determination ;; windclan patrol


// obligatory tag for @spiritpaw

"And right below this gorge is the RiverClan borders. They usually keep to themselves, but they also get front row seats to the death of many cats who fall off of the gorge." Hyacinthbreath remarks softly to her apprentice, moving along the side of the gorge before she glances down. Below, she can see cats sunbathing by the river; what was it like, to be able to relax like that for once, without a care in the world?

Turning back to the patrol, the silver molly gave them a nod. "Mark the borders, catch some prey if you can."

The changing of the seasons is upon them, painting once-green leaves in brilliant shades of red and gold and brown. Soon, he knows, the days will grow even shorter and the wind will blow ever colder; perhaps they will even get snow this year. But before the days grow too cold, he needs to get his sunbathing in. The edge of the water makes for the perfect spot, and the gorge on the other side of the river provides some security; he doesn’t have to worry about others sneaking up from the other side of the water.

When he blinks his eyes open he spots moving shapes at the top of the gorge. Worry fills him for a moment—he may not like WindClan, but he doesn’t want any of them to fall! But although he can’t hear what they’re saying, they don’t seem to be concerned, so the tabby tom settles for a lazy wave of his paw toward the WindClanners.

WindClanner's she hardly had an opinion of, but in her short time in RiverClan she's certainly heard stories... They were a wild and unpredictable bunch, their leader hailed from the marsh group which was enough to put a sour taste alone in the blue tabby's mouth.

Brook is idly moving through the territory, she's aware she's nearing the gorge thanks to the other clan's scent being blown in from the wind. The chacterized scent of Clayfur was present as well, though she can't pinpoint his exact location until she nearly steps on his tail. There is an apologetic grunt from her, though the noise of moor cat chatter on the other side of the gap is what grips her attention.

At least two of them were present, if she heard right, it almost sounded like a mentor and apprentice duo... "Do we greet them?"
Brook asks the brown striped tom, she isn't sure which clans they exchanged pleasentries with and which they did not.

( casual character / "speech" / ic opinions )​
· BROOK, female — she / her
╰ ‣ 23 moons . ages on the first
╰ ‣ riverclan warrior . believes in starclan
╰ ‣ former member of the pine group

· DOMESTIC FELINE, smells like fish and river , status — 100%
╰ ‣ blue tabby . blue eyes . blind

╰ ‣ Observant, reliable, hardworking, overcommitted, humble, takes critique personally
╰ ‣ finds minimal difficulty in relating to others . quick to show mercy, unless her family is at risk of harm
╰ ‣ Doesn't appreciate most proper titles, doesn't feel deserving of them

· NPC x GRACE, sister to Lightningstone & Stormpaw
╰ ‣ bisexual.
╰ ‣ skilled fighter . average hunter .
╰ ‣ unlikely to start fights . unlikely to flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.​
One of the cats spotted by the WindClan patrol, Mudpelt indeed lies sunbathing down by the river. The Falls rush nearby, but he's far enough away to avoid the mist. What once felt refreshing now feels freezing, and like Clayfur, he'd rather soak up the sun's rays before the days get too cold. He hears Brook not far off, further up by the Falls as it sounds like she's nearer to the gorge, and he calls back, "There are WindClanners?" Lifting his head, he immediately spots the patrol coming down to the river from up above the Falls and twitches his ears. The warrior gets to his paws, any vulnerability he had been showing by sunbathing wiped away. He says nothing to them at first, only watches them nervously, waiting to see what they'll say or do.

Unlike his clanmates he approached the border with a head high and sneer across his maw, there was no care to exchange pleasantries with the moor runners and funny enough the only one he found tolerable seemed to be leading this patrol to begin with. Well, he was never one to play nice and he flicked his tail to @iciclepaw to stop her from getting too close to the edge as he sized up the other clan with a sweeping blaze of a glance.
"New apprentice, Hyacinthbreath?" He asked, brow arched, "Did Sootstar eat the other one? You know....young flesh keeps you youthful..." It was an old loner tale he heard once of a she-cat who would kill and devour younger she-cats thinking it granted her an eternally young body; but she found it just killed her instead. From what he heard, eating other cats gave you a terrible shaking sickness. Was it true? Well, he didn't know and he didn't want to find out-that was more a question for Beesong who would probably be disgusted if you asked it.
"Might want to give it a go-take a nibble. You've a few gray hairs." He turned sharply to his tortie apprentice before she could correct him as he knew she would, "I know she's a silver cat....I'm being difficult."


Newly named Spiritpaw follows close to her mentor, scrunching up her nose as Hyacinth remarks about the cats falling off. Her instincts were to immediately peer over, but the fear of being pushed was at an all time high, so instead she opts to peer over from a distance (Hyacinth was right, thats... yeesh). "Riverclam.." she stumbles over her words before she feels her face flush, turning her nose up and slightly stomping her paw. "Riverclan," she corrects with a mumble. "They smell... yucky. Can smell them from up here." she remarks back to her mentor.

Then theres a call and she peers down once more. Theres a black cat that remarks about Sootstar eating Hyacinth's other apprentice and it makes the fur on her spine stand up, sending a bewildered look at her mentor. She thought they were jokes! Cat-eating cats, oh... "You wouldn't dare." she points an accusing paw at Hyacinth, a deep frown sat upon her face.
  • Haha
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╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮

Like her Clanmates, Iciclepaw is wary about WindClan's ever-showy display of power. Even their border patrols exuded an overconfidence Iciclepaw found unimpressive. The small tortie pads close to her mentor, giving her father glances every now and then -- is he watching? Is he proud?

But Smokethroat speaks, his tone flat. Iciclepaw smirks, turning her head slightly to hide the amusement. Her mentor chastises her before she even speaks up -- "I know she's a silver cat... I'm being difficult." "You don't have to explain that to me," she murmurs back, sharp. "I know."

Some little fool of an apprentice starts stomping her feet and saying RiverClan stinks. Iciclepaw's brow furrows. She heard the same insult from that SkyClan apprentice... surely it can't be so? She doesn't think her Clanmates smell bad! They all just smell like cats!

"Your nose must be broken. A Clan cat knows what the Clans smell like." She snorts. "What are you, a kittypet?" It's an insult she's found she quite likes.

- ,,

She spots a few cats she doesn't recongnize amongst the waters and stones, and gives a soft snort at their nervousness. Did they think she was going to leap off of the side of the gorge and onto them? That wasn't how a height that far worked, after all. She chuckles softly, the gathering of RiverClan cats growing bigger until she finally spots a face she does know.

"Smokethroat! You look like shit, mate." Hyacinthbreath called down to the tom in return, grinning widely in her mirth. The tom mentions something about Sootstar eating Coldsnap, and she shakes her head- half-amused beneath her cold stature. "Coldsnap's a warrior now. I've got this little one instead. Quick-thinking girl, ja. Name's Spiritpaw." She meows down to the tom, before Spiritpaw's paw is pointed her way. You wouldn't dare.. Hyacinth snorts. "Apprentices don't taste good, no thanks. Smokethroat might, though. Watch out for 'em in the future." She seats herself down, turning her head back to her own patrol to make sure they were still marking the area. Smokethroat comments on her aging, and Hyacinthbreath bursts out in a rare fit of haughty laughter. "Yeah? You're not staying young either, mate. Your apprentice causing those white strands?" She teases the tom, gesturing for Spiritpaw to lay beside her at the edge. She points her paw to Smokethroat, then his apprentice next to him.

"That one's Smokethroat, and that one there is his apprentice Iciclepaw, from what I've heard." She meows softly, then her paw turns to Mudpelt. "Mudpelt, and that one over there is.. Clayfur, I believe. And then.. I dunno who that blue one is-" She halts for a moment, dipping her head over the edge again to talk specifically to Brook. "Oi, blue one! What's your name? Gotta be somethin' related to the river, right? Trickle, or fish, maybe.." She hums softly, tail flicking against her apprentice's side. Iciclepaw's question about Spiritpaw being a kittypet, and Hyacinthbreath wonders how the apprentice would respond. "Don't take that as an insult, little ghost. A kittypet is someone raised by twolegs. That's not who you are, right?"

"Turn A Deeper Blue"
Patrols, what an odd concept. Usually for himself, there was guarding the borders and things like that but patrolling them was only for when they had suspicion. That something was to go wrong on the borders, and they needed to make sure of it all. Was there a war on the brim here? That seemed like the most logical stance of it all, and the dual colored tomcat watched the exchanges before him. Petty insults, make some bristling fur, and he gave a curious look between the two groups. Was this what war was like for them? A lot less bloodshed than when they went to war back home, and he glanced to the pale femme- Hyacinthbreath- as she spoke. Seeming to try to defuse the situation.

Then there was that word again. Kittypet; what did it mean? From the context it seemed like something bad, and then the lead warrior stated that it meant being raised by twolegs. What where those again? Ah yes, those hairless up-walkers. Rune had seen them before in his time in the bustling territory of the up-walkers, and they didn't seem like good creatures. So why would they want to take care of a cat? What cat would want to live with them? Theyre so loud, annoying and smell like rotten prey.

Rune lifted his head a bit as he spoke up from where he stood beside Hyacinthbreath, "Is this normal behavior for this sort of thing?" He whispered to the femme for a moment with a bit of confusion lacing his voice. What did this accomplish? Squabbling around like kittens trying to insult the other.
✦ ★ ✦

"What the fuck is a kittypet?" she blinks in surprise, staring at the calico apprentice, echoing the word she heard the adults use. Kittypet, kittypet, kittypet, what a funny word, how stupid sounding, it almost made her chuckle. "Kittypet, kittypet!" though its meant to be accompanied with a laugh, it dies in her throat, and the sentence just sounds taunting (poor Spirit). Hya turns to her before she could open her mouth further, calls her little ghost and Judas- Spirit almost feels her legs buckle beneath her as a heat spreads across her cheeks, fanning her face with a paw. She had NEVER EVER had a nickname before, and it just felt so good, she suppresses the urge to screech in happiness. That does it, Hyacinth is now her favorite cat in Windclan.

"Ew, twolegs, no ma'am!" she accompanies this with a dramatic gag, as if showing her hatred for those stupid no fur creatures. She comes from the barn, practically lived by herself, not those fuzzy little cats with the stupid dangly things round' their necks. "Not me, not I!" she calls back to Icicle, adding emphasis to the lack of a collar around her neck. Still doesn't stop them from smellin stinky, though.
  • Haha
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