
Chance of rain
Jun 13, 2024
  • 38ekP6T.png
    ??? >> Cloudkit
    Named for the grey clouds that were in the sky the morning he was found
    — Loner
    — Tom, He/Him
    — created 6/13/24 at 1 moons / ages real time
    ↳ penned by @Kedamono
  • Fluffy blue tabby tom with yellow eyes / reference
    Cloudkit isn't much but a puffball on legs for his early life, his fur frizzes out and is prone to static; he fits his namesake quiet well. He'll grow into his pelt with time but in the early moons he's an adorable little lad and one who will be very aware of that fact and match it with his gleaming pressuring golden gaze. The color stands out against his pelt which is pretty blue-ish silver matched with darker colored rosettes matched with a pink nose and long whiskers that are always curiously twitching as he feels out his environment. His tail will be featherlike and graceful once he learns to stop nibbling it and chasing it around. He will grow up to be handsome, his fluffy pelt once covered with leaves and sticks will even out and become well groomed and silken to the touch allowing his particularly beautiful markings to be seen.
    He will have an inclination to 'accessorizing' himself (when he's not simply just hoarding things in his nest), if he gets his paws on some pretty insect wings, feathers, or even pearly bones it won't be rare for him to sneak them into his pelt.
    ↳ carrying Short hair, Solid, Dilute, non-Silver​
  • True neutral, mbti
    Intelligence ●●●●●●●●○○
    Confidence ●●●●●●○○○○
    Charisma ●●●●●●●●○○
    Creativity ●●●●●●●●○○
    Empathy ●●●●●○○○○○
    Humor ●●●●●●●●●○

    ( + ) Clever, Funny, Amicable ( / ) Laid-back, Calm ( - ) Manipulative, Lazy, Vindictive. Like any newborn Cloudkit will be shaped by his adopted mother and the clan around him; it takes a village to raise a child after all though there are things that will be innate. As a newborn and in his early moons Cloudkit will be on the more healthier side of his siblings, strong and loud constantly mewling and hungry - even at a young age he likes the attention given to him it'll be one of the few things he'll happily compete for; the adoration and attention from those around him. As he grows older that trait will stay in tact however he isn't a rough and tumble little boy, he's no so eager to get into playfights or show off his physical superiority while he's not afraid of fighting and more competitive play he'll find it less rewarding this his peers. That and he knows it'll get tempers flaring especially if he wins and he doesn't like risking anyone disliking him or worse, though he won't hesitate if his pride is called into question or that of any of his friends or kin are and he's labeled as nothing more then a cowardly junkyard kit. He's by no means a hothead he will always try to deescalate if he can and pull his littermates away if they're eager to get into spats (he will continue doing this even as he gets older, perhaps he's the voice of reason for his kin). Unsheathing his claws for the most part is a last resort, there are cleverer ways of handling enemies.

    He's rather laid back and hard to anger for the most part unless you know how to poke the kit just right for a response but he won't so eagerly jump to yelling or fighting - instead he will either slyly come up with an idea for a prank or run to the queens and tell a well spun lie matched with cute eyes to get his way and his opponent punished. He's got a knack for being clever, he's unaware of the idea of manipulation even if he will have a knack for it, Cloudkit isn't malicious but he does like getting his way. Rather it be handling kits he dislikes (who he knows he can't gain the approval of), getting extra food cause he's woefully hungry or simply making sure he gets doted on when he wants it (faking a hurt paw isn't that hard after all).

    He likes the idea of being cool and his laid back attitude is kinda a means for him to do that, cool guys don't let anything bother them (and when they do they handle it in a cool way - and if they can't do that then well he guesses they have to fight too sometimes). He wants his peers to like him for sure, while he's not hyper or extraordinarily friendly he's pleasant and amicable with those close to his age and easy to get along with. He observes his peers, observes those around him and tries to adjust himself so he's liked by them. With adults he likes to butter them up, to use his charms to get from them things he wants especially with the queens (who will likely learn to see right through him). He'll be quick with a joke he's a funny little guy who likes playing around in his own kind of way.

    When he gets to apprentice age it'll be seen that the tom has a predisposition to taking the easy route when doing things, he can be a slacker and will try to find ways to out of doing things he finds uncool. He'd prefer to hang out with his friends and try and sneak out then listening to orders from his mentor. Cloudpaw's wanting to be liked will grow into the young tom consistently padding after she-cats, he'll be no stranger to puppy love. He might not listen to his mentor but he'll listen to them without much thought! He'll be a little casanova, charismatic and coolheaded however it's likely he won't take kindly to competition and finally become like the rest of his more hotheaded peers just a little bit anyway!

    Will have a love of good Gossip like his dad; he particularly won't shy away from making up distasteful rumors about his rivals at times. He'll love the teenage drama as a apprentice and play fully into it - he's very very likely to cause a lot of it all on his own.
    ↳ mannerisms Throughout the first moon he'll looks like he's cringing as if wind is blowing in his face even after he opens his eyes, BIG tail talker
  • NPC x NPC Adopted by Moltface sibling to Runningkit, Puddlekit, Buzzardkit, and Nightkit | mentoring no one, mentored by no one
    Mate to n/a | Parent to n/a | Other kin
    — Admires
    — Close friends with
    — Friends with
    — Likes
    — Dislikes
    — Loathes
  • strength ○○○○○○○○○○
    stamina ○○○○○○○○○○
    agility ○○○○○○○○○○
    hunting ○○○○○○○○○○
    swimming ○○○○○○○○○○
    climbing ○○○○○○○○○○
    grace ○○○○○○○○○○ kitten stats
    Single; Likely Hetero / crushing on n/a, not looking / Too Young
    blah blah how easy do they trust or whatever
    — physical health [ 100% ] | mental health [ 100% ]
    — (will/will not) start fights | (will/will not) flee | (will/will not) show mercy
    excels at Sleeping, Kneading, in the future: Master Manipulator" (cute/pretty boy factor edition), As an apprentice out of all the more important skills it'll be hunting he'll have the most talent with, Coming up with strategies/plans
    poor at Staying awake, Won't ever be great at direct fair-combat, Climbing, Swimming
    sounds like Like a kitten!!! Will sound like / Soul Evans
    smells like Rain mostly, of course will smell like Moltface, the nursery and milk as well
    — healing & peaceful powerplay allowed.
    — speech is #70CFFA
  • if you want >:)
  • Backstory / simplified history
    Found abandoned alongside his littermates and taken in by Shadowclan and adopted by Moltface.

    Important Threads
    ( ☆ ) Interaction ( ★ ) Development
    Thread Name brief description.
    Thread Name brief description.
  • — Loves his littermates! While he will come to believe at times they need to fight their own battles he will always stick up for them whenever he feels it's needed, he won't stand for bullying and will devise ways to get back at anyone who slights his siblings (especially those weaker then him) - hurting them is one of the few ways to make Cloudkit hate another cat he normally tries to get over things but that's not something he will forget about. However he's a normal sibling, likes to tease, play pranks on, and show stupid tricks to his siblings. He will get into normal spats with them but no matter what he will always come around, he will forgive them no matter what at the end of the day. And man will he have his spats with them when he grows older and his attention shifts from them to chasing pretty faces instead of chasing frogs with them.
    — It will be a heartbreak for him when he learns about where he came from - when he properly understands. He's embarrassed about his origins, dislikes it when others bring it up it's a sore spot and one of the few things that'll get a proper rise out of him, and the type that won't have him waiting for later it'll get him properly angry. While he wouldn't say he's ashamed he just wishes he was born a normal Shadowclan kit, wishes (queens name here) was his real mother even if he sees her as one. He also wonders who his parents were, and why he was left? Was he not loved? Did they want him to die? It's a insecurity he tries to hide, a disgust and worry that plagues the young tom.
    — As an apprentice and especially as a warrior Cloud will likely be a heartbreaker, he's not sure what he wants or is looking for he just thinks she-cats are pretty, he'll likely get into short-lasting romances based mostly on looks until another pretty face catches his attention. It wouldn't be hard to find him appealing; he's charismatic and knows how to say the right things sadly he's just always on the move and figuring himself out and what he wants. It'll take a while before he settles down. Something funny is if he romances cats from other clans and then breaks their hearts badly and gives them reason to hate Shadowclan cats LMAO.
    — Moltface raises them to confront things directly; as a kit Cloudkit will stand out more from his littermates due to his assumed inaction when it comes to directly confronting rivals (unless he's pushed by those said rivals to act). Even as he gets older he doesn't eagerly pounce at his opponents or go to arms so quickly - however that doesn't mean he's against war no Cloud is not a pacifist in the slightest. He prefers strategies that guarantee he and his clan will win he likes forethought and reason over emotion, he will let his more brawnier and vicious clanmates do the more brutal dirty work - but he will not shy away from dirtying his own claws if it comes down to it. He'll learn to be a efficient fighter, a dirty fighter who cares more for ending a fight quick and immobilizing his opponent... If not killing them if he has to and has a reasonable cause in his mind. He won't ever be the strongest of the clan or his litter far from it. But he's clever and may become as deadly as a viper; don't be fooled by his pretty markings this snake has fangs and can bite if he wishes too.
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