private DID DON'T DO : grapejuice


Jul 23, 2022

The blonde was collecting shells in the soft snow along the bank of the river. The dark waters churn around the stones noisily but Dogteeth can hear the ferns and shrubs rustle from the other side of the river. He looks up with half-hooded eyes to offer a little smile to whatever Skyclanner was traversing the border. He doubletakes though as he spots a familiar coat-

" oh-.. HEY!… I know that Skyclanner… he’s nice " Dogteeth mutters to himself but calls out to the grey feline with his worn purple collar.

" Grapejuice! " he calls out with a smile, snatching up one of his shells and slipping into the tug of the icy water. It’s a brutal sort of cold, and he wades until his paws no longer reach the bottom. He swims with ease, paddling with expertly fanned paws webbed blonde toes stretching out until he stands in the shallows of Skyclan’s bank. He doesn’t leave the waters, that would be trespassing. He does reach his neck out to plop the shiny white shell on the bank though, it glistens like a sheen of rainbow.

" so I asked the fish for ya- they said it’s cold as hell " he jokes in reference to their gathering conversation. " did you do the collar trick on your twoleg? " Dogteeth laughs softly and nervously, hoping the other didn’t mind the onorthodox greeting.

  • @Grapejuice

  • — Dogteeth
    — twenty-five moons
    voice ref
    — warrior of Riverclan
    — gay | crushing on n/a
    — small curly-furred blonde and tan tom with blue eyes.
    — very gentle soul / easily upset and sensitive
    — deals a nasty bite
    BIOGRAPHY——— ✧
  • 0yQlsKL.png


What was Grapejuice doing out here? Good question! Even he didn't know. He was just following wherever his paws took him. Sometimes you just gotta walk around a bit.

Adorning his neck was a new purple collar, this one with little shimmering stones on it. It was absolutely SPLENDID. His twolegs had good fashion sense.

Upon hearing his name, his ears perked up and he looked around to see Dogteeth paddling over. His expression lit up up, and he bounced over.

"Dogteeth! Hi!" He greeted.

He peered at the shell Dogteeth brought with him. Wow, that was a real pretty one. It had such a colorful sheen to it, it might be the prettiest one he's seen. "That's a really pretty shell..." He commented.

He then laughed, remembering he did in fact ask if fish got cold. "Don't freeze your paws off in there!" He replied.

He grinned, showing his neck and displaying his cool new collar. "Yeah! It worked! They got me this fancy new one!" He said. He was quite happy with this collar. It had shiny little rocks on it.

"So, how have you been? It's getting pretty cold out." He asked. He wondered how the cats who didn't have twolegs managed in the winter. He knew they managed, but he didn't know how. Especially in territories like Shadowclan and Riverclan. The water must make things even more difficult.

Not that he cared about Shadowclan, though. Every time he saw them at gatherings they radiated this....Energy. That made him want to smack them. The swamp must do things to you.