camp diamond pattern cardigans fraying ❅ tinsel gift


Oct 5, 2022

Star-fire crackled at his hackles, strung through the wilting ferns in a tangle behind him. It clung to every turn with a glittering crunch- so irritating, but well… Beauty was to be excused. Winterwink had seen how glum the folks were, an inspired show of mourning that for a little while he appreciated. However, sour snouts were only palatable for so long. The daylight warrior wanted to see them beam into the woods once more, twitter ceaselessly, grumble at their knotted pelts. Always so knotted… not like his….

His namesake was rather lovely. Green was luscious, undoubtedly, but white was plush, divine. Perhaps Starclan's story was no surprise when the natives of these woods were faced with sights like this when the sun soothed to leafbare. Despite the chill, Winterwink had made the trek to Skyclan many mornings that season. It might have been to be helpful, or- Well the snow was so pristine! His paws were the first to mark it, his tail dancing like a quill. So pointed and even, a perfect script along the forest floor.

Finally, a pine loomed, familiar crook on its peak. Though he hadn’t been a part of the clan for long, the landmark had already changed. The waxing of the seasons pulled pigment from the moss, marking the trunk like a mottled clutch of terrapins. It was all so swift, natural- it made the twolegplace’s stagnancy perverse. At least the twolegs slipped more frequently, in their helpless, clawless way.

A ribbon of crimson, silver and gold span between his paws like silk. Except, it didn’t spill like fabric. Instead, it crashed noisily, the flimsy plastic barbs falling away from the spine at any rough handling. But it was fun, yes, the light split along the metal snake and dusted the clearing in a twinkling glaze.

"I~ have brought a gift. To bring merriment to your cold souls." Winterwink lanced the tinsel obnoxiously across the thoroughfare. The chalk-chinned tom glanced around with a smirk, confident in his generosity.


Morale was deadened, heavy- Twitchpaw could not deny it, and could neither deny the feeling of it within himself. Fear had been his gut reaction, the knee-jerk of the news; but then it had been that lingering punch, like his heart was bruised. Morningpaw was- she was a friend, he thought. Maybe. A positive acquaintance at least, a pleasant one- she'd never been mean, never hit him, never yelled at him- but even if he hadn't known her, the mere sight of Blazestar was enough to bring darkness upon the entire camp. Together did SkyClan grieve for a lost soul, but there was no emptiness more encompassing than a parent who had lost a child.

That- that rustling wasn't helping, that- noise, and it was always noise. Incessant- and then, a sing-song voice harmonised with it. One of vague familiarity, that- adult, the other one that spoke in riddles. The fact there was more than one of them was enough to make him want to tear his own head off and throw it at him-

His words today were not quite as mystifying. Quite, for he still spoke of souls- and a gift. That had Twitchpaw's attention snagged, and perpetually-startled eyes fell upon the gift as it glistened in the sun, catching the white-hot beams of winter's harsh glare. Long, armless, legless- crawling upon its belly, glinting in the light- scales were shiny, weren't they? So, so that could only mean-

"S-SNAKE!" His voice tore from his throat, fleeting fall- Twitchpaw wasted not a moment as he scrambled to find somewhere to take cover. Who in their right mind would bring a snake into camp, no matter how garish and pretty and maybe dead it might be!!
penned by pin ✧
Snake, Thistleback spits out the stick he had been chewing on and hammers across camp. Slinging his body across the mouth of the nursery like a blockade. Grey eyes shifting across the snow laden ground with quill hackles dancing. " w- …. where? " he looks up toward Twitchpaw who rushes to coward himself away. The easily spooked apprentice would get himself bit with all that foolish movement-

Thistleback’s eyes switch to the worms of colors spilled across the camp and the happy maw that had dragged them there. The dualeyed daylight warrior looked proud of his findings, Thistleback recalled the thrill of stealing from furless upwalker pigs.

The warrior was learning to be kinder in tone toward the brown and white mess, " Twitchpaw. It’s alright, come here " he paused and waved a paw before continuing toward Winterwink and their gift of color and bizarre twoleg culture. " It’s no snake lad " he adds to coax the boy.

" If my son sees this, he will try to eat them." he warns but offers a nod of approval. " It looks lovely " he adds.

  • MqZ0nzd.png
    ✧ T H I S T L E B A C K
    thirty-three moons
    — warrior of Skyclan
    taken by
    Deersong 9.29.22
    — mentoring quillpaw
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes. ・゚✧
  • bVBPWus.png


twitchpaw's shouts woke the young tortie. blue eyes flew open, but her vision was quickly blocked by thistleback barricading the nursery. eveningkit slinked over to the entrance, craning her head around her dad's body. she had to at least catch a glimpse of whatever called for this commotion.

as soon as the warrior moved, the girl was racing trying to catch a glimpse. and when she finally saw it, wide eyes filled with stars.

"wow!" eve cooed, reaching out with delicate paws to feel the strange object. she prodded it a few times, then it made an unpleasant rustling sound in return. long fur now fluffed up, she ran behind thistleback. her stare was no longer one of awe, but fear.

"pa, it tried to attack me, did you see it!" the kit cried dramatically from behind her protector. it was a shame too, such a beautiful thing served no purpose being that mean to her!


Winterwink regarded those approaching keenly, eager to gauge their reaction. Twitchpaw came first, nerves dashed along his form like fire to flint. Would he like it- the tinsel was not unlike him, colour-struck, frazzled frame. Perhaps... However the screech that came next caught him off guard, fear bouncing off the trunks many paces away.

"Oho! Are we acting, yes- yes! A snake, absolutely!" The silver feline slinked closer, closing the gap and leaving the prop behind. Exaggerated surprise ran ragged along his spine, glassy shards of fur catching the morning’s light. He had thought these clan cats unable to engage in theatrics but the apprentice had proved his assumption wrong. How fun!

Thistleback was less dynamic, coaxing his stage partner to calm. Winterwink couldn’t resist the fall of his face. The other warrior had such a stark look, all ink and parchment. A shame, a shame that he did not pursue the arts. He had such an… aesthetic.

"Ah-uh, it is a snake! See its scales, the way the light bounces from its fangs?" A sly eye, cobalt, cut away at the other warrior. Perhaps he could be convinced after laying witness to his potent acting.

Then that child- the one he hadn’t spotted until now, for it was short and uninteresting- set its shrill tone upon them. The frail creature strikes confidently at the snake, smearing its paws along the twinkling surface. "So brave-" A rustle spooked Eveningkit, a threat. "-It hisses!" Winterwink squabbled over the 'wounded' pioneer, mock concern dripping from his whiskers.

/sorry this is so late! </3