pafp dew point — "dog attack"

"Why do I have to be the dog?" Cherrykit huffs, sending a disgruntled look towards Drowsykit. Her plumy tail lashes behind her like a well-used toy feather on a string. Bobbie's children were far more tolerable than the scraggly one she wet nursed, but tolerable is far from perfect. "Why can't we play tree and I crush you?" she grumbles, but she knows it's a hopeless venture. Drowsykit found it boring, and knowing how often the other girl sleeps, Cherrykit isn't too sure she'd stay awake for it. It isn't often the calico gets to tussle without the vitriol that accompanies her fights with the other kits. Cherrykit would just have to settle for reenacting the scene with some pebbles instead.

She sort of gets why the little smoke would want to play this game, even if she did have to force Cherrykit into the role of a twoleg-stinking, bee-brained dog. The calico sighs, "Fi-ine. Only this time though." With a tiny roar, she launches herself towards the larger shadow of a kitten, aiming to harmlessly wrap her teeth around Drowsykit's throat. "Grrrr, I'm gonna eat you! I'm gonna eat all of SkyClan! Dogs are too dumb to use their claws, even she knew that. It wouldn't stop her from using them if Drowsykit started getting the upper paw though.

ooc: please wait for @DROWSYKIT !
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"c-cause i've never seen 'em! besides, it's probably boring to be a squirrel brained dog! i don't wanna be the dog, so you gotta be the dog!"

she insisted. cherrykit was right about one thing– if it was too boring, then drowsykit gave into the constant feeling of sleepiness, that led her to be able to sleep anywhere she wanted most days. her nose twitched in slight disdain with the thought of the wind pushing her from yet another sleeping spot. she frowned, only for a moment, before she just stomped her paw on the ground, turning her oddly colored gaze back to cherrykit. i gotta learn how to fight dogs, anyways! no stupid dog gets to hurt my mama and get away with it! her fur fluffed up at the thought before she smiles like a cheshire when cherrykit agrees, although reluctantly, to be the dog. she promises to herself she would make this up to the fiery kit later.

she watches the movement for a moment before she manages to get out of the way of the snapping jaws, paws scrambling clumsily back. her nose twitched as she watched her. how come cherrykit had not used her claws? did dogs have claws? did they not use them? with a lash of her tail, she aimed to bite ( very gently ) cherrykit on her hind leg, hoping to get her off balance. okay, maybe this was a bad idea! she had not a single clue on how to fight a dog! she'd only ever play fought with other kittens– what in the name of the stars would she know about a darn dog!?

When the two other kittens had been talking about playing the game, Aspenkit had just sit back and listen. It was hard for him, biting his tongue every time he wanted to speak, afraid to interrupt the others and be disliked. Paws shuffled in anticipation as the two wrestled for a moment before he finally couldn't take it anymore and the blue tabby male jumped up onto his paws and barreled over, likely getting a bit too close to the scuffle but not realizing it. "I wanna play!" He'd announce, bouncing on his paws.

"Can I play next, when you're done? I don't know how to play but I can watch this one, and be quiet, and I'll be whatever you want so long as I get to play." Quiet wouldn't be likely, but he was excited.​
She watches the kits play with a warm smile as she sits not too far away from them. They remind her of her kithood, with Rabbit and Badger and eventually Fish. Always playing games and getting into trouble.

Kits were so innocent and pure, she wished they could stay that way. But life was not so kind, and they would soon face trials and hardships just as they all do.

But for now, they were sweet and innocent without a care in the world and she wanted them to be that way for as long as they could.

"They're so precious, aren't they?" She speaks to a nearby warrior, her voice full of affection.

She herself considered kits.... But it seemed scary to her. The entire process sounded daunting and the possibility of things going wrong terrified her. She was fine just watching other queens kits play​
Silversmoke didn't believe Sweetybee knew it was him lurking in the camp, else, he highly doubted she'd have been the one to call his attention to the kits playing in the center of camp. The pupil of his blue eye shifted first to the corner and, frustrated with the unclear shapes dancing around, Silver then turned his head fully to assess the pair playing... something. Keen ears perked forwards, picking up dog-like (implied loosely) noises from Cherrykit, and poor excuses for battle moves from Drowsykit. Memories of recent events caused him to grimace slightly at the children's choice of game - their leader had lost their life to one of them hounds, a warrior had been grievously wounded, even if they could not understand what that meant, couldn't they respect that no one wanted bad memories to be relived so soon? He cocked his head to the side, frown disapproving but soft, more motherly than the Lead Warrior ever realised. He said nothing to them, his lashing tail doing all the talking, likely just a background decoration for the two (three, if Aspenkit was included) as they continued their game. "They're certainly something," he huffed, not unkindly. "You should leave before they ask you to be the dog next."
Returning from camp with but a squirrel and a finch clutched within his jaws, Auburnflame hadn't the slightest clue as to what the kits were playing. All he had seen is then tumbling around per usual, kitten fur puffed out with electrified wide eyes and full of mischief. He strides forth with a swaying tail, curled ever so slightly at the tip until a silhouette of silver reached his peripheral. He doesn't look towards Silversmoke, but he knows he's there—watching the kittens play along with Sweetybee. A smile hides beneath a cacophony of fur and feathers, his jaw on the verge of aching with the weight of his catch. His cheeks flush near red, stomach fluttering akin to a butterflies wing in his stomach and suddenly he feels a bit more timid than normal. Why? He had never felt an ounce of shyness before, always so boastful and cheery, but now when he sees the lead warrior—his heart bears faster and his paw pads seem to perspire. Because he loves you. You love him.

Dropping his catching onto the pile, the calico then did something—different. He began to groom his ruffled chest pieces, laying wintry fur down flat against his body and cleaning what blood stained his muzzle from caught prey. As he finished, he turned back towards the duo with a soft smile adorning his face, placing a seat beside them. "Hey, Sweetybee and Silversmoke." The tom trills, dipping a head towards them before drifting minty hues towards the kits. What were they playing? A brow would raise quizzically as one attacked the other, making an ungodly noise that had his helm tilting with confusion. "Are they—trying to be dogs?" He hadn't been around when it was mentioned before, or else he'd have immediately got them to change the subject. Without waiting for an answer, Auburnflame clears his throat and steps up. "Hey, kiddos! Who wants a badger ride around camp?"


Yellow eyes stare indignantly at Drowsykit. "I've never seen one either," she protests. The smoke-hued kitten's motivations are piss-poor too, but Cherrykit wouldn't have come up with anything better. In fact, being the opposition, boring and evil, is enough of a reason to want to abandon the role. Once again though, Drowsykit holds the high ground: if she got too bored she'd probably fall asleep, and no amount of yelling or stomping around would wake her.

The other girl scrambles away from her lunge, and Cherrykit bungles her landing. Pinprick claws flash out, righting herself upon the plush of clover they'd started their game in, as though steadying her grip on a tree. Oops, I'm not supposed to use my— Teeth on her hind leg; she thrashes it instinctively, and: "OW!"

The calico leaps away as though lightning brewed beneath her paws. Lemon acrid hues instantly blame Drowsykit. "You bit me!" she whines, ignoring the fact that being bitten might be an integral part of being a dog fighting a cat. She draws a chihuahua-shivering leg closer for a quick examination, leaning back into a hunched, resentful sit. Nothing but her glossy white fur coats her leg, maybe a bit ruffled and pink underneath from where she'd whipped it around like a trapped snake, but Drowsykit still receives a spiteful, "You weren't supposed to do it that hard." Still cradling her pretty much uninjured leg, she adds for good measure, "Dog-face."

A shrill voice makes her ears press even further against her skull; Cherrykit whips around to the greetings of a slightly smaller blue tabby. Mottledove's kits haven't been fun for most of her life, and they sure as StarClan in the sky aren't now. "No." Cherrykit would aim a light smack or two at the tomkit's face if he were close enough. "Go away," she hisses. Couldn't he read the den? Maybe if he wasn't so annoying, or in her face, or a stinky drooling little weirdo, he wouldn't have forced her to slap him.

She's too caught up in her bristles to notice Sweetybee or Silversmoke till Auburnflame addresses the kittens. Cherrykit turns her sullen glare on him, something her cheery cousin probably hasn't seen before because of his (generally) kit-friendly demeanor. "No," she grumpily answers, tucking her bushed tail around her "injured" limb. She adores Auburnflame, but: "Can't you see I'm hurt?" The calico scoots away from him, like a little stormcloud inching away from the sun. It's all Drowsykit's fault she isn't in the mood for a badger ride.

ooc: rolled a 1 in the discord! drowsy lightly grabbed her leg and cherry shook it around, hurting herself on drowsy's teeth. she got like the most minor scrape possible. also sorry aspenkit </3
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she doesn't mean to at all. the sudden sound of cherrykit's yelp makes her scramble back, eyes widened in fear and regret. she winced as she was yelled at, something clicking in her brain immediately. she wasn't naturally mean– at least she doesn't think so– but she is quick to snap back, mirroring her kitten counterpart with quickness and ease. this was cherrykit's fault, now. if she hadn't been so mean to drowsykit, then drowsykit would have never thought to be upset back.

"huh!? i didn't mean to! it... it's your fault for being a mouse brained dog in the first place! maybe if you were better at it, i wouldn't have bit you at all! but you suck!"

she protests fruststedily, and is quick to back away with a frown. immediately, she regrets her words and is confused on why she's said them. she never liked to be mean, so what was it about cherrykit that made it so easy? with a whine, she turned away, looking around for her mother, or brothers, seeking any kind of comfort from them.

"where's... lupinekit and crowkit?"

she asked quietly, to no one in particular. they had to be around here somewhere. she was gonna find them. she didn't wanna play anymore!

// out !!