devil's backbone — hunting patrol


fate leads the willing and drags the unwilling
Feb 18, 2023
don't raise your voice . improve your argument .
“Up the lot of ya, but either we continue huntin’ or head back to camp before it gets any darker.” He voiced, timbre kept low as it tumbled past scarred lips like faraway thunder. Duskpool had set out just before the sun began to set, intendin’ on returnin’ before the sky turned caliginous.

A fiery molten hue drifted to Chivepaw, offerin’ a low murmur, “We haven’t practiced huntin’ in the dark, but this here will be a good enough introduction.” Returnin’ his gaze to the rest of the patrol in contemplation, wearin’ a gruff, deadpan expression. Whether they continued onward or headed back, Duskpool hadn’t been the luckiest in the bunch, havin’ been instructin’ Chivepaw on huntin’ stances and what to look out for when trackin’ prey, so the older warrior hadn’t been expectin’ on catchin’ anything.

The patrol had just regrouped all with varying levels of success, maw parted to add his two cents in till the eerie hoot of an owl shattered that little bit of serenity. A wooly plumage snapped forward, urgin’ the ground to fall silent with a rumbled hiss, teeth flashin’ briefly beneath the obscured darkness, mangled ear fallin’ flat.

Damnit. Nothin’ like a fox, but an owl was just as dangerous dependin’ on the size. With a guttural rumble, Duskpool glanced wearily through the trees. “Not too close to us.” He muttered, wooly plumage sweepin’ through the air. “Best we avoid it.” The older warrior wasn’t willin’ to risk Chivepaw’s life, nor anyone else on the patrol.

/ prompt : it's getting pretty dark. far away, you hear an eerie howl. do you hightail it back to camp, or do you investigate?

thought speech

The shade of the pines draped over what little light there was; Twitchbolt's wide gaze swelled to take in the dimming light, and his nose wildly twitched with the barrage of scents that misted toward him. Success had found him, thankfully- but this hunting patrol, for him, had been settled upon developing Candorpaw's hunting and tracking abilities. To hone his nose, the dark would be helpful- but that didn't stop Twitchbolt startling, limbs stiffening and fur spiking, at the echoing sound of an owl's hoot.

Ominous, he new rationally it would be harmless- and as Duskpool had said, far away. But fear coiled within him regardless, squeezing around his stomach, sickening him. "Don't go running off, Candorpaw..." he said, voice low and quiet. He hoped his boisterous apprentice would heed the signal to be a little bit quieter... Candorpaw's enthusiasm was endearing, but that passionate flame had a time and place.

Amber-spotted eyes flicked to Duskpool, wariness etched there that he couldn't hide- his jittering had worsened a little, jaw contracting, loosening. An ache began to radiate up to his ears. "It's- it's more likely to swoop down and steal prey from us, rather than stealing us...
" It was reassurance, but whether it was for Duskpool or himself he couldn't say.

\ @CANDORPAW apprentice tag!
penned by pin ✧

Shivers, like the purest touch of wintry frost, culminated down Chrysaliswing's spine and sizzled out of purls of long coat. The owl, with its talon of iron and its beak of blade, wasted little time in swooping away with their prey - and sometimes, one of them. Within its beady eyes, the chimaera saw no humanity, as if it had never been burdened with kindness at birth. A crazed owl had given him the scar that flowed upon the right side of his flank, as rosy skin burst to the surface of a tarred sea, as though the rime had defrosted into the barest form that lived inside his shield of a coat. He could still feel the sting of its nails striking him, the flowering of blood that rose to the surface, until it deemed his suffering worthy and had simply flown away. He was not willing to make it pay, not at this hour. "Good idea." Gruff intonation rumbled and fell from his maw, though heterochromatic gaze simply trained upon the inky lines for boughs above, like the icy gaze of an owl would surely greet him back with little formality. The nighttime was its domain, and it surely was emboldened now... Glancing at Chivepaw and Candorpaw, he briefly wondered if an owl would be strong enough to whisk away an apprentice... Not that he hoped for it, quite the opposite.

  • OOC:
  • eUVAhNL.png
  • —— CHRYSALISWING / He/They / 27 Moons
    —— Warrior of Skyclan / Mentoring n/a
    —— A long-haired tomcat with chimaeric patterning. His left side is fully black and his right side is black splotched with sunset-orange. He has complete heterochromia, with his right eye being a bright green and his left eye being a glowering yellow.
    —— Abrasive, temperamental, and critical. Approach at your own risk and engage at your own cost. Despite this, he is a hard worker and quick to call out what he finds wrong.
    —— Penned by Tempest. Contact on Discord (naruk4mi) for plots and threads.