Jun 11, 2023

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- This was really it, then? The culmination of all the things he had done or learned within the boughs of Skyclan, within their protection and love. The argument with Cherrypaw, the conversation with Lupinepaw- it all hung heavy on his head as he trekked out to where they would be most comfortable testing. A set of question within the Sandy Hollow, the combat against his mentor, and then the hunting on his own. Nervousness coalesced in his stomach as he padded just to the side of his mentor.

Blue eyes shifted to look up towards Greeneyes, as if he could read into the mind of the green eyed lead warrior- then past his mentor to Twitchbolt. His ears twitched. He didn't know much about the deputy, beyond how dependable he was, despite the nervousness he had read off of the deputy early on with Falconpaw's time in Skyclan. What would Twitchbolt think of him? Two extremely important figures in Skyclan, here to analyze if he was ready to be on his own within the clan, if he was a strong and kind soul. A soft breath left him as they arrived at the Sandy Hollow- no more time for deep thoughts, bewilderment in the face of the adversity.

He needed to get this done and overwith. He turned on his paw, vision moving to face both of the warriors that had accompanied him here. Or was he accompanying them? Don't overthink this, Falconpaw. He inhaled sharply, then with the exhale, spoke- "Alright. I'm ready when you are." Confidence slowly began to replace the nervousness, shining vision centered on Greeneyes.
  • "speech"
  • DnLL8mM.png
  • FALCONPAW 🌧 he/him, apprentice of skyclan, eleven moons.
    LH chocolate lynx point with deep blue eyes, and a long scar on his left cheek down under his jawline. pushes his 'hair' back. very long legged, half oriental moggie.
    mentored by greeneyes / / mentoring no one
    padding after lupinepaw / / brother to spottedpaw and sagepaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

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It was interesting to be witness to something like this, though there was a twist of longing in his gut. Doompaw would have been going through with his own assessment by now, had he not run off. Yet again Twitchbolt was struck with a feeling of profound unworthiness for everything good that had ever happened to him. Though his first apprentice had been famously unruly, and everyone had assured him there was nothing to be done, failure still pecked away at his mind, eating at it like a termite.

There were more important matters at paw, though- wide green eyes settled, shimmering with focus, upon Greeneyes and Falconpaw. He gave his friend, and then the apprentice, both nods of encouragement and respect. In silence, he wondered if Greeneyes felt the same pull of aging that he did... they'd grown up as kits together, and now Greeneyes' apprentice was graduating.
penned by pin ✧

Time moves all too quickly for Greeneyes. It feels like he’d just become an apprentice himself, feels like he just graduated, like he’s just been assigned to mentor a small, chocolate pointed newcomer. But the kit he’d been tasked with bringing to the Gathering later that same night has grown taller, stronger, as the days, moons, seasons passed.

And now, the time has come, and the day of Falconpaw’s assessment has finally arrived.

It’s a bittersweet walk to the Sandy Hollow, to training grounds familiarized by countless days spent in its confines. The beginning of the end is here, and should Falconpaw pass the tests that lie ahead for him, their days as mentor and apprentice would be numbered, finite. His first apprentice is nearly a warrior himself, nearly ready to fend for himself and the clan on his own.

And somehow, he is nervous too, for both Falconpaw and himself. It almost feels as if this is a test of himself and his mentoring as well, with Twitchbolt joining them. Of all of his co-council members to take part in this, he’s glad it’s his friend, but he faces the mounting pressure of his friend being SkyClan’s deputy.

When they arrive to the Sandy Hollow, Greeneyes takes a moment to gather his own thoughts and go over what he’s prepared. He exchanges a smile with Twitchbolt, before looking to Falconpaw. “ Ready? “ he asks his apprentice. You got this, he wants to encourage him, though knows he must remain partial in the midst of such a crucial milestone.

As soon as his apprentice confirms he’s ready, as soon as Greeneyes sees the tom’s nerves abate he nods his head. “ Okay — I’m going to ask you a few questions first, “ the lead warrior says, sitting down in front of Falconpaw.

Tell me about the start of the clans — what caused them to form? “ Comes the first question. “ What sets SkyClan apart from the other clans? “ Comes the second. Between each question he gives his apprentice, he pauses, allowing the tom some time to answer. Like Hazelbeam had with Edenpaw, he gives no confirmation whether the apprentice’s answers are correct until the end. When Falconpaw navigates his way though them, Greeneyes continues with the third.

You come across a loner at the border. With them… “ he pauses, thinking for a moment, “ With them they bring their five-moon-old child. They both wish to join the clan. How should you handle this? And, if they’re able to join, what would be both of their paths to becoming warriors? “ After this, a final request is shared, one mirrored from the assessment he’d proctored.

Tell me the Warrior Code. “​
  • 74596946_rY2pLJ2YZGmQ0CI.png
    ── Lead Warrior of SkyClan

    ── Daisyflight x Raven Ramble
    ── AMAB; He/Him
    ── A red tabby and white tom with bright green eyes.
    ── Mentored by Sheepcurl; Currently mentoring Falconpaw
    ── "Speech"; Attack

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- Hesitation burns in his stomach, eyes narrowed against the sting of the sun high above- as if it shone upon him to strengthen him. Really, all it was doing was putting an annoying spot in his eye. Falconpaw cleared his throat, stretching his paws out nervously as Greeneyes began to speak. Focus, Falconpaw- Ready? He nodded his head. "As much as I'll ever be." He responded truthfully.

A few questions first- that was fine, Falconpaw had basically recited the code since he had been taught it. For his siblings- from day one, the eldest, told he must be strong. His ears pushed forward as he processed the information, then began to speak. "The Great Battle. Two colonies had begun to feud, then battle each other. It's said it was over prey." An ear twitch, but he ignored the urge to give a hesitated glance towards Twitchbolt, or away from his mentor. "At the end of the battle, Starclan rose, giving them a prophecy, commanding them to separate into five clans for peace."

That one he had been taught within the walls of Skyclan- Vermillionsun had not given that information, deeming sewer lessons more necessary in his early life then that of clan history. In a way, he was so invested in it because he had been separate from it. A new world of information to explore, perhaps. "Skyclan commands the skies- we are strong in climbing, and moving about the branches high above. We're kinder to outsiders then others, but no less weaker for it." He responded. He should know, right? Falconpaw had been given good graces to enter Skyclan at the cusp of apprenticehood before one of the newest laws.

Steady gaze watches his mentor as the next question is answered. Falconpaw takes a moment to consider his answer. "A loner-kit pair at the border. My first instinct would be to retrieve the deputy or the leader, bringing them to the border- not the outsiders to camp." He had hesitated- almost said Blazestar in place of another name, but he smoothed his own fur down.

"Upon their discretion, the child would be apprenticed at six moons, going through full-training like I had." He paused. "The loner would be assigned a warrior to shadow for a moon- no, two. Two moons. They need to be respectful, not cause trouble, and actually learn something to be considered a Skyclan Warrior." He exhaled softly. Almost there. "With all of that in mind, if they don't pass their assessment, they will be sent away."

Falconpaw had been there for the rise of a couple of those rules. A final request- the warrior code. All of which he had also been reciting. "Bear with me as I list it- Loyalty to your clan over your friendship with cats in another clan; do not hunt or trespass on other cat's territory; elders, queens, kits, and the sick or injured will be fed before those healthy and able within a clan; with that in mind- prey is only killed to be eaten, not for sport." Falconpaw pauses to take a breath, shifting his paws.

"A kit must be six moons old to be an apprentice, and then the law that Howlingstar recently implemented- Newly appointed warriors will hold silent guard over camp the night following their ceremony." Falconpaw inhaled gently, finally letting his sharp vision skip between the two of the lead warriors. "Is... is there any more questions?"

  • "speech"
  • FALCONPAW 🌧 he/him, apprentice of skyclan, eleven moons.
    LH chocolate lynx point with deep blue eyes, and a long scar on his left cheek down under his jawline. pushes his 'hair' back. very long legged, half oriental moggie.
    mentored by greeneyes / / mentoring no one
    padding after lupinepaw / / brother to spottedpaw and sagepaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


✧ . Greeneyes knows he’s taught Falconpaw well. He knows his apprentice knows this stuff — knows all that he’s asked of him. So why does he find himself holding his breath, as if waiting for a misstep? As if bracing for ginger ears to capture a wrong answer, to recite back to his apprentice a twist of words he hadn’t practiced?

The lead warrior listens closely. He hadn’t been around for the clans’ formation, but he’d been birthed alongside them, and their history as proper clans hardly scopes past his own life. Colonies of Pine and Marsh had been tales his mother shared to him in kithood, just as he shares tales of the mountains to his youngest kin. Both full-time and daylight clan members, a representation of SkyClan’s strength that’d allowed his own loner-born apprentice to thrive just as them — to grow into the warrior he’s soon to be.

He almost nods, almost confirms his answers to the first set of questions. Instead, a glance to Twitchbolt is shared, a straightening of his posture as the questions push forward.

The inclusion of the kit in his example had been a trick question — one meant for Falconpaw to slow his mind down, to make sure he’s including all he needs to with a rule still fresh, hardly a season old. The lead warrior is pleased the apprentice catches on, content in the answer he gives in full.

And then, the warrior code. The death that caused its birth still feels like a fresh memory, snow-bitten when he dwells upon it. Greeneyes has been witness to all of it, to a recital once non-existent growing taller than him. Had he not grown with it, would he be able to share them as well as Falconpaw does before him? Would he have remembered to include Howlingstar’s newest addition — a law of which hadn’t affected his first night as a warrior, but will affect Falconpaw’s?

A smile threatens to pull at the corners of his mouth as a question is asked back to him.

Nope — no more questions, “ he assures his apprentice. “ I’d say you passed the first part of your assessment, wouldn’t you? “ Greeneyes’ gaze flickers to Twitchbolt, before returning to the chocolate point in front of him.

Next is hunting, “ Greeneyes presses onward, “ I would like you to catch two birds, please. Any two — it doesn’t matter which. “ He figures this will test his patience, while aiding Falconpaw in displaying his skills.

You must catch them from the trees. No land hunting. I’ll give you until sundown to return here. “ Of course, he and Twitchbolt won’t bee too far behind. “ Good luck! “ A wave of his tail sends his apprentice off to start the next part of his test.​
  • 74596946_rY2pLJ2YZGmQ0CI.png
    GREENEYES AMAB. He / Him. Lead Warrior of SkyClan.
    ✧ . A red tabby and white tom with bright green eyes.
    ✧ . Daisyflight x Raven Ramble
    ✧ . Mentored by Sheepcurl ; Currently mentoring Falconpaw
    ✧ . Peaceful and healing powerplay permitted!
    ✧ . Penned by Abri@_abri_ on discord, feel free to dm for plots!
    ✧ . " Speech " ; Attack

Twitchbolt was rather aware of the fact that his presence probably wasn't helping Falconpaw relax very much... though he equally couldn't fathom that it was possible to be relaxed during you warrior assessment. He certainly hadn't been, but... that probably wasn't a surprise to anyone who'd held a conversation with him. Inquisitive eyes looked to the apprentice after exchanging an affirmative smile with Greeneyes.

Falconpaw's memory was impressive... and it was an important thing to remember, after all. "Well done," he purred hoarsely.

Unbeknownst to the both of them, his mind wandered down the same path as Greeneyes'; would he have managed the same? Probably... there'd been less rules to the warrior code back then. Maybe it had even just been one. His assessment had been focused entirely on what he had excelled at... using his tracking and creativity to catch a squirrel. The treetops, that was what Daisyflight had said; and as Greeneyes instructed his own apprentice, deeming him unable to use the treetops, a slight smile pulled at Twitchbolt's lips.

Like mother, like son. Two birds, any two. If Falconpaw's hunting was as good as his recollection, this should take him no time at all- Greeneye's window of until sunrise was a fair one, though. He expected no less of his friend. As the second part of the assessment began, he wandered a little closer to walk in step with the white-and-ginger tom. "And well done to you, too," he murmured, so only the warrior would hear him.
penned by pin ✧

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- Greeneyes gives him an all clear- ears perked gently, and relief swept him. Maybe that was the hardest task he'd have to face today, but Falconpaw knew better, after all- he'd be hunting something within the forest. But still- he had passed the first part. He exhaled softly, perhaps a breath he didn't realize he had been holding. His head lifted gently, vision moving towards the sun that was held just before sunhigh.

For you, papa.

His vision swept down towards Greeneyes at the next set of instruction, and he nodded gently. Falconpaw didn't ask questions, or respond verbally. A soft smile, and a dipped head given towards the other lead warrior present.

But he turned on swift paws, slipping into the forest. He didn't stick out too horribly from stretching pines and lacking ground cover, his points blending in with the trees. It wasn't long before he was climbing a tree, winding his paws up the bark of the tree. Hopefully, I won't even need all day. He thought to himself, then an instant biteback- Don't be cocky. You know better.

He settled in for the long haul, gently moving from limb to limb, ears perked and his breathing steady. Paws moved with solid confidence. All of the moons he had spent in Skyclan, Falconpaw had slowly grown to be close to his root name. His father had named him well enough to the point he had come to love his namesake, despite the scar that winds over his face. His thoughts were split in that way- wondering if his father still walked the earth as he stalked the branches high above.

Falconpaw's first catch was a hint of a struggle. The bird landed, talons digging into the bark of the tree he had been hunkered in for an hour or so. No hesitation gripped him as his claws flashed out- he got the bird without a second thought, a sparrow of sorts, but nearly lost his grip on the limb. Bird clutched in his mouth, he cemented his grip, shoulders heaving but breaths silent. Slowly, he retreated, finding his way down the trunk of one tree with lighter paw-falls, burying the carcass at the foot of the tree.

Sharp blue eyes shifted around, as if looking for a flash of mottled pelts he knew well. Ears twitched, and Falconpaw climbed up a new tree, using the sky top pathways to find a new spot.

The second kill was cleaner and swift judgement, but the sun was starting to slip low. The finch in his jaw hadn't been much challenge, fat as it fed on seeds and worms in it's treetop haven. Sliding down the trunk of the tree, he returned for his first kill, picking up both and carrying it back towards where he had seen Greeneyes and Twitchbolt last.

He settled both kills down beside one another, slowly sinking on his haunches. His body was a hint sore, having crouched on limbs all day long, using a 'trap and wait' method rather then actively chasing a bird in flight.
  • "speech"
  • FALCONPAW 🌧 he/him, apprentice of skyclan, thirteen moons.
    LH chocolate lynx point with deep blue eyes, and a long scar on his left cheek down under his jawline. pushes his 'hair' back. very long legged, half oriental moggie.
    mentored by greeneyes / / mentoring no one
    padding after lupinepaw / / brother to spottedpaw and sagepaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.