desire | crush talk


Sep 23, 2022

It was a silly little game. Or at least that was what Elmbreeze told himself when he proposed the idea of speaking of crushes. One could say he was a bit too old to be making jokes about crushes and the like, but this was Elmbreeze after all. Such playful and childish antics were a common thing for him.

He had quite happily teased an NPC warrior about their crush on one of the senior warriors, encouraging them that if they liked the cat so much, should tell them how they felt. When the laughter subsided from this teasing, Elmbreeze suddenly found the attention shift to him. "Do you have your eye on anyone?" The NPC asked, nudging him as they spoke. Elmbreeze's laughter died as soon as he felt the nudge. "I bet you've got a few she-cats you've got your eyes on." Suddenly very nervous, Elmbreeze tried to find something else to focus on, his gaze flickering between the cats present, one of the dens in the distance, the sky, and eventually, his paws.

"Perhaps," Was the singular word Elmbreeze managed to choke out after a moment of silence had passed. He didn't like to say that he hadn't had his eyes on any of the RiverClan she-cats because his affections were focused in a different direction. Not at the river, but across the moors, where WindClan resided. It was no secret to him that he had become increasingly fond of Echolight as they continued to meet in secret, but recently he had begun to think about if those feelings of fond friendship were developing into something more. And if they were, well that definitely made things trickier, given how WindClan was perceived. After reflecting on his thoughts quietly, he noted he hadn't really given an answer properly. "My lips will remain sealed," He said cryptically. Elmbreeze then turned his attention to the cat next to him. "What about you?" He asked, raising an enquiring brow.

What about you? The voice rang right into her folded ears, she straightens her spine, a bit shocked to be addressed. Brook was use to sitting idly, listening to conversations without speaking a word. She quite liked when cats included her, but... maybe not this peculiar subject. Brook has loved before, or well... crushed at least, but all of it had been incredibly silly and lacked reciprocation. Just thinking about how madly she had crushed over toms back in the pine group when she had been a younger molly made her grow warm under her fur.

Brook laughs, "Me? No..." Her head shakes, "That kinda thing isn't for me." Dismissively she adds. One of the sad souls who believed she could never find someone who loved her, Brook was. Romance wasn't even something she tried to think about, but she'd be lying if she didn't confess she dreamed of a day where she could have someone to call her mate.

( casual character / "speech" / ic opinions )​
· BROOK, female — she / her
╰ ‣ 23 moons . ages on the first
╰ ‣ riverclan warrior . believes in starclan
╰ ‣ former member of the pine group

· DOMESTIC FELINE, smells like fish and river , status — 100%
╰ ‣ blue tabby . blue eyes . blind

╰ ‣ Observant, reliable, hardworking, overcommitted, humble, takes critique personally
╰ ‣ finds minimal difficulty in relating to others . quick to show mercy, unless her family is at risk of harm
╰ ‣ Doesn't appreciate most proper titles, doesn't feel deserving of them

· NPC x GRACE, sister to Lightningstone & Stormpaw
╰ ‣ bisexual.
╰ ‣ skilled fighter . average hunter .
╰ ‣ unlikely to start fights . unlikely to flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.​
"Whad’ya mean Brook? It totally is!" Tumbling out of a practice roll, Steeppaw took a breath to interject. Romance, or whatever, seemed pretty cool. Her Ma and Da both seemed better for it, and the thought of a proper partner in crime appealed to the apprentice.

Chalk creases retreated above her honey eyes in a brazen show of interest as the molly turned to Elmbreeze. He had taken way too long to respond- definitely a show of more going on between his ears than normal. "Sealed? C’mon that’s boring… sure you don’t have a crush or something? " In almost a bark, Steeppaw prodded at the older warrior. She didn’t see the point in keeping quiet about it. The sooner you told the cat the better right?

To punctuate her not-so-subtle interrogation she carved her black pointer-paw through a groove in earth, crushing the dust below into a wave across her sheathed claws. Crush was such a dumb word. It's not like you were thwarting them in battle or anything.

A sharp sneeze announces the presence of the skinny tortoiseshell feline, and Crappiepaw pads over to join their talking clanmates. They settle down only a tail-length away from Steeppaw, tilting his head in consideration. They’re talking about love and crushes.

Crappiepaw has never completely understood love, or having feelings for others. It seems like such a waste of time, time that could be better spent doing other things. There are plenty of more fun things to do than hang around with the same cat every day. And if he fell in love, he’d be expected to say nice things to them all the time, and protect them. One specific clanmate’s face comes to mind, and the tortoiseshell-patched apprentice squints at their paws. "I think I have a crush on someone," they say, their lip curling into a sneer. How awful. "It’s gross. Love is yucky."

Tide hears talk about love. About crushes.

"More lovebirds?" he asks, ears perking up at the discussion. More felines to tease, while simultaneously envying their relationship? Oh, what fun!

Elmbreeze is one of them, Tide thinks, but the warrior refuses to say just who it is that's stolen his heart. How can he make fun of Elmbreeze, without there being another with him? How... Boring. Perhaps he'll find them curled up in a nest together, just as he did Willowroot and Poppysplash.

"Oh, that's no fun, Elmbreeze!" Tide protests, "At least give us a hint, would you?"

Little Crappiepaw says love is gross. Perhaps the kid is too young to fully understand how lovely such a sappy feeling is.

Tide, however, dreams of a day when he's in love. Perfect and sweet. A relationship others can tease Tide for, rather than the other way around. But, that day is miles away, he's certain of it.

It's his turn to be asked about his own love life, and the black smoke simply shakes his head.

"Maybe someday," he tells the one who asks. Someday.

He listens with interest as the assembled cats speak of their potential crushes and the topic of love. A few give Elmbreeze an odd luck and press him for more, though he keeps his mouth shut until Tide takes a turn asking for more. Until then he is content to sit quietly, listening as the others share their own feelings, even if they are as cryptic as his own.

After Tide has said his piece, Elmbreeze finally relents a little more slip. Though for the sake of protecting Echolight and her WindClan heritage, he twists some of the truth. "The she-cat I like will remain unnamed, for her sake as well as mine, lest some of you are too nosy for your own good. Which judging by this conversation - you are," Elmbreeze chuckled, playfully nudging the cat nearest. "She is a pretty thing with long ivory fur dappled with ginger and lilac. She is good, kind, and a little mysterious too. The more time we spend together the more I find my thoughts are taken up by her." Well, that was a bit more overly romantic than he anticipated! At least the description fit with some of the other she-cats who resided in RiverClan and thus wouldn't immediately lead someone to think of another clan.

It only took one mention of crushes and infatuations reaching Snakeblink’s ears for him to approach the small cluster of cats and eavesdrop on their conversation. He loves good gossip — and an opportunity to play matchmaker, for all that he’s not been very good at it in the past. What can he say? He just loves love.

He stays a little distance away and tries to look busy grooming himself while Elmbreeze evades citing names and Brook waves off the whole concept altogether. He silently agrees with Steeppaw: there’s no reason she couldn’t find love. She looks lovely — although, admittedly, she has no way of knowing this without being told. Crappiepaw’s disgusted reply has him chuckling quietly in his own pelt. It’s hard to pretend he’s not paying attention when he wants to turn around and wheedle the apprentice into elaborating.

Tide prompts Elmbreeze into saying more and Snakeblink, in the process of licking his back paw, freezes with one leg sticking halfway up to his head as he listens intently. His curiosity morphs into suspicion as Elmbreeze describes this mysterious she-cat. He can name one or two cats who might match this description, but he doesn’t think he’s seen the tom interact in any meaningful way with any of them.

And weren't there words of Elmbreeze coming back to camp with Windclan smell all over himself? Snakeblink wasn’t there when it happened, but he remembers hearing about it through the rumor mills and making a note of it. Surely he wouldn’t mention his paramour so openly if she was from Windclan, but…

Twisting around to stare at the other tom, Snakeblink says wonderingly, “You make her sound so perfect, it has me wishing I could meet her myself…

  • Snakeblink • he / him. 34 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo


He listens thoughtfully as Elmbreeze speaks about his other half.

How sweet, the way he describes her. Though, Tide can't say he recognizes this mystery love of Elmbreeze's. Then again, RiverClan was home to many, and, well, Tide has yet to mingle with a lot of them! So, maybe he's yet to meet her? He'll have to remember such a description - have to keep his eyes out for a match to his words. It would be easier if her identity wasn't such a guessing game, but Tide's already pried for enough information, hasn't he?

"She sounds lovely," Tide tells him, icy eyes gleaming with joy for the tom. Oh, how lucky he was, to find someone who takes up all his thoughts! "I hope I get to meet her, someday!"
buckgait has the misfortune to stumble upon lovesick cats, started by elmbreeze...which is the only reason why she continued to listen in. still distrustful of the tom since the scent of moors had clung to his pelt, she had been trying to find a name for his descriptions. but clan names never sit right in her throat, even her own brings disgust. at his vivid descriptions of this mysterious molly, he seems to have enraptured the crowd. with snake and tide falling victim to it. others share her lonesome nature, and buck is thankful that the air is not totally filled with lovebirds. there's little hope in her keeping an eye on him and some random molly, so buck opts for something that won't require much patience on her end.

"why not just confess? save us all the trouble of a lovesick cat." she used to be more tolerant of the softer emotions. the whimsical sighs and kitten eyes. the watching when they pass, the stuttered breaths and daydreams of fantasy. now, she rejects it all. she thinks of none worthy enough to swallow her heart and tame her, nor does she allow for any thought of certain cats. there's more to be done than pondering when someone will fill her nest.

she feels a bit more lonely than before she had entered this conversation...