diagnosis | sprain


untamed 10-04-23
Oct 1, 2022
If you don't like me, that's your problem
The constant throbbing located right above the base of her paw annoyed her to no end. Although some of the swelling had gone down after her tussle with Granitepaw the area remained tender to the touch and a pain to walk upon. It made hunting nearly impossible and everyday chores even more of a hassle. Sitting hunched in a corner she flexes her toes, feeling taunt muscles pull with heavy strain as she grimaces. She'd avoided Starlingheart's den for several days, holding out to see if she could recover on her own. But that in itself seemed to be slow going. The possibility of the slate pelted tom hanging around also pushed her from drawing close to dual toned medic. Unwilling to stand underneath his scathing remarks and harsh glare.

However, she'd be a fool to hold out any longer. Tornadopaw walks on at a careful limp, cautious not to jar her limb anymore than it already was. "Starlingheart?" The laperm calls out in a low tone, poking her head inside the herb scented den. "I um...I fell and twisted my paw pretty bad." She sighs, pulling the extremity closer to her chest. "It's not getting better. Anything you can do to help?" Lowering her haunches she takes a seat, ears moderately pricked to receive the molly's answer. (@STARLINGHEART .)
When I let it bother me, that's my problem

Magpiepaw had sat restless in his temporary nest, waiting for something, anything really to distract from his sudden morose mood. He thought he would delight in being able to sit in the camp, settle into the medicine cat's den to observe and not fret over his inability to hunt properly or how much he dreaded patrols with each one he is placed upon. But he is lonely, somewhat. Starlingheart is here and he adores her, but she is often distracted with her tasks and tending to things; sometimes leaving to gather more plants for her stores and he watches fascinated at the organization only to slowly lose focus and drift off into staring at the sky. The black and white tom wants to get back out onto the territory and see the birds, to chase frogs, to sit and contemplate his reflection in every liquid surface he comes across. Idle, trivial things he thought unimportant until they were taken away. His tail sometimes hurts, but most the time the chilling numbness replaces the pain for which he is thankful for but to be unable to move for fear of jarring it was gradually picking at his nerves. When Tornadopaw arrives his head is lifted, alert, smiling, he likes Tornadopaw but her company is not meant for pleasantries and he frowns as she speaks. Her paw is also hurt, like his tail. Maybe it would be stuck in a curl like Loampaw's, maybe it would fall off and leave her with only three limbs.
Things were going so well lately and now he and another apprentice were hurt. Was it a sign? A warning? Since hearing that mere plants could be symbols of StarClan he had been searching for their luminous presence at all times only to realize he was not gifted the eyes their medicine cat had. Newleaf was meant to bring only good things...why was this happening?
"Do you want to sit with me?" He asks, almost lifting his tail to slap onto the nest but catching himself before doing so and raising a paw to slap down instead, "Starlingheart went to do..something. She will be back soon."

This reply touches on a prompt:
Story Prompy 14 - Beware the ides of Newleaf... your character is overcome with a sudden sense of dread. They can't tell why, everything was just going fine! Have them do a little introspection... might it be because of the weather, an interaction they have recently had?

Starlingheart makes her way into the den, ears flicking at what she thought to be idle chatter coming from inside. It was weird for it to not be just her and Granitepaw but it feels good to be surrounded by others like she had once been, back in the short time she had been a normal apprentice, back before Bonejaw, now Boneripple, had dragged her onto this path and then abandoned her on it. Since then, most of the injuries had been things she knew, things she could handle but this? Suddenly cats were breaking things, spraining things, and Starlingheart didn't know how to handle such things. The stuff she had learned from Beesong and from Vulturemask were not enough. She might not be enough.

The thought terrifies her. If she fails, if she slips up even a little bit she knows that it could be life or death. That had been proven to her with Rainshade, with Pitchstar. She feels her heart beating wildly in her chest as she places her herbs down and turns to look at Tornadopaw's foot. What if this was something she couldn't fix?

"H-how how long has it- has it been like this?" she asks with a small frown. 'anything you can do to help' she doesnt know but she can make guesses. "I-I can give you uh p-p-painkillers and then- then you should uh you should stay off of it f-for a couple of uh couple of weeks" or at least until it was better. She pulls dandelion out of her stores and presents it to the curly haired she cat and while she waits she turns to Magpiepaw and smiles softly "H-how're you- how're you feeling?" she asks, green eyes darting to his tail, still wrapped in the cobwebs and sticks. She worries itll never be straight again but he was alive, that was what was important to her, that they were all alive and okay.


Throughout his continued survival, Smogmaw has found no ailment more worthy of his ire than a limp. One cannot amass fresh-kill, fend off those who seek to harm, or keep up with patrols to the same level of efficiency as when all limbs are fully functional. While it may not hurt to the same degree as, say, deep claw-marks running down along your back, a limp gnaws at the very core of one's prowess. Thus, the dark-sullied tom can spare a nominal grade of leniency towards Tornadopaw upon seeing her hobble across camp. While the apprentice may have hidden her wounds, thereby deceiving her clanmates about her own limitations, Smogmaw's ongoing experience with a limp allows him to forgive her in her struggles.

He roams on over from the opposing side of the clearing, drawing near the group of young ShadowClan cats on avid paws. Tornadopaw's brief retelling of events informs him that there's no severity to be found in these circumstances. An absence of nonsensical ramblings from Magpiepaw also catches his attention, and, if anything, is indicative of the situation's unremarkability. "Should I grab anything for you, Starlingheart?" probes the older tom, his target having already gotten to work.

His knowledge on herbal remedies is scant, and in all likelihood, he couldn't tell chervil from deathberries. But, if there lay anything he could do to assist his healer, he held no qualms in doing so.

If you don't like me, that's your problem
Her attempt to summon the bi colored molly is met with another voice entirely. Yellow eyes turn in the darkness, flickering to fall upon Magpiepaw as he informs her that Starlingheart was out tending to her duties elsewhere. The laperm had half a mind to leave upon that note. There was no point in sticking around if the one she sought was nowhere to be found. But the young black and white tom invited her to sit by him, patting the ground for good measure with a warm smile. Hesitation is illustrated in the way she stood her ground, contemplating. Eventually she gave in, limping further into the space where she could sit but kept her paw hovering over the murky ground. "Thanks." The utterance is low and raspy as Starlingheart eventually graces them with her presence.

Silently she holds out her paw for the medic to evaluate, citrine eyes watching the molly's face as it scrunches with uncertainty. "Nearly two weeks..." She responds in her usual gravelly tone, but the answer she receives is not what she expected. A weight seems to gather and plummet within the pit of her stomach as Starlingheart offers no immediate fix, just something to soothe the pain. Her brows tighten together, lips pursing as she retracts her paw closer to her chest. How much longer would she suffer through this? "Alright..." She sighs, defeated, a heavy sound escaping her maw as she casts a dull glance in the direction of bright yellow blossoms."Thanks anyway." Bending down she grasps the flower in her jaws and exits the den, limping as she went. (/out)
When I let it bother me, that's my problem