pafp dependent on your heart ♡♥ hunting mishap

She is not too fond of being near the stream, she was capable of swimming but even the idea of getting wet at all put a frown upon her maw. Still, frogs preferred the moisture and the best place to hunt them up was near this area so she had begrudingly accepted the offer to go out with Forestshade and see if any of the tadpoles had grown big enough to make a meal of at last.
The bicolor queen lifts her tail high as she noses around the loamy earth, looking for any signs of the slimy amphibians that weren't right next to the water. The ones with tails were still growing and they could afford to leave them to get bigger a bit longer now that prey was not so scarce.
Out of the corner of her eye she notices the other moving a bit too close to the stream, blind as she was the sound of the water should be enough to alert her of where it is so Halfshade does not speak up immediately; not wanting the other to feel pestered and coddled about her disability. Her other senses worked fine, she'd be fine. So her focus turned back to her frog hunt.

The ground was softer here where the water had lapped up closer inland, the melting ice and frost increasing its depths by a high margin. It occurred to her then that the shift in the waterline might be something her hunting companion was unaware of and finally she sucked in a hiss and turned to voice her worries despite the possibility of complaints only to see the molly go dipping down with splash.
"Forestshade-!" Halfshade's voice cracked, her words broken into a startled yelp as she dashed forward after the blind warrior as she slips, nearly goes careening into the water to be swept up in its suffocating shroud. The torbie lunges, claws digging into the slippery bank and legs braced as she sinks her teeth into the other's scruff to try and get a proper hold to yank her back up before she can be completely swallowed up in the water.

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Forestshade plods along a few fox-lengths from her hunting companion, jaws parted as she draws in the various scents of the marsh. She can catch the faint whiff of a marsh rabbit, but the scent is stale, the prey long-gone by now. So instead, she trains her ears towards the bank of the nearby stream, hoping to hear the early croaks of young frogs. It's why they ventured all the way out here, after all. She swipes a hungry tongue across her jowl before creeping forward, silent as a mouse with her large, webbed paws pressing into the mud.

She has memorized the layout of this bank, her mentors made sure of it. A blind cat cannot mess around with unfamiliar surroundings, as Briarstar and Chilledstar both jammed into her head. So she's confident that she knows every step; why should anything change? She continues to creep forward closer to the lapping water, probably not paying as much attention as she should be or else she would have heard how much closer the small waves seemed. It's a near-deadly mistake. A forepaw meets the ground and it gives way beneath her, Halfshade's yowl reaching her a moment too late.

A gasp escapes the young warrior as she slips right down the bank, her chest and forelegs submerging in the cold water. "H-Help! I can't swim!" She yowls, trying her best to scrabble backwards up the bank but the mud is too slippery. She struggles to keep her head above the water, and she can feel the sediment between her toes surrender to her weight. Another shriek as she dips further into the water, this time her muzzle going under before she feels teeth grasp her scruff. Her clanmate heaves her backwards and back onto sturdy land, where she sits and splutters.

"Great StarClan!" Her voice is startled as she quickly gives the soaking wet front half of her body a shake. "Halfshade, you saved me!" She would've been a goner! She turns her head to face the direction of the other warrior, misty blind eyes wide in disbelief.

Of course she couldn't swim, that would make this too easy and the stars had decided Halfshade was to struggle today above all else. The torbie might have sunk her teeth in a bit too hard to get a firm and proper grip, but a bloodied scruff was certainly better than a bloated and drowned corpse so the other warrior was going to have to find it in her heart to forgive her for it. Besides, that dark of fur? No one would notice a little bite scar or two. She'd be fine.
Granted she didn't get ripped away in the current and sent downstream.
Her grip felt loosening, as if she too was to go dropping into the water to be swept away, but her claws tensed and a final surge of adrenaline was all it took to rip the other warrior free of her watery grave and send them both toppling backwards back onto the shoreline in a heap of wet fur and tangled limbs. Halfshade gives a gasp more of surprise than relief, uncertain at the time if she was capable of hauling the other to safety or if she'd be forced to let go and rush for help instead; an act that might have lead to Forestshade's untimely demise.
A low and panting laugh escaped her to the declaration, thankful that the blind she-cat was unable to see the panic writ across her maw and how tussled and sopping wet now her fur was; plastered against her and looking quite the fright. Knowing she could at least indulge in dropping her guard and vain sense of presentation she slumped forward where she sat with ears pinned back and a sigh restrained within her throat.
"O-oh, think nothing of it dear, after all we 'shades ought to have the other's back now hm~?"
Her mismatched gaze drew over to the water still bubbling along as though it had not tried to drown a cat moments before-rude. "Let's be a little...more mindful of this area. All that melted snow and ice pushed the waters up I believe. It's quite soggy here."
And so was she, but she was attempting to fix that currently with a firm shake that she did not really care sprinkled water over her nearly drowned companion.

chilledstar hadn't originally planned out here. their ears twitched and swiveled before they perked straight upwards at the sound of an all too familiar pair of voices. despite knowing them both, they can't help their first first concern is their former apprentice. their fur stands on edge, as the inner monologue screams. forestshade!

their paws began to drum against the wet and mushy terrain, and they only managed to skid to a halt, seeing the two cats. they were safe... thank the fucking stars. they gently gave a nod to halfshade in thanks before they roughly ( though it was a lot softer than it would have seemed ), nudged against their former apprentice, eyes worriedly scanning over her.

"are you alright? are you hurt anywhere? let me see. let me check you. just stand still for a second."

they sniffed over her pelt, breathing out a sigh of relief, though worry still etched in their face. they turned to halfshade, ears pinning back with another nod.

"thank you. forestshade... I'm just glad you're safe kid. or... I guess you're not a kit anymore."

they couldn't help but have an emotional attachment to her. she was their first apprentice and a learning experience. and a damned great warrior. they moved to draw their tongue over her head before turning back to halfshade.

"you're not hurt, either, are you?"
જ➶ An aimless walk brings him closer to the scene. One that meanders all too slowly even with the commotion occuring. He isn't uncaring persay but he doesn't find the need to move any faster than a small jotting spring. Intuition tells him, no his ears more like, tell him that someone else is on the scene too and have already sprung into action. So why should he suddenly use his energy for it. Still he does, with mild hesitation, move a bit faster to catch up. Especially when he notices how fast Chilled moves toward the area. Fuck, did they see him and how slow he was walking? Maybe. Crinkling his nose a bit he quickens his steps once more as moves through the bog till he gets to the apparent two that has caused the distress. One close and another drenched. "Hahaha! Fuck! You look like a drowned rat!" His outburst is sudden, a bit sharp before he shakes his head and pulls back some. "Sorry, sorry, sorry, it's the shock that got me." Just a little.

He steps back and then maneuvers around to Halfshade, glancing at her for a moment. "Yeah, you alright? You didn't pull anything, right?" There is a note of concern there. Small but still he cares about his clanmates.
Forestshade lets out an amused huff, her ears pinning as she hurriedly nods in agreement. "Yeah...let's." It would be awhile before she came hunting near this stream alone. She ducks her head slightly as water droplets rain upon her, the sound of a shaking pelt giving away the source. "I need a bath, thanks," She jokes, becoming all too aware of the mud now caking her forelegs from where they sunk.

Her nose twitches as a familiar scent washes over and before she can react, her former mentor's panicked voice reaches her. "Chilledstar, I'm fine," She assures them, exasperation dripping from her voice as they nose and nudge her. Eyes half-lidded, she appears extremely unamused. However, if one looked closely enough, they'd be able to catch the slightest upturn of her lips. It's nice to be worried about, and now that she's older she knows it's not because of her disability, but because her mentor cares.

Her ears pin back against her head as they rasp their tongue across her skull, just as Chittertongue arrives. "Shove a tail in it," She growls back to him, although it clearly lacks any malice. She's only teasing.