidunt purus, convallis dignissim ante hendrerit et. Duis at ante erat. Proin ullamcorper aliquet dui a gravida. Nam nisi urna, ultrices efficitur tortor ac, venenatis feugiat arcu. Nullam nec sollicitudin justo. Sed molestie, ligula vel venenatis convallis, nisi enim aliquam felis, vel maximus diam erat quis sem.

    Praesent egestas euismod nibh, sed semper urna cursus quis. Donec eleifend consectetur convallis. Donec non efficitur augue. Sed porta, risus ac commodo interdum, diam sem fermentum lacus, nec fermentum metus arcu at quam. Phasellus feugiat sem eget augue sollicitudin viverra. Cras ac justo dui. Quisque nec tristique quam. Phasellus tempus orci at quam sodales tincidunt. Donec at ante gravida eros tristique commodo. Etiam sit amet fermentum justo, sit amet volutpat quam. Integer ultrices ligula ut mollis dignissim. Sed vehicula vitae diam quis vehicula. In scelerisque varius luctus. Maecenas finibus dapibus dolor, sed aliquet lorem tristique quis. Phasellus at commodo tellus. Donec lorem velit, commodo vitae odio nec, blandit vestibulum mauris.

    parent 1 traitsparent 2 traitsbreed traits
    ⤷ stands 00 inches in height • body length of 00 inches
    ⤷ weighs 00 pounds
    00 . 00 . 0000 • Description of scar and how it was earned and / or from who.
    00 . 00 . 0000 • Description of scar and how it was earned and / or from who.
    00 . 00 . 0000 • Description of scar and how it was earned and / or from who.
    Brief description of item.
    ⤷ Received how or from who?
    ⤷ Significance.

    Brief description of item.
    ⤷ Received how or from who?
    ⤷ Significance.

    TRAIT . A brief description of this trait, how it affects daily life, etc. Might write in a second person POV or first person narrative from the character, because that honestly feels easier, for some reason?

    TRAIT . A brief description of this trait, how it affects daily life, etc. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In vel enim sagittis, congue justo nec, facilisis magna. Donec luctus tincidunt purus, convallis dignissim ante hendrerit et.

    TRAIT . A brief description of this trait, how it affects daily life, etc. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In vel enim sagittis, congue justo nec, facilisis magna. Donec luctus tincidunt purus, convallis dignissim ante hendrerit et.

    TRAIT . A brief description of this trait, how it affects daily life, etc. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In vel enim sagittis, congue justo nec, facilisis magna. Donec luctus tincidunt purus, convallis dignissim ante hendrerit et.​
  • 38ekP6T.png
    Character's thoughts on themself and general psyche. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In vel enim sagittis, congue justo nec, facilisis magna. Donec luctus tincidunt purus, convallis dignissim ante hendrerit et. Duis at ante erat. Proin ullamcorper aliquet dui a gravida. Nam nisi urna, ultrices efficitur tortor ac, venenatis feugiat arcu.

    Character's thoughts on faith. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In vel enim sagittis, congue justo nec, facilisis magna. Donec luctus tincidunt purus, convallis dignissim ante hendrerit et. Duis at ante erat. Proin ullamcorper aliquet dui a gravida. Nam nisi urna, ultrices efficitur tortor ac, venenatis feugiat arcu.

    Character's principles. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In vel enim sagittis, congue justo nec, facilisis magna. Donec luctus tincidunt purus, convallis dignissim ante hendrerit et. Duis at ante erat. Proin ullamcorper aliquet dui a gravida. Nam nisi urna, ultrices efficitur tortor ac, venenatis feugiat arcu.

    Character's thoughts on relationships. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In vel enim sagittis, congue justo nec, facilisis magna. Donec luctus tincidunt purus, convallis dignissim ante hendrerit et. Duis at ante erat. Proin ullamcorper aliquet dui a gravida. Nam nisi urna, ultrices efficitur tortor ac, venenatis feugiat arcu.​
    • List of character's mental and physical mannerisms, as well as their physical demeanour and any habits. Donec luctus tincidunt purus, convallis dignissim ante hendrerit et.
    • List of character's mental and physical mannerisms, as well as their physical demeanour and any habits. Donec luctus tincidunt purus, convallis dignissim ante hendrerit et.
    • List of character's mental and physical mannerisms, as well as their physical demeanour and any habits. Donec luctus tincidunt purus, convallis dignissim ante hendrerit et.

    LIKES .
    • Thing.
    • Thing.
    • Thing.
    • Thing.
    • Thing.
    • Thing.
    • Thing.
    • Thing.

❝ A quote that feels particular relevant or resonant for the character. This is mostly here for aesthetic reasons. ( Source ) ❞
    ⤷ How easily do they form platonic and / or romantic bonds? Conversely, how easily is their ire earned?
    ⤷ How freely do they give of their trust, and how do they respond to betrayal?
    ⤷ Do they appreciate romantic advances or overtures? How do they react?
    • Open to xyz; closed to xyz.
    Smells of thing and thing. If you're a perfume nerd like me, you can write what perfume they would wear here.
    Sounds like descriptors. Voice claim is Character Name ( Franchise or media ).
    • Speech is #HEXCODE; dream speech is #HEXCODE; thought are italicized; contact and combat is underlined.

    ☆ Little blurb about their fighting style.
    Will / won't start fights; will / won't flee; will / won't start fights; will / won't show mercy; will / won't kill.
    VICTIMS, if appl:
    ⤷ Killed Character on 00 . 00 . 0000 • THREAD
    ⤷ Killed Character on 00 . 00 . 0000 • THREAD
    ☆ Sibling / littermate / etc. to character.
    ⤷ Cousin, aunt, uncle, other blood relation to character.
    ⤷ Little blurb about who raised them and whatnot.
    FAMILY :
    ☆ Mate to / padding after / crushing on character; former mate, etc. to character.
    • Parent to character, character, and character.
    • Other relations of this sort.
    ☆ Mentored by character.
    • Mentoring character.
    • Previously mentored character.

    ❤️️ FRIENDS: Character, character, character
    LOVES: Character, character, character
    TRUSTS: Character, character, character
    ADMIRES: Character, character, character
    LIKES: Character, character, character
    MIXED FEELINGS & NEUTRAL: Character, character, character
    DISLIKES: Character, character, character
    💔 ENEMIES: Character, character, character​
  • + PROFICIENT IN: Skill, skill, and skill.
    -- LACKING IN: Skill, skill, and skill.
    ☆ CLAN SKILL: ★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
    One-word descriptor. Longer description of their (in)proficiency in this skill. Donec luctus tincidunt purus.

    HUNTING: ★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
    One-word descriptor. Longer description of their (in)proficiency in this skill. Donec luctus tincidunt purus.

    TRACKING: ★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
    One-word descriptor. Longer description of their (in)proficiency in this skill. Donec luctus tincidunt purus.

    COMBAT: ★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
    One-word descriptor. Longer description of their (in)proficiency in this skill. Donec luctus tincidunt purus.​
  • Code:
    post code here

[box=80%][justify][color=WHITE][fright][img height=550px]https://dummyimage.com/150x550/000/fff&text=cute+image[/img][/fright][quote][fleft][size=20px][url=link to 'their song'][color=COLORHERE][outline=black][b]♬ [/b][/outline][/color][/url][color=COLORHERE][outline=BLACK][b]PREFIXSUFFIX, " NICKNAME(S) "[/b][/outline][/color][/size][size=15px][outline=black] • [s]PREVIOUS NAME(S)[/s][/outline][/size]
⤷ [i]PREFIX[/i] for reason; [i]SUFFIX[/i] for reason
⤷ thoughts on name
☆ [size=13px]❝ [color=COLORHERE][outline=black][b]NAME[/b][/outline][/color] is brief descriptive blurb / character summary / story / etc.[/size] ❞
[TABLE][TR][TD][color=COLORHERE][outline=black][size=20px][b]☆ ─── [i]BASICS[/i][/b][/size][/outline][/color][/TD][/TR][/table]
[TABS][slide=0 1 .][size=13px][color=COLORHERE][outline=black][b]☆ GENDER • PRONOUNCE[/b][/outline][/color][/size]
⤷ title & gendered term preferences; orientation[/slide]
[slide=0 2 .][size=13px][color=COLORHERE][outline=black][b]☆ 00 MOONS • 00 Y/M[/b][/outline][/color][/size]
⤷ created 00 . 00 . 0000 at 00 moons
⤷ ages every 00
⤷ born 00 . 00 ( season )[/slide]
[slide=0 3 .][size=13px][color=COLORHERE][outline=black][b]☆ RANK of CLAN • [s]PREVIOUS ALLEGIANCES[/s][/b][/outline][/color][/size]
⤷ thoughts on their own clan
⤷ thoughts on other clans / allegiances[/slide][/TABS][quote]• penned by [url=https://tabbytales.net/members/dejavu.1518/][color=COLORHERE][outline=black][b]DEJAVU[/b][/outline][/color][/url] ☆ [color=COLORHERE][url=link]HEARTCHART[/url][/color] • [color=COLORHERE][url=link]PINTEREST[/url][/color] • [color=COLORHERE][url=link]PLAYLIST[/url][/color][/quote]
[TABLE][TR][TD][color=COLORHERE][outline=black][size=20px][b][i]PRESENTATION ─── ☆[/i][/b][/size][/outline][/color][/TD][/TR][/table]
[TABS][slide=0 1.][fleft][quote][img height=150px]https://dummyimage.com/600x400/000/ffffff&text=cute+image+2[/img][/quote][/fleft][size=13px][color=COLORHERE][outline=black][b][url=link to toyhouse][color=COLORHERE]☆[/color][/url] BRIEF PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION[/b][/outline][/color][/size]
[img width=330px]https://dummyimage.com/600x1/4d5460/4d5460.png[/img]
[box=55%][height=150px][justify]Longer appearance summary. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In vel enim sagittis, congue justo nec, facilisis magna. Donec luctus tincidunt purus, convallis dignissim ante hendrerit et. Duis at ante erat. Proin ullamcorper aliquet dui a gravida. Nam nisi urna, ultrices efficitur tortor ac, venenatis feugiat arcu. Nullam nec sollicitudin justo. Sed molestie, ligula vel venenatis convallis, nisi enim aliquam felis, vel maximus diam erat quis sem.

Praesent egestas euismod nibh, sed semper urna cursus quis. Donec eleifend consectetur convallis. Donec non efficitur augue. Sed porta, risus ac commodo interdum, diam sem fermentum lacus, nec fermentum metus arcu at quam. Phasellus feugiat sem eget augue sollicitudin viverra. Cras ac justo dui. Quisque nec tristique quam. Phasellus tempus orci at quam sodales tincidunt. Donec at ante gravida eros tristique commodo. Etiam sit amet fermentum justo, sit amet volutpat quam. Integer ultrices ligula ut mollis dignissim. Sed vehicula vitae diam quis vehicula. In scelerisque varius luctus. Maecenas finibus dapibus dolor, sed aliquet lorem tristique quis. Phasellus at commodo tellus. Donec lorem velit, commodo vitae odio nec, blandit vestibulum mauris.

[slide=0 2 .][quote][color=COLORHERE][outline=black][b]GENETIC DESCRIPTION[/b][/outline][/color][/quote]
⤷ [abbr=text]parent 1 traits[/abbr] • [abbr=text]parent 2 traits[/abbr] • [abbr=text]breed traits[/abbr]
⤷ stands 00 inches in height • body length of 00 inches
⤷ weighs 00 pounds
[color=COLORHERE][outline=black][b]☆[/b][/outline][/color] 00 . 00 . 0000 • Description of scar and [url=text][color=COLORHERE][outline=black][b]how[/b][/outline][/color][/url] it was earned and / or from [abbr=penned by x]who[/abbr].
[color=COLORHERE][outline=black][b]☆[/b][/outline][/color] 00 . 00 . 0000 • Description of scar and [url=text][color=COLORHERE][outline=black][b]how[/b][/outline][/color][/url] it was earned and / or from [abbr=penned by x]who[/abbr].
[color=COLORHERE][outline=black][b]☆[/b][/outline][/color] 00 . 00 . 0000 • Description of scar and [url=text][color=COLORHERE][outline=black][b]how[/b][/outline][/color][/url] it was earned and / or from [abbr=penned by x]who[/abbr].[/slide]
[slide=0 3 .][quote][color=COLORHERE][outline=black][b]INVENTORY[/b][/outline][/color][/quote]
[fleft][img height=100px]https://dummyimage.com/100x100/000/fff&text=cute+image[/img][/fleft][color=COLORHERE][outline=black][b]☆[/b][/outline][/color] Brief description of item.
⤷ Received how or from [abbr=penned by x]who[/abbr]?
⤷ Significance.

[fleft][img height=100px]https://dummyimage.com/100x100/000/fff&text=cute+image[/img][/fleft][color=COLORHERE][outline=black][b]☆[/b][/outline][/color] Brief description of item.
⤷ Received how or from [abbr=penned by x]who[/abbr]?
⤷ Significance.
[fleft][img height=768px]https://dummyimage.com/150x768/000/fff&text=cute+image[/img][/fleft][TABLE][TR][TD][color=COLORHERE][outline=black][size=20px][b]☆ ─── [i]PROFILE[/i][/b][/size][/outline][/color][/TD][/TR][/table]
[TABS][slide=0 1 .][quote][color=COLORHERE][outline=black][b]☆ TRAIT • TRAIT • TRAIT • TRAIT • TRAIT • TRAIT • TRAIT • TRAIT • TRAIT • TRAIT[/b][/outline][/color][/quote]
[box=100%][height=237px][justify]⤷ [b]TRAIT .[/b] A brief description of this trait, how it affects daily life, etc. Might write in a second person POV or first person narrative from the character, because that honestly feels easier, for some reason?

⤷ [b]TRAIT .[/b] A brief description of this trait, how it affects daily life, etc. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In vel enim sagittis, congue justo nec, facilisis magna. Donec luctus tincidunt purus, convallis dignissim ante hendrerit et.

⤷ [b]TRAIT .[/b] A brief description of this trait, how it affects daily life, etc. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In vel enim sagittis, congue justo nec, facilisis magna. Donec luctus tincidunt purus, convallis dignissim ante hendrerit et.

⤷ [b]TRAIT .[/b] A brief description of this trait, how it affects daily life, etc. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In vel enim sagittis, congue justo nec, facilisis magna. Donec luctus tincidunt purus, convallis dignissim ante hendrerit et.[/justify][/height][/box]
[slide=0 2 .][quote][img height=15px]https://imgur.com/38ekP6T.png[/img][img height=15px]https://imgur.com/38ekP6T.png[/img] [color=COLORHERE][outline=black][b]☆ MBTI • [abbr=sun]☼[/abbr] • [abbr=moon]☾[/abbr] • [abbr=rising]↑[/abbr] • TAROT • MORAL ALIGNMENT[/b][/outline][/color][/quote]
[box=100%][height=237px][justify][TABLE][TR][TD][color=COLORHERE][outline=black][b]☆ ON MATTERS OF THE SELF[/b][/outline][/color][/TD][/TR][/table]
Character's thoughts on themself and general psyche. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In vel enim sagittis, congue justo nec, facilisis magna. Donec luctus tincidunt purus, convallis dignissim ante hendrerit et. Duis at ante erat. Proin ullamcorper aliquet dui a gravida. Nam nisi urna, ultrices efficitur tortor ac, venenatis feugiat arcu. 

[TABLE][TR][TD][color=COLORHERE][outline=black][b]☆ ON MATTERS OF FAITH[/b][/outline][/color][/TD][/TR][/table]
Character's thoughts on faith. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In vel enim sagittis, congue justo nec, facilisis magna. Donec luctus tincidunt purus, convallis dignissim ante hendrerit et. Duis at ante erat. Proin ullamcorper aliquet dui a gravida. Nam nisi urna, ultrices efficitur tortor ac, venenatis feugiat arcu. 

[TABLE][TR][TD][color=COLORHERE][outline=black][b]☆ ON MATTERS OF PRINCIPLE[/b][/outline][/color][/TD][/TR][/table]
Character's principles. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In vel enim sagittis, congue justo nec, facilisis magna. Donec luctus tincidunt purus, convallis dignissim ante hendrerit et. Duis at ante erat. Proin ullamcorper aliquet dui a gravida. Nam nisi urna, ultrices efficitur tortor ac, venenatis feugiat arcu. 

[TABLE][TR][TD][color=COLORHERE][outline=black][b]☆ ON MATTERS OF THE HEART[/b][/outline][/color][/TD][/TR][/table]
Character's thoughts on relationships. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In vel enim sagittis, congue justo nec, facilisis magna. Donec luctus tincidunt purus, convallis dignissim ante hendrerit et. Duis at ante erat. Proin ullamcorper aliquet dui a gravida. Nam nisi urna, ultrices efficitur tortor ac, venenatis feugiat arcu.[/justify][/height][/box][/slide]
[slide=0 3 .][quote][outline=black][b]☆ [url=link][color=COLORHERE][outline=black][b]TV TROPE[/b][/outline][/color][/url] • [url=link][color=COLORHERE][outline=black][b]TV TROPE[/b][/outline][/color][/url] • [url=link][color=COLORHERE][outline=black][b]TV TROPE[/b][/outline][/color][/url] • [url=link][color=COLORHERE][outline=black][b]TV TROPE[/b][/outline][/color][/url] • [url=link][color=COLORHERE][outline=black][b]TV TROPE[/b][/outline][/color][/url] • [url=link][color=COLORHERE][outline=black][b]TV TROPE[/b][/outline][/color][/url][/b][/outline][/quote]
• List of character's mental and physical mannerisms, as well as their physical demeanour and any habits. Donec luctus tincidunt purus, convallis dignissim ante hendrerit et.
• List of character's mental and physical mannerisms, as well as their physical demeanour and any habits. Donec luctus tincidunt purus, convallis dignissim ante hendrerit et.
• List of character's mental and physical mannerisms, as well as their physical demeanour and any habits. Donec luctus tincidunt purus, convallis dignissim ante hendrerit et.

[columns=2][box=100%][fleft][b]LIKES .[/b]
• Thing.
• Thing.
• Thing.
• Thing.
[/fleft][/box][box=100%][b]DISLIKES .[/b]
• Thing.
• Thing.
• Thing.
• Thing.[/box][/columns][/justify][/height][/box][/slide][/TABS]
[quote]❝ A quote that feels particular relevant or resonant for the character. This is mostly here for aesthetic reasons. ( Source ) ❞[/quote]
[TABLE][TR][TD][color=COLORHERE][outline=black][size=20px][b][i]CONTACT AND OTHER THINGS ─── ☆[/i][/b][/size][/outline][/color][/TD][/TR][/table]
[TABS][slide=0 1 .][box=100%][height=237px][justify][quote][color=COLORHERE][outline=black][b]☆ STATUS • ORIENTATION • ARE THEY LOOKING?[/b][/outline][/color]
⤷ How easily do they form platonic and / or romantic bonds? Conversely, how easily is their ire earned?
⤷ How freely do they give of their trust, and how do they respond to betrayal?
⤷ Do they appreciate romantic advances or overtures? How do they react?[/quote]
• Open to [b]xyz[/b]; closed to [b]xyz[/b].
• [b]Smells[/b] of thing and thing. If you're a perfume nerd like me, you can write what [url=link][color=COLORHERE][outline=black][b]perfume[/b][/outline][/color][/url] they would wear here.
• [b]Sounds[/b] like descriptors. Voice claim is [url=link][color=COLORHERE][outline=black][b]Character Name[/b][/outline][/color][/url] ( Franchise or media ).
• Speech is [color=COLORHERE][outline=black][b]#HEXCODE[/b][/outline][/color]; dream speech is [color=COLORHERE][outline=black][b]#HEXCODE[/b][/outline][/color]; thought are [i]italicized[/i]; contact and combat is [u]underlined[/u].

☆ Little blurb about their fighting style.
• [b]Will / won't[/b] start fights; [b]will / won't[/b] flee; [b]will / won't[/b] start fights; [b]will / won't[/b] show mercy; [b]will / won't[/b] kill.
• [b]VICTIMS, if appl:[/b]
⤷ Killed [abbr=penned by x]Character[/abbr] on 00 . 00 . 0000 • [url=link][color=COLORHERE][outline=black][b]THREAD[/b][/outline][/color][/url]
⤷ Killed [abbr=penned by x]Character[/abbr] on 00 . 00 . 0000 • [url=link][color=COLORHERE][outline=black][b]THREAD[/b][/outline][/color][/url][/justify][/height][/box][/slide]
[slide=0 2 .][box=100%][height=237px][justify][quote][color=COLORHERE][outline=black][b]PARENT 1 xx PARENT 2 • GENERATION 0[/b][/outline][/color]
☆ Sibling / littermate / etc. to [abbr=penned by x]character[/abbr].
⤷ Cousin, aunt, uncle, other blood relation to [abbr=penned by x]character[/abbr].
⤷ Little blurb about who raised them and whatnot.[/quote]
[TABLE][TR][TD][color=COLORHERE][outline=black][b]RELATIONSHIPS [url=family tree][color=COLORHERE][outline=black][b]☆[/b][/outline][/color][/url][/b][/outline][/color][/TD][/TR][/table]
[b]FAMILY :[/b]
☆ Mate to / padding after / crushing on [abbr=penned by x]character[/abbr]; former mate, etc. to [abbr=penned by x]character[/abbr].
• Parent to [abbr=penned by x]character[/abbr], [abbr=penned by x]character[/abbr], and [abbr=penned by x]character[/abbr].
• Other relations of this sort.
[b]EDUCATION :[/b]
☆ Mentored by [abbr=penned by x]character[/abbr].
• Mentoring [abbr=penned by x]character[/abbr].
• Previously mentored [abbr=penned by x]character[/abbr].

[TABLE][TR][TD][color=COLORHERE][outline=black][b]OPINIONS [url=heartchart][color=COLORHERE][outline=black][b]☆[/b][/outline][/color][/url][/b][/outline][/color][/TD][/TR][/table]
[b]❤️️ FRIENDS:[/b] Character, character, character
[b]LOVES:[/b] Character, character, character
[b]TRUSTS:[/b] Character, character, character
[b]ADMIRES:[/b] Character, character, character
[b]LIKES:[/b] Character, character, character
[b]MIXED FEELINGS & NEUTRAL:[/b] Character, character, character
[b]DISLIKES:[/b] Character, character, character
[b]💔 ENEMIES:[/b] Character, character, character[/justify][/height][/box][/slide]
[slide=0 3 .][box=100%][height=237px][justify][quote][color=COLORHERE][outline=black][b]+ PROFICIENT IN:[/b][/outline][/color] Skill, skill, and skill.
[color=COLORHERE][outline=black][b]-- LACKING IN:[/b][/outline][/color] Skill, skill, and skill.[/quote]
[color=COLORHERE][outline=black][b]☆ CLAN SKILL:[/b][/outline][b][/b][/color][b] ★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆[/b]
⤷ [i]One-word descriptor.[/i] Longer description of their (in)proficiency in this skill. Donec luctus tincidunt purus.

[color=COLORHERE][outline=black][b]HUNTING:[/b][/outline][b][/b][/color][b] ★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆[/b]
⤷ [i]One-word descriptor.[/i] Longer description of their (in)proficiency in this skill. Donec luctus tincidunt purus.

[color=COLORHERE][outline=black][b]TRACKING:[/b][/outline][b][/b][/color][b] ★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆[/b]
⤷ [i]One-word descriptor.[/i] Longer description of their (in)proficiency in this skill. Donec luctus tincidunt purus.

[color=COLORHERE][outline=black][b]COMBAT:[/b][/outline][b][/b][/color][b] ★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆[/b]
⤷ [i]One-word descriptor.[/i] Longer description of their (in)proficiency in this skill. Donec luctus tincidunt purus.[/justify][/height][/box][/slide]
[slide=☆][box=100%][height=237px][justify][code]post code here