The fish were skittish, atleast within the spot the lead warrior sat. The moment she'd move to strike the fish darted off, faster than her speedy claws. A groan of impatience rumbled through her, doing her best to keep her tail from instinctively lashing. She stood still, watching with furrowed brows and tightened lips tugged downwards. No shadows, she was still. What was making them so skittish? Have they adapted to be more observant? Fishing all of the sudden was a difficult art to the experienced lead warrior. Quick and skilled, fishing was hardly a challenge in the warmer seasons for her. Although, for some odd reason, today was a challenge.

A shadow emerged to nip upon a bug that had fallen to the water's cruelty. Petalnose rose her claw quickly and struck but the fish slipped from her maw as she brought it forward. "Rah!" A bark of impatience exploded from her and she pulled her body forward and dived. Once her body was emerged, claws reached forth to cradle the fish in her claws, pushing inward to serve the killing bite.

Slow pushes of breath through her nose bubbled to the surface, a sign of her life to concerned onlookers. After a successful catch, her back legs springed off the sandy depths and front legs paddled to the safety of the surface with deep frustrated inhales through the scales of the gilled prey. She pulled herself to the shallows, shaking her pelt before roughly throwing the trout next to her fishing spot. At least.. desperate measures came to a good catch.


She could sympathize with the lead warrior's frustration. Missing a fish even after wonderful execution was beyond annoying. The sudden ruckus of sloshing waves marked the area where Petalnose vanished underwater. Sablemist's ears perked, straining forward as her eyes spotted a few hasty bubbles rising to meet the surface. An explosion followed soon after as the older molly burst forth to deposit her catch up on shore. "Good catch." She voiced genuinely with a small smile before glancing back into the depths below. The fish were rather hard to pin today and she still did not manage to catch anything herself. "I saw a heron earlier. Perhaps that has something to do with prey being so skittish." Her gaze shifted back to the lead warrior as she shook water from her dense pelt.
≖≖ riverclan warrior / eighteen moons old / she/her ≖≖
Salmonshade and Riverpaw were just passing by as Salmon spots Sablemist and Petalnose on the shore, the latter seemingly growing increasingly frustrated as her paw misses a fish. She narrows her eyes as she watches, waits to see if Petalnose can be faster than a fish and snag one. Instead, Petalnose dives in, and though Salmonshade cannot say she hadn't done that before, it still causes Salmons brows to raise. The only telltale sign that Petal hadn't drowned is the rising of bubbles and the rippling from the entrance. She comes back with a fish, standing in the shallows and throwing it to the shore.

"Nice catch," Salmonshade echoes after Sablemist, her voice a murmur. Then she turns to Riverpaw, a frown growing on her lips. "I don't want you doing that until I can properly show you how." she shakes her head. It was a good moveset to have, but she's worried that if executed wrong, Riverpaw would be swept down by the currents. The river was a different thing day by day, after all.

She doesn't want this to influence him to do something stupid...

Sablemist says something about a heron being around and Salmon makes a quick mental note to go further down the stream during their hunting trip later. "Give it a bit and the fish'll be back to normal, then... They forget quickly..." idle conversation leaves her mouth as she scans over the river, the thought of the bird still in mind.

  • 70831649_t0YE8lpgGiTPlyS.png
    salmon ,, salmonshade
    cis female ,, she/her ,, 38 months
    warrior of riverclan ,, mentoring riverpaw
    fluffy & dainty chocolate tortie smoke with white, blue eyes
    "speech, fd9367" ,, thoughts
    lesbian ,, single
    smells like warm flowers & freshly cut grass
    chibi by pin ,, penned by chuff