twolegplace DESTINY | skyclan dusk patrol

The Twolegplace: haven for some, hell for others. Silversmoke had long since decided that it was a place of ruin and depravity, the likes of which made him nauseous at the thought of even entering the territory of upwalkers, let alone actually doing it. Each passing moon had treated him kindly, perhaps he'd stepped on a four-leafed clover or stashed away a rabbit's foot, having scarcely even needed to entertain stepping into the wretched place. His luck had run out with the most recent patrol assignments though, and he wasn't sure whether to blame Orangeblossom or himself more for being woefully unprepared to step back into untrodden lands. On the streets, he was no one, a free feline who'd never heard of responsibility and only knew selfishness. It wasn't something he craved again, not like one of his peers, freedom was a dangerous thing in the wrong paws and he knew his own would be tainted should he entertain the offer once more. Even still, it was difficult for him to remember that there were four cats ambling behind him as he stalked the streets he used to roam.

He breathed in the foul air quicker than he'd like, each wisp of ruin in the scent sending ripples of discomfort down his spine. His heartbeat roared in his ears louder than the voice of LionClan itself, and the conversations of his clanmates drowned out as he focused on the horizon and the horizon alone. A shadow shot past one of the nearby alleys and Silversmoke backed away, claws unsheathed and spine instinctively arching towards the red-tinted sky. Where the shadow once was, a mouse appeared, tilting its head toward the gathering of cats before bolting back into its hiding place. Silversmoke snorted, disgust pooling where fear once had. He'd been scarred for prey that size, nowadays, he was sure it wouldn't even fill him for a morning. Trembling with revulsion, the Lead Warrior moved faster than he did before, lashing his tail as an order to the others: keep up. He should probably be speaking to his apprentice about what to do in the Twolegplace, but for all his time in the clan, he didn't know the etiquette. Silversmoke didn't know how technical trespassers should be treated, how he should navigate difficult conversations with uptight kittypets, all he knew of the cobbled streets was that he needed to survive, no matter the cost.

"Where are you from here?" He mumbled, nearly as quiet as the rodent he'd left alone minutes ago. Sensing confusion or that they hadn't heard him, the Lead Warrior's tufted ears twitched and he turned his head. "Sweetybee?" 'Where is your home?' Talking more felt like moving his jaws through thorny bushes, he just had to hope the other could read between the lines.

[ tags: @CROWPAW! , @TWITCHBOLT , @DOOMPAW , @Sweetybee ]

The Twolegplace is not daunting for him, though it should be, by all means. He’d been born to a stray on the streets, and he now knows the truth about the mother he’d known as Trisha, flanks swirled black and red and white. He knows she is dead, that he and his brother had buried against her cold flank until the Twolegs had found them and whisked them away to the Shelterplace. But he does not remember what killed her. Doesn’t remember anything scary at all, really. His stay in the Shelterplace had not even been as traumatic for him as it had been for others. Besides, as Silversmoke touches upon, some of their warriors live here. Edenpaw, his denmate, is one of them. He wishes they were here so he could ask them to show him their nest.

He turns to Twitchbolt, conversationally meowing, “I was born ‘ere, too.” He leaps into the air, spiraling as though he’s performing a battle move. He does not land on his paws, instead rolling about in grass toasted by the greenleaf sun. “You ever been here?” He tilts his face up to his mentor, blinking earnestly.

  • doomguy . doomkit . doompaw
    — afab, he/him, apprentice of skyclan
    — unknown sexuality ; single
    — short-haired blue tortoiseshell with white and green eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette

Doompaw was, for once, benevolent in his liveliness. Twitchbolt smiled shakily as he watched the calico tom whirl about a little bit ahead of him. Oddly, it was somewhat relieving to have not one but two cats here who had some experience with the Twolegplace, even though he was about as comfortable with this border as Silversmoke was. They'd had different life experiences with this place, and... this border. He gave his fellow lead warrior a glance, meeting his mismatched eyes for a moment. "Let's do this quickly," he murmured, voice thick.

Doompaw spoke to him then, and Twitchpaw regarded his apprentice with that same smile, a small flicker of gladness in the grassy expanse of his ever-alert gaze. He nodded at the calico's sincere question. "Yeah." The brown and white tom swallowed, a breath heaving through him. "A couple of times when I was an- an apprentice, like you. And then... you probably didn't see me, but I was in- in the Shelter, with you, for a while." He'd only known of Doompaw's presence truly until after they had both escaped- but only as he said it did Twitchbolt realise it was a genuine shared experience they'd had.
penned by pin ✧
Why was everyone so NERVOUS. Their anxiety was going to rub off on her. At least Doompaw doesn't have anxiety, he is her last bastion of sanity on this patrol. Twolegplace doesn't scare her, it's just another biome to her. A strange, twoleg made biome with awful hot and dry ground and dens of stone. Twolegs were a diverse species, no twoleg was the same. This she has learned since becoming a kittypet. They were still dangerous creatures though, and she would always be wary around most.

To her greatest surprise, Silversmoke talks to her. She's almost blown away by it, but she manages to answer his question without her mind breaking.

"A little farther up the way, not too far but still farther than we patrol." She says, looking at him curiously. "Why do you ask?"

She can't imagine Silversmoke paying her a visit. Was he making an effort to be nice??? She's not sure she's ever seen him be nice. He's always so cranky. Most of the time she wants to take him between her paw and the ground and just. Squish him a little.​
He's not particular nervous, but he is curious about this place. He's heard of it and that kittypets along with daylight warriors dwelled here, but he's never actually seen it before with his own eyes. Warriors from what it seems don't like to linger around here and he is confused why. Sweetybee is more than comfortable here, is there something dangerous for them here? Unlike Twitchbolt or Doompaw he has no idea what a shelter is, blissfully unaware the dangers he might face should he stay too long here or have a bad day. From how Twitchbolt speaks, the shelter seems like a bad thing. Whatever this shelter thing is. Although he would be lying to say he wasn't shocked when Doompaw shares the news that he had been born here. Does plague know too? He assumes his kinda brother knows considering he and Doompaw are friends. As for Crowpaw being friends with Doompaw he wouldn't say they are buddy buddy with each other, but they wouldn't argue as much as he's seen Cherrypaw and Doompaw. It really did seem like those two couldn't stand each other.

In silence he walks, listening to the others, not having much to comment about. It's only until Sweetybee says it's a little farther that once again his mind is itching to know what her home is like. Despite the fact that Sweetybee is talking to his mentor, his interest is too much that he draws near and looks up at Sweetybee. "What's Sweetybee home like? Can I see?" Maybe Sweetybee would be surprised that someone in their patrol is interested in what her home looks like and wants to see it. Or maybe it's even more surprising coming from Silversmoke's apprentice. As for his mentor's reaction... It's safe to say that he didn't think about it. He is curious and that has to be understood. He was once confined to the walls of the nursery, so anywhere outside of camp holds great interest to him.