development mode } goshawk's tags


𝓻𝓲𝓼𝓮 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓼𝓽𝓪𝓻𝓽 𝓪𝓰𝓪𝓲𝓷
Jan 5, 2023

— goshawk - for his mostly grey pelt with some white / heart - for his passionate attitude and determination
— cisgender male (he/him)
— 15 moons / ages monthly on the 5th
— became a warrior late at 15 moons after recovering from an accident
— homoflexible, no crushes/interests, open to romance plots
— relations: paleroot (npc, father) x willoweye (npc, mother), @Quartzmask (brother)​

— large longhair white and grey tabby tom with pale blue eyes. mostly grey tabby with few white patches. previously has recovered from multiple fractures in his forelegs from a far fall from the burnt sycamore in shadowclan territory and sometimes still has pain when overexerting himself.
not as muscular or fit as he'd previously been as many fractures in his forelegs and his subsequent long recovery had left him in the den and off his feet for two moons. He's lost some bulk he used to have but with some time, he'll return to his former glory.

PERSONALITY (gryffindor, lawful good)
traits open book, acts fearlessly, naturally-talented and willing to try new things, loyal, snappy, prone to lashing out when in a bad mood or frustrated/doesn't keep his cool well, deep-rooted fear of heights, somewhat of a cynic, motivated and focused but can be stubborn.

— Quartzmask and Goshawkheart grew up together with loving parents, Willoweye and Paleroot, and were both cats gifted with natural born talent. A few moons after the two were given their apprentice names, Quartz began to grow jealous of Goshawk, who seemed to be improving in training much faster then he was and decided to take matters into his own paws to keep his brother from outshining him.

Quartzpaw challenged Goshawkpaw to a friendly race up the Burnt Sycamore while they were both away from others on a hunting patrol one evening and ultimately ended up shoving Goshawkpaw from the tree. Goshawkpaw survived, but with injuries, including two badly broken forelegs. To this day, Quartzmask claims that Goshawkheart’s fall was an unfortunate accident but some rumors among clanmates suggest Quartz had a paw in the accident, which was enough to make their parents shun him from their family unit while they mourned the accident. Quartz spent much time in the medic den alongside Goshawkpaw as he attempted to help with his sibling’s healing process, all the while begging and threatening his brother keep quiet about the truth of his accidental fall.

After Goshawkpaw’s miraculous recovery and slow transition back to warrior training, Quartz kept his distance from his parents and his brother. However, Goshawkheart hasn't told anyone the truth and he remains as the only cat who knows for certain that Quartzmask had tried to kill him that day. While at some point he was completely loyal to Quartzmask, Goshawkheart now grows uncomfortable and fears his sibling but he's keeping a bitter truth hidden because he wants to think Quartz is still capable of being good.
important threads
— tba
— tba​

— can powerplay peaceful/non-violent/healing actions.
penned by @yamiboba
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