private DEVIL IN THE NEXT ROOM ♥ Smokethroat


The winds were still high, although, for the moment they were less intense compared to when she had first left for her early hunting patrol. Leaves still frantically blew and weak branches collapsed from willow trees. Petalnose had decided to take advantage of it, scanning each member carefully from afar. She needed someone to sharpen her skills with after half a moon in recovery, she didn't want her battle smarts or skills to go to rust. She looked for more confident and eager competitors than her friend Pikesplash, someone challenging. Someone who could kill me if I was an enemy.

She dropped her mouthful of prey onto the pile as her attention landed on Smokethroat. Ah Hah. At first she felt awkward approaching him out of the blue, it wasn't something she was seen doing a lot. Unless some cat did something intriguing or amusing such as staring down the nursery with a look of murderous intent.. or digging holes to sleep in outside of camp. Nevertheless, she strode up to him confidently with a high tail and a sharp trill of friendly greeting to get his attention. "Hey. Are you busy? If not, may I interest you in a spar? I need to keep in shape for the next conundrum whenever it springs." Her eyes blinked calmly, then humor suddenly sprung from her. She widened her eyes slightly but kept her tone as serious as ever, "If not, I'll happily go sharpen my claws on some geese again. But you seem like a better opponent than my feathered friends." Half joking, she'd probably only turn and ask some other battle excelling clanmate. She'd still happily ruffle some feathers and clean her claws of avian blood, despite getting slapped in the face by a heavy wing last time. It was all worth it to her. The high of adrenaline was what she mainly desired.

She admired Smokethroat, she knew if she was an enemy her life may just be left up to Starclan. He had conquered more battles, led more patrols. She knew she may just be asking to get beat up again so soon. It was worth it to her, no fear or hesitation in her body language. Besides, It was a good opportunity to get to know each other more. The two were both quite secretive. They both had a lust of fighting. Atleast from what Petalnose had assumed. What was a lead warrior if a battle turned them down?

// @Smokethroat

Petalnose was a cat he could never quite settle on an opinion of. She was flippant, often rude enough to make him look polite in comparison, very forward with her feelings and tenacious in a way. Perhaps what threw him off so much was that they were alarmingly alike in ways, coldly indifferent except to a few close companions and awkward in how they held themselves socially to the point they defaulted to hostility because it was all they knew. Smokethroat never sought out cats specifically for anything himself as well unless it was related to work, idle chit-chat never crossed his mind but thankfully Petalnose wasn't the type either. A spar, she asks, and it is like a switch in his head is flicked on and he slouched posture straightens in reply.
He'd been doing nothing in particular, waiting for a patrol's return so he can figure out which borders were handled and which cats needed to be chewed out for not doing their duty with a little more urgency; he swore half the time cats used border patrol to just take walks and chat up other clans.
There was nothing stopping him from accepting this proposition and he showed his teeth briefly in a faint smile before it faltered back to its usual indifference, "I'm never one to turn down a chance to practice." Nor discourage his clanmates from doing so, he would be a far better opponent than the geese by far and he'd even let her live afterwards! Those horrific things would be less merciful.
"The Beech Copse then? Or perhaps even here? Not a lot of cats present to be in the way.." The edges of the camp were sandy and pebbled and decent enough spots if you didn't want to make the long walk in the direction of the gorge.


There wasn't much doubt Smokethroat would turn down her down, but she did straighten up her posture more at his acceptance. She knew Smokethroat would most likely overpower her. The grey feline had more battle experience that she knew of and he held a high position for a reason. It was all worth it in her eyes, a few scrapes and bruises fresh out of recovery wouldn't at all turn down her eagerness. If she had lost, it wasn't if she wasn't asking for it. Luckily, her ego wasn't as large as her common sense. She knew what she was getting into most of the time, but the utter thrill of the possibility to conquer a challenge got her blood flowing. Victory or none, she still chased for the feeling. Sparring and fights were what got her serious expression lightening into pleasure and determination.

So, the mere acceptance made her mirror his fleeting smile, "Right here, right now. If you so want a speech or chitchat beforehand, go for it. But strike whenever you feel, I'm ready. Let's let this battle be worth a watch, I don't mind cleaning sand and dirt from my fur tonight." She responded, making her body balanced upon the ground below her paws. She let a smirk lightly lift one side of her face, watching his body language closely. If she had any fears upon the situation, it would be the power of the fellow feline in front of her. His personality was told to be as strong as his fight, she believed it. But if she had any fear, she would back down quite easily, maybe not even suggest it until she got addition practice with clanmates her rank and experience. Although, it was as nonexistent as it ever was. Hopefully, her battle smarts and agility would match her confidence and ambition.
