pafp Did somebody say Just Eat? | Froggy snack


Snakeblink has been known to slink, to slither, sometimes even to crawl around, but today he enters the temporary medicine den on the tip of his toes and with his head held high. The reason for that uncharacteristic gait is immediately obvious: he is carrying two frogs, each hanging from a single leg that he’s managed to fit into his mouth at the same time, and the limp amphibians threaten to drag on the muddy ground every time he so much as tilts his head to look where he’s going. It makes for an awkward walk, especially with his injured shoulder, but he came here with a mission and he’s determined to see it to completion.

He is — notably — stained with cold mud and silt up to his chest, but at least the dirt caked onto his fur has kept his scabbed wounds from reopening while he traipsed through the reeds in search of his prey. The warming weather and recent rains brought the frogs out of hibernation and back on shore, and he thought to take advantage of it. His mother used to catch them for him when he was sick as a kit: having been born to the marshes, she always saw them as a comforting snack and passed that preference down to him as a result. To this day, it’s still the prey he longs for when he’s under the weather. It’s only natural that he would bring some to his nest-bound clanmates.

Opening his mouth, he plops the frogs down in front of Cindershade. It’s not a lot — there are only so many he could fish out before his shoulder started screaming in protest — but if he’s honest with himself, he set out with her in mind first anyway. Despite their differences he’s kind of thought of her as his partner ever since they were promoted together, in the same way Smokethroat and Willowroot are, and he’d like them to work as well together as these two do. But for that, he needs Cindershade to like him.

Hence: the frogs.

”I assume Beesong keeps you well-fed,” he says, ”But I thought I would bring you a snack anyway. To… feel better.”

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely
  • ooc: @Cindershade
  • Snakeblink • he / him. 37 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo

Being confined to camp for what felt like centuries, was only a mere few weeks. She'd been visited a few times, but most had strayed clear from her because her ire was becoming more—obvious than usual. She was restless, the itching in her paws to move beginning to drive her slowly into a state of cabin fever. Cindershade had often been seen pacing around the camp to ease that itch, black pads feeling the grass below but it was nothing compared to the smooth surface of the pebble-laiden shore line or the cooling waters that eased her muscles after a long day—sand and silt caressing sore paws. Now she lay just as the mouth of the medicine den, blending within the shadows; albeit the rays that peaked through the bramble and danced along her rosetted pelt. She was tucked together, fore paws resting under her chest and tail curled neatly beside her bulky frame when a familiar slinking figure enters her vision.
Snakeblink. He'd been one of the ones to check on her, though she often kept their conversations short. She didn't need him rambling off about something to irritate her again—as he did all too often. Their first encounter a distant memory, but now she looks at it with a certain fondness. Would she ever admit to that? She'd rather chew off her own tail. He was nothing short of irritating, but it had been—a bit humorous. More so of her smacking him to give her what for than the events that transpired to that. Though, nothing compared to finding him stuck in that Two-Leg contraption, her and Smokethroat cackling like madmen when seeing him in such a state. Now that? She'd scream that memory to the Heavens themselves, reveling in his embarrassment. It was just too damn funny for her not to.
She shared very mixed feelings of her fellow lead warrior. When he'd nearly sent himself to death by tumbling into the gorge, she'd practically tackled him to the ground in order to save him. When he came home from losing to RiverClan and collapsed, she took no hesitation to haul him onto her shoulder to support him when he was injured, despite her own muscles straining in protest from lack of use. She was always annoyed by his presence, but she somehow couldn't live without it either. He was like an insect, annoying and buzzing around in your ears—but he also played a specific part within the ecosystem that would fail without him.
He approaches her, slathered in mud that stains the white on his fur to a mousy brown. He no longer smells of the river, but of unearthed soil and sand. His steps are slower than usual, his gait carried a limp with it. Her brow arches at him as he drops two amphibians between them, their soft abdomens exposed to the air and their smell violating her nostrils. She visibly scrunched her nose, lip curling back in mild disgust as she stared at them. I assume Beesong keeps you well-fed...But I thought I would bring you a snack anyway. To… feel better. Glowing irises would flit back to his muddied form, studying his features as her own pinch in a narrowed gaze towards the other lead warrior. " assumed that frogs would have been just what I was yearning for?" The molly begins, her tail tip flicking against her own flank as she stared at him for a moment. Perhaps I should just say thank you and eat it anyways. But—Cindershade absolutely despised frogs. Something about their consistency and viscosity, it just made her stomach do somersaults within her abdomen. "Uhmm, you can have them both." She raises a paw to push the two back over to Snakeblink's own paws, "But thank you anyways. I prefer fish—or, my own tail honestly."
In the time since the latest bloodbath that RiverClan has been involved in, Clayfur has found himself in the healer’s den more often than usual. Between the cobweb-bound wound that’s laid across his chest and the multitude of clanmates who are still nest-bound, the brown tabby feels as though he could go the rest of his life without seeing the inside of Beesong’s den ever again. But his clanmates are hurt much worse than he is, and so he has to push his own hurt aside and slap on some sort of amicability in the face of crushing sadness.

He happens to wander into the den as Snake deposits his prey before his fellow lead warrior. The she-cat doesn’t seem impressed, and Clay tilts his head to the side, bemused. After a moment he drags his paws over to stand beside the other brown and white cat, offering a flick of his tail to them both. They’re frogs, the things that Snakeblink brought back for her, and Cindershade refuses them both. "What, you can’t see yourself eating like a ShadowClanner?" He asks the question in a tone slightly weighed down with grief, but clearly light with jest. No smile graces his white-splashed maw, despite the fun he’s poking at the rosetted lead warrior. In truth, he doesn’t blame her for not liking the taste of frog; the slimy amphibians are a strange texture, odd to a palette used to tearing into fish scales.

The night-black warrior may refuse Snakeblink’s offering of food, but Clay is willing to eat anything. Or, at least, he would be if he had any appetite to speak of. So instead of speaking up, offering to take one of the frogs off of Snakeblink’s paws, he simply says nothing else.

LAKEMOON — me and the devil, walking side by side.
The medicine den was almost a second home to the silver warrior as long as Lilybloom was recovering. Only ever slinking into the warriors den late at night to sleep for a few hours before she is back, or out fulfilling responsibilities that still needed tending to.
She has just ducked into the den after Clayfur when a familiar scent fills her nostrils. Musky and watery, it’s difficult not to crinkle her muzzle against it, but she perseveres.
Eyes flicker to the source of it, two frogs drug in by Snakeblink. Seeing them dead at the warriors paws like that reminded her all too much of her time in Shadowclan- or, the marshes.
Azalea are lizards and frogs and borderline crow-food. Lakemoon did not.
She shook her head softly, "those belong in the belly of a marsh cat." She grumbled pointedly, though recalling that Snakeblink was just as marsh-born as she was.
"You do you though." She is slow to add her note of indifference, sliding past Clayfur and the frogs to go search for the only thing she was actually interested in.

In every situation you give me peace
Sablepaw normally would have paid Beesong's den no attention. But with the sudden influx of injured warriors, specifically Cindershade, she found herself frequenting the herb smelling hovel more often. If only to spend more time with her mentor. Luminescent periwinkle eyes wash over the crowded space, delicate paws picking their way carefully through a densely packed crowd. However, the sudden thud of lifeless frogs laying belly up gathers her attention. Her ear flicks at the kind gesture, reminding her that she'd forgotten to bring Cindershade something. Sablepaw inwardly groans at the blunder. However, her self inflicted chastisement does not last long as she watches the recovering molly push away the offering.

A shadow of a smile touches her lips then, taking note of the ebony woman's preferences for future use. Carefully, Sablepaw continues to ease her way through the group until she is finally nestled against Cindershade's side. Dark paws begin the process of tucking neatly beneath herself, the motion sharply interrupted by Clayfur and Lakemoon's comments. Sable's actions grind to a halt, holding an awkward, half frozen stance while eyeing the two warriors. A bitter memory of gossiping toms resurfaces, regurgitating their spite toward her family and by extension shadowclan. She recalled a time Boneripple stood torn over what, at the time, seemed to be simple indecisiveness over whether to eat fish or frog from their kill pile. Now, in this moment she understood her mother's struggle ran so much deeper.

Sable moves again. Unknowingly she presses against Cindershade's shoulder, subconsciously seeking comfort, a sense of grounding as her throat tightens. Luminescent blues fall back to the frogs as Lakemoon passes by, unable to hold their gaze or Clayfur's any longer. She does, after some time, muster up enough courage to speak to Snakeblink however. "I don't think there is anything wrong with enjoying what you like. No matter where it came from or what symbol it carries in another's's not like you're hurting anyone." Pastel blue meets vibrant green after the words are spoken. She longed to offer a smile but it faltered, stuttering along the line of her lips. Her gaze darts away to meet her mentor, willing to force the fabricated grin to remain just a little longer.

"I'll visit you again in a little while, okay? I forgot to meet up with Skunkpaw." A lie, but they would be none the wiser. With a cordial nod of her head Sablepaw gathers herself and exits the den with barely controlled haste.
Don't gotta be afraid because you're in the lead