Delirium Trigger // Sick

Aspenhaze's absentmindedness doesn't fade with time; in fact, they're certain their mind is becoming more foggy. They probably should have taken more precaution after visiting the SkyClan boarder, especially with how worried they were, but alas. Maybe they thought too highly of themselves to fall ill, as it's not something that common for them. Even so, they're not untouchable. Not even close.

Today seems especially bad for them, as when they try to stand up, they're immediately hit with dizziness. They attempt to steady themself, but it's more of a chore than it should be. Part of Aspenhaze's mind says to just ignore it and go on with their day, but they know it could mean a death sentence for them. The last thing they want to do is to end up being the reason their mate dies, either.

As they gather themself, they notice that their throat is also starting to develop some soreness, and it solidifies in their mind that they have ended up catching yellowcough. They groan at the thought of having to be bedridden, but it immediately develops into a small coughing fit instead. Hating the idea of moping around will have to wait until they know they're safe.

Through sheer willpower alone, they make their way out of the den, heading straight towards the medicine den. Aspenhaze tries their best to stay away from others, but it's easy to see that they're shaking. They pray to StarClan that they haven't spread it to anyone else...
"Ravensong..." they murmur as loud as they can, but it hurts to speak.

OOC : Developed yellowcough! Looking for @RAVENSONG

Tensions with the other clans, the river flooding then drying up, and now a plague... Things are supposed to get worse before they get better — but Snakeblink doesn’t know how much “worse” he can take.

They had, for a moment, seemed safe from the sickness spreading through the forest thanks to the river’s protection. Then Otterpaw had fallen sick, followed by Lichentail, and then more; the relative safety quickly replaced by the same scrambling panic as the rest of the clans. And it doesn’t seem to be slowing down.

He nearly bumps into Aspenhaze as he hurries across camp, a mouse held between his teeth; he meant to drop it at the entrance of the medicine den for Ravensong, in case the healer had not yet eaten, but it drops out of his mouth as he notices the tortoiseshell’s wretched appearance. Their hoarse voice and rattling cough cements his first assumption: another one falling prey to this invisible enemy.

”Oh dear,” he says, his brows furrowing in concern. He is meant to meet with Carppaw in a moment, but surely this quick detour takes precedence. ”Stay there — sit. I will fetch Ravensong for you. Do not… Don’t strain yourself.”

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely
  • off to grab ravensong 🏃‍♂️
  • Snakeblink • he / him. 43 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo

( tags ) His own son was sick and he didn't know what to do. He wished he was sick instead of his own son, but fate decided otherwise. It seemed like Riverclan was suffering hardship after hardship. He knows that there is the ripple colony near them. Are they getting sick as well? He's not too sure about them, but his mind can't linger on them. What's important is that his son is sick, Lichentail is sick, and now Aspenhaze is sick. He is not extremely close to the tom, but he is his sister's mate. Therefore he can't let Aspenhaze die even from sickness. If that means working even harder to provide as much food as he can to the clan so be it.

He had returned much later with mole between his jaws, catching the sight of Snakeblink rushing towards the medicine cat den after stopping at Aspenhaze briefly. No. It can't be. Without a moment to waste he rushes over to Aspenhaze, mole in tow. He would drop the mole once he approached Aspenhaze. Right off the bat there is something wrong with Aspen. Unfocused the tom is. "I'm going to get Petalnose," he tells the other warrior. Maybe he didn't want that, but Pikesplash didn't care.

If he was in Petalnoses paws and had a mate who was ill, he wanted to know. He wouldn't want it to be hidden from him, even if it was out of love. not because he didn't understand the reason, but he knows he would be left with the question of what if. What if I been told earlier? Could I have done something sooner that could have changed the outcome? The mole is left forgotten as he pads away to find @Petalnose .

When he finds her, she most definitely can tell he is rattled. Maybe she would assume it was about Otterpaw and in this instance he wished that was just the case, yet that was not the truth. "Apenhaze is sick." Such simple words that carry too much weight. Before she can even question him, he starts making his way back to where Aspenhaze was. "Come." Spend some time with him. He'll feel a little better knowing you'll be there while Ravensong comes.

A lone fishing journey was interupted by her frantic friend, eyes calmly gazing over his frame with curious creased brows until the simple explanation rattled through him.

"Aspenhaze is sick."

Tension ran through her muscles, tightening around her slim body and stiffening her bounds after Pikesplash as if she were following him to war. Her brain searched for someone to blame, someone to be mad at.

Skyclan brought this sickness... Snakeblink sent them on the patrol.. Skyclan members got too close knowing what they carried.. Starclan let this happen.. it spiraled.

Although, she knew in reality that it was out of her control. There was no way for her to defend her mate, she couldn't fight for them. She couldn't heal them.

It was only up to Starclan and Ravensong's supplies.

Petalnose breathed a concerned trill as Pikesplash escorted her to Aspenhaze, after she flicked her tail in thanks to her brother- she bounded stiffly to her mate's side and took an almost instinctual protective stance. "Aspen.. love." She greeted, standing strong beside them and preparing to keep them from falling. "Please, lean on me. We'll wait together. I'll help take care of you." She instructed, studying the pretty blue tortiseshell point closely while occasionally glancing around in guard. She didn't want her other clanmates contracting their sickness, this was in addition to helping her ill lover feeling safe.

Whatever it takes. Even if I get my own ear chewed off by Ravensong.

  • Love
Reactions: Aspenhaze
There's some relief when they run into Snakebite and are told to stay in place, as Aspenhaze slowly lowers their bottom half to the ground to be at least a little more comfortable. The nausea settles if only for the moment, and they focus instead on gathering more energy up. It's true, the last thing they need is to make things worse by overexerting themself and exacerbating the symptoms. They have to stay as healthy as possible, because even if there is a known cure, it could still turn deadly too soon. And they are NOT going to let this be the end of them.

When they're approached by Pikesplash next, a sense of dread immediately fills their upset stomach. It's not that they're unhappy to see him, but they feel sympathetic as they know one of the others to catch yellowcough is his adopted son. He's close to Petalnose as well, and they know this is the last thing he needs right about now. But the last thing Aspenhaze wants is for Petalnose to end up catching this as well, and for it to be their fault. So when the tom goes off to grab their mate, they want to argue. Don't let her death be on my paws. But they don't have that kind of energy right now, so they stay sitting.

It's no surprise that Petalnose is quick to be the pillar at their side, and as much as they want to chastise her for putting her health in jeopardy, they don't have it in themself to do it. Aspenhaze knows that being by her side really does put them at ease, as they let themself fall into her shoulder, closing their eyes in relief. They so badly want to drift off in the warmth of the love of their life, but they need to stay awake.
"I'm sorry..." they whisper to Petalnose, because they would do anything to be healthy, to not be fearful of their future. At least for right now, they're both alive, and they have each other. No one could take that away.
Mosspaw was up early, as usual, and she was waiting on her mentor to begin training. Her posture was nice and neat as she sat near the stepping stones. Only when she spotted Aspenhaze emerging from the warrior den did she stand up, eager to get started training.

Her eyes went wide as she saw how they were shaking.

No, not them too. She approached slowly, trying to reassure herself with each step. Ravensong was a capable medicine cat, blessed by the stars, and Thunderclan had delivered to him the medicine he would need for this. Her mentor would be fine. Mosspaw stopped before she got too close, remembering the warnings she had heard. The worry on her face showed how desperately she wanted to step forth and help Aspenhaze, but as ever she was beholden to the rules.

"Ravensong said you are not supposed to get close..." She warned halfheartedly as Petalnose rushed to help her mate, but made no move to stop her. Instead she just watched, her gaze filled with concern and uncertainty.

Part of her was afraid that she would never train with Aspenhaze again.​
  • Sad
Reactions: Aspenhaze
"Back away Petalnose."

Ravensong acts just as they anticipate him to. And although he does not reveal it through his gloomy exterior, his heart does ache for the bittersweet goodbye the two mated cats will have to endure. "Aspenhaze will only have to stay for a while—we have the cure." But there is only so much lungwort left that Ravensong is uncertain he will have if the inevitable does happen and Petalnose catches Aspenhaze's sickness.

"Try not to speak much." He murmurs to the tortoiseshell warrior, taking a hesitant sniff at their fur to determine if fever was present. "I have honey to soothe the throat, and then some lungwort." He promises, glancing at the others and dipping his head in thanks. He is less bristled than the first patients—it's tiring now. "Let's go, to my den. Petalnose, you will have to throw out Aspenhaze's nest in the warriors den. Do it quickly, please."

  • IMG_0250.png
    LH BLACK POLYDACTYL MALE (CARRYING CINNAMON, DILUTE) a tall, slender creature with pitch-black feathery fur, large ears, and a sharply angled skull held up in an aloof manner. smells of dried herb, speaks with a low and rumbly accent and walks with an elegant slinking gait.

    born in twolegplace and orphaned at a young age, he joined riverclan at its inception and began training as a drypaw warrior known for a bitter temperment until beesong made him his medicine cat apprentice. after his mentor's untimely death, he had been named ravensong at the moonstone, young heart revitalized with anger and guilt. he is a somber and thorough medicine cat that guards every word spoken in the confines of his den.

    secretly loves "the stars but not so much what inhabits them"
    openly suffers from chronic migraines
    single, but "it's complicated"
Aspenhaze is grateful when Ravensong comes into view, especially so Mosspaw doesn't have to see them like this for too much longer. They are as fearful as she is that they won't get to train her any longer, but they still have the determination to live. There's the cure now, and as long as their health doesn't randomly dip, they'll stay alive. All they have to really worry about is Petalnose catching it from their current moment together. They give her a sad look as they pull away, not wanting to leave her side but knowing it's for the best.

The tortoiseshell nods at the suggestion to not talk, as even the idea of it makes their throat flare up. Words shall be saved for when they are truly needed. They give a grateful smile to Ravensong as they talk about what he could offer them, and don't waste any time in heading to the medicine den. Aspenhaze has to muster up all their will to not give Petalnose one more glance before their life becomes dull, but they want the next time they look at her beautiful face to be when they are healthy.

A crestfallen expression splayed across her face, allowing Aspenhaze to lean against her. Her nose brushed against their head in reassurance and affection. For all she knew, the only sickness she had experienced was one that was her own fault. It was a painful and tiring experience, something she didn't want them to go through. Even if she didn't want to go through it again; she wasn't scared to be victim to it just to instil comfort for Aspenhaze.

The rest of the clan did need her too, the clan was falling ill and she held an important position. She needed to protect her clan, Starclan only knew when Windclan would spring. Petalnose still couldn’t get herself to move away from their side, neither could she convince herself. So she stayed, attempting to reassure and comfort her mate as much as she could. A flick of her ear was made to Mosspaw’s words, but stubbornly staying put.

“Shh.. don’t be sorry.” She whispered back, curling her tail around the blue tortoiseshell point.

Her head lifted when she found Ravensong approaching. Jaw gapped to speak against the instructions from Ravensong, frustration spiraling within her body. But Aspenhaze left her before she could speak a word. A small grumble of the situation was voiced but she decided to not speak a word, her paw lifted as if she were to follow after but watching as they didn’t glance back she turned it in the direction of the warriors den to tend to the nest. Ears pinned and tail lashed as she strode off, pushing past her clanmates without a glance or word.

Tonight she would sleep alone, something that made her feel even more lonely than before they had gotten close. Petalnose prayed within her mind their body would take the cure.

//rushed lunch break post!
