no angst did you get enough love, my little dove ✧ first swim

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Plodding alongside Hazecloud and a small school of children, the deputy's eyes travel over the tiny landscapes of their pelts... Horizonkit, whose little eyes have darkened to a suiting new-leaf green, does not seem too keen on forgiving her for the transgression of changing his name. Twinklekit has become more and more alike her tiny reflection as her points have become foggier... Eveningkit is much the same, aside the sunshine bright yellows of her eyes. Lichentail cannot help but sigh softly, thinking about how much time has passed. How much has been lost.

There is this one thing... at least. Now that the ice has fractured and gone away, the tradition of the first swim has become a surging priority. Shellkit, Riverkit and Pebblekit of course, come in tow with much stronger muscles to learn with. They have a genuinely better chance at making real progress, unlike their tinier siblings whose best bet will be to learn to float today.

Her mate's touch is gentle, notated by absent-thoughted worry as a tail brushes to wrap around her awkwardly bent one. Tumultuous tides turn toward shifting meadow grasses, a tangible tension in the way her lips thin. What if they were doing everything wrong? What if Horizonkit never got over it?

The edge of the water is still carefully lined in stones, ones placed there with tender care by the oldest of RiverClan's kits. It brings a complicated twisting in her chest that hurts... but she ignores it in careful strides that cross the threshold into the shallows. She wades further in, both relishing the familiarity of the warming waters and hating the way it makes her coat cling to her body.

In a sweeping motion that sends wild ripples through the water, the snow-pale molly smiles half-heartedly to their little cohort. "C'mon," they invite, beckoning with a small wave of their paw and a gravelly voice. "'M here," Should be enough paws to keep anyone from drowning... the water didn't need to be terribly high to still be deep enough for babies to swim in anyways.

obligatory baby tags !! no need to wait tho


At last greenleaf has arrived and Hazecloud could wait no further to jump muzzle-first into the fresh green that opened up beneath the frigid earth. The season of new sprouts and regaining color was her favorite and knowing it would be the first time all of her kits ever experienced made her just as excited to greet it again.

She would greet the spring sun as a changed molly since the last time they had seen one another. One that had rediscovered a true love and introduced a rather remarkable family into RiverClan. Hopefully they would learn to love it just as much as she did.

Petal-soft verdant hues tip up to look into bolded blue and a smile spread across her features naturally. "We've waited faaar too long for this. Aren't you excited?" The tension that creased through Lichentail's face bring about her own worry. What could she be thinking right now, when they're about to show their kits the very thing that makes RiverClan... RiverClan?

The ant-trail of stones made so diligently by the dedicated paws of the older three bring back the memory of that day. Only two moons prior yet it felt like ages ago. Prepping Ferngill to watch the babies, when they were so much smaller and couldn't even open their eyes and ears just yet. It would be a good safe zone for their little ones to look too.

"Alright, now that the ice is melted we have to take careful steps, okay? None of you are to go any further than myself or Lichentail." The deputy already motioned for them to join her in the shallows, and she would give a gentle nudge to any of her more hesitant kits. One in particular, Horizonkit, seemed the most reluctant. "Here sapling, you can practice right here." She guided her littlest tomkit until his little paws have waded directly in front of the lynx point. With how frequent her mate worried he was still upset over his name, upset at her specifically she would happily give the push for her to face their son despite it.

Hazecloud then stood opposite to Lichentail only a tail-length away, enough space for them all to splash around but not too far away. "Okay everyone, let's watch how Lichentail swims!"
  • WHAT
Reactions: lichenstar
Cicadapaw has memories of his own first swim—it seems like eons upon eons ago, although it's really only been a smattering of moons. Beepaw and Cricketpaw prancing about as he'd made his first awkward forays into the water, perhaps a precursor to the fact that the apprentice now seems to spend as much time as he possibly can in the river. When he spots Lichentail and Hazecloud ushering his little cousins and their own herd of children towards the river's edge, then, he makes his way over.

Lichentail is beckoning the kits into the water as Hazecloud nudges one of them forward into the shallows. He feels slightly awkward, as though he's intruding on this special moment for the little family—but Shellkit, Riverkit, and Pebblekit are technically his kin, and uncomfortable as they make him, he feels somehow obligated to attempt to form even a basic connection. He lurches clumsily forward on overlarge paws, standing with limbs stick - straight by the waterside.

Everything he knows compels him to dive in and be infinitely more comfortable, but he feels like some kind of intruder, barging into the little gathering. " Umm. " Cicadapaw shifts awkwardly on his ungainly feet, blinking awkwardly at the deputy. Finally he states rather obviously, " Uh, giving them a swimming lesson? "



When it had been her first time, Dipperkit had cried, had begged and pleaded as if she were afraid that the water would wrap icy fangs around her paws and drag her down bellow. There was a time where she would have rather died then set foot into the river, and now the opposite rang true. If she could never feel the cool embrace of her home's namesake then she was nothing, no one. She is convinced that the river runs in her blood stream, a torrent of water that rushes through her veins. Sometimes it is calm but sometimes it rages.

"Already?" she finds herself asking, blinking in surprise as she comes to stand alongside Cicadapaw. "I feel as if just yesterday their eyes were opening" she observes. Did things always happpen so... quickly? She had never cared to notice before, had never paid much attention to the litters churning out of the nursery, to the kits that tumbled about her paws. They had been nothing but nuisances for a long time. Distractions from her endeavor to become a warrior.


( ) he scampers alongside his family with paws still too large for his frame, tail high in the air as he contains his excitement. the babies are ready to swim which means that he and his siblings are allowed to as well! (he tries not to think about how if smokestar would let them, they would've been apprentices swimming already.) dark amber eyes flick between hazecloud and lichentail with delight, watching carefully as lichentail lowers herself into the softly rushing water. one snow hued paw gently taps the surface, and pebblekit tips his head, feeling the water move around his limb. it's a nice feeling, like a mother softly grooming his fur, and so he steps deeper, both front paws in the water, back paws remaining on the rocky land.

"it's c-cold," he mewls, and then hisses at how pathetic he sounds. really, pebblekit! get it together, you're the nephew to the leader, for stars' sake! slowly he moves his back paws into the water until he is up to his stomach, long belly fur swishing in the currant. behind him, he can hear other cats approaching, and upon scenting his cousin, the kit turns with a smile. "heya cicadapaw," he'll call, raising his tail in greeting. the boy does not know his cousin well, but he's seen the boy at work, long legs churning in the water, pointed jaw clutching fish for his clanmates. as far as peb is concerned, cicadapaw is an accomplished apprentice. dipperfrost approaches next, sky hued eyes filled with surprise, and pebblekit feels a wave of pride at his younger siblings. "yeah, they're gonna learn to swim. no big deal, they're just that good already."

he's been standing in the water for long enough that the chill has started to leave him, although one of his paws feels uncomfortable. it's as if a dozen thorns are pricking his skin, so he attempts to shake the paw to little result. placing it back in the water, he can feel the thorns going away, replaced by an odd feeling of.. no feeling. his paw pads feel oddly numb, something he's felt only once before.

(bright blinding snow, a cold stoic mother. the feeling of his siblings shivering beneath him as he tries to warm them with his own body. tiny ears bit with frost, paws numbed from cold.)

tufted ears flatten, and the tomkit backs out of the water, still shaking his paw. a frown masking his features, he licks at it, cradling it gently until feeling begins to return. "m'paw went numb cause of the water," he tells lichentail seriously. "how do you make it not do that?"

  • // " speak "

  • peb_.png

    a large blue tabby with low white. pale blue fur covers the length of pebblekit's stocky body, sliced through with darker tabby stripes and spots. baleful orange eyes peer out of heavy set sockets, and his muzzle, paws, and tail tip are dashed with white.


For what it's worth, Eveningkit really did try her best to keep up the grumpy mood that had settled over her when her parents made Howlkit cry. She still cannot quite bring herself to call him by his new name, the idea of getting it changed so soon after getting it bestowed upon you still absurd and incomprehensible. Eveningkit has been glaring at everyone as well as no one in particular lately, but when Lichentail and Hazecloud first proposed the idea of their first swimming lesson, Eveningkit nearly jumped out of her fur.

Now, she almost decides to dive right in. It's only thanks to Hazecloud's warning to keep behind the two of them that keeps her dry - for now. This is what she has been really waiting for. This is what makes RiverClan, well- RiverClan. It's like she's gaining freedom, being able to call the rivers and streams and lakes hers, something nobody outside their borders can truly excel at like them.

But she has to wait.

"It wasn't just yesterday," Eveningkit declares, Dipperfrost's voice quickly stripping her of any and all focus she had. Eyes that have been turning from baby blue to a soft yellow open and close, quite humorously. "I do it today too!"

More of their Clanmates appear, and Eveningkit almost feels frustrated at having the intimacy of the moment stolen. At least it's mostly family - but should any prickly 'paws come and laugh at them, she will make sure to make them regret. Fueled by the idea, Eveningkit wiggles in place. I'll show them!

"Okay, okie, okay-" A soft chanting starts under her breath, turning less and less audible as she watches her own reflection warp and change. Lichentail creates a ripple over the surface, and Eveningkit paws at the water as if she could catch her own face with it.

Hazecloud said to wait, so Eveningkit will begrudgingly wait, but not without letting her two front legs sink into the clearness of the water, keeping most of her body's weight on her hind legs. Curiosity takes over and Eveningkit feels a pull, unable to resist pushing her face right in. Her whiskers twitch at the sensation and she can't quite keep her eyes open like she had hoped- droplets spray those who are near enough when Eveningkit's face reemerges, now wet but enthusiastic all the same.

༝ ˚ 。⋆ 𓇼 ⋆。 ˚ ༝   Jealousy is unbecoming but it is a big, big feeling, and one that Riverkit is suddenly unable to shake off. It was the good thing to do, he knows, waiting until it was warmer and helping with these kits! Being there for such an important day! sharing it. But it is a terrible bite to know that they're going to be teaching all these other kittens now. Like every milestone is a reminder that his mom wasn't here.

That she had– that she'd–

He's frowning into his paws as he shuffles along, quite nearly running into several of the other cats in the process, and when Eveningkit's whisker-rain manages to stir him from his sour mood, he is instead quite sour towards Pebblekit. It wasn't fair! It wasn't fair, that he was so calm and ready and helpful, talking to apprentices and Hazecloud and Lichentail while he's stuck here, feeling small and miserable and– and lonely, and all sorts of terrible things. Why is everyone else so okay? Why did everything keep going after Smokestar told him he would have to wait to be an apprentice? After Shellkit? After these kits?

It wasn't their fault. Just like it wasn't his fault she'd left him here so long ago.

His paws splash into the shallows and, as the water clears, Riverkit allows his mind to clear away with it. Instead of moving deeper into the water, he flops his belly down into the shallow stones where he first entered, so that the water may lap up his stomach and shoulders. The river is cold, but his fur is thick and even as young as he is, this diet does wonders for a river-cat's coat. Stray droplets almost seem to glide right off him. Fascinated, and quite unafraid, he rolls onto his back, experimenting — and promptly rolling right back over as his sensitive ears and eyes meet the stinging chill. "WHAT!" the boy blubbers loudly, shaking his head until the world spins.

  • ooc:
  • "speech"
    ——  a messy blue tabby with low white. though small and slimmed down by the chill, riverkit's thick coat will bounce back with time and love. the fragility beneath his fur will dissipate with time. though currently stocky as most kittens are, he will gain some semblance of delicate stature with age. with a steady diet, riverkit may begin to fit into the clan he's so proudly named for.

like the sun was sure to set, the frost she’d been born into was sure to thaw. snow melts into faded greenery and shellkit watches it from the safety of the nursery since her return ; the world was frightening, and though the earth began to warm around her, that fear of freezing cold still would seep its way into her marrow. it had taken a bit of coaxing to get her out this time, though little paws still ached to go. shame still prickles at her, tucks her tail as she slinks from the sedge den and twines around lichentail’s paws, soaks in the warmth of closeness not bristled with thorns. shellkit takes her time following, because, well.. she’d say it was to watch the babies. it was, to an extent — she watches them like a hawk, ambered eyes narrow and slitted at the middle, ever vigilant as a big sister should be.

she makes sure there are no strange cats, or predators watching them, despite the circling of adults watching them teeter towards the rivers edge. she had to watch, because it was dangerous out there, and there were things that meant them harm. it’s as new a concept to her as them, really — her three months old mind should not toil as much as it did. she knows this, because she felt different. as hazecloud asks if they’re excited, shellkit thinks better than to say she wasn’t sure, because the kittens were excited. her brothers were excited. she was excited, too.. she thinks. only scared. being scared was normal, she’d heard. before now, though, shellkit had had nothing to be afraid of. truthfully, she isn’t entirely sure what she’s scared of now. she’s just scared.

the girl pauses at the edge, watching as lichentail wades further into the water. the surface ripples gently as it swallows them to the shoulder, shimmering its light against her shell - cracked face. beneath her paws, ivory pebbles clink and shift. she takes it as a good sign ; the pebbles here are white. good luck. if she took one, she bets she’d have double good luck. in something that it certainly not stalling, she leans to take a smooth - shaped rock in her mouth, brow whiskers furrowing with a sudden concentration when she lifts.

strangely, her cousin is first to approach them. she catches him from glimmering periphriels, stares with an abrupt, uncanny stillness — frozen fragile, teeth clicking against the sheening surface of her stone. for a heartbeat, she expects him to continue by, but locust - long limbs press closer and she lifts to ivory paws as he does. amber eyes bleed sugared pink against the pallid landscape, bloody warm where she squints a slow, syrupy blink upwards at him, ” hiiii cuhcadapaw. “ she says, slowly, wisely. dipperfrost nears and exclaims her surprise, but pebblekit is quick to assure her that theyre that good.. shellkit isn’t entirely sure about that. she cuts the babies a glance, goes to agree with, ” yeah, we’re going swimming! the first swim, ever! the babies are reeeally, really excited, look — “ and her head swivels to eveningkit, who is prompt to dunk her face underwater.

a small shriek escapes her, the ivory stone falling to make an indent in soft sand, ” eveningkit, be careful! don’t.. riverkit! because just as soon as it’s said, so shouts her brother — riverkit has turned into his back, flails in the shallows and suddenly, the water isn’t so scary anymore. ivory limbs bring her trudging into the lapping waves, feeling where icy water rolls over thick, curling fur. she seems thinner like this somehow ; frail, skeleton pressing outwards where her coat plasters sleek to her body. the still dry fur along her spine lifts with the chill and she releases a heavy burrrrr into the air with more force than necessary, but she still finds her brothers side quick as she could, ” are you okay?! did it get in your mouth? did you, um — swallow a bug? i heard there’s bugs in there. “ that’s gross, and her voice slowly lilts to unintentionally reveal that she very much thought it was gross, as well. still, she loved riverkit, even if he did swallow a bug when he went under. so she gives his soggy cheek a lick.

it doesn’t taste great.

  • i.

  • 78128943_yaDvHMkfWJwxrdy.png

    frail alabaster molly with lilac striping and watery amber eyes..
    she is pallid ; platinum splotched with ribbons of shell - touched cream, wisped ends like memories of a distant shore. feather breath and elderdown fur conceals a body worn fragile by tumultuous youth, too thin in some places and round with baby fat in others. her face is short - muzzled, framed half mast by eyes coined warm, sugared amber ---------- ° ❀ ⋆
    currently exhibiting symptoms of whitecough. this includes a running nose, wheezing, sluggishness, and labored breathing. please keep contagion in mind.

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A slightly tip of lips towards a frown is all the insight Hazecloud needs to know she is not impressed by the very obvious 'help' to get Horizonkit to patter towards her. Yes, she was still worried he was upset and why shouldn't she be? It was still fresh enough in his tiny head to prove a torment and after the huge explosion of emotion the original conversation had caused, she was truly hoping to avoid another such case. She paddles carefully a small distance, offering very meager demonstration in the shallows (even though her feet could touch the floor here if she stood up). Hopefully that would be a good enough starting point for now...

It's a nice distraction to see Cicadapaw... in all his scowling and brooding, he never had enough of a flair to scare off the pale-furred deputy. She'd sat beside this very stream when he'd learned to swim with his fathers. He's still just that snappish little boy. "Mhmm.. Feel like... helping?" Having some extra paws in the water wouldn't hurt... with there being a whole six kittens to keep an eye on at once. Dipperfrost's hum of disbelief is enough to find a smile for. Time had certainly moved quickly... and she's grateful for it. The winter had been hellacious, terrifying... every day had been a test of survival; a question of who her mistake would hurt most. No more... not with newleaf here. "Their eyes... have changed too," she purrs, glancing towards Eveningkit's sunshine gaze before trailing towards Horizonkit's ivy greens. Seems only Twinklekit had maintained those soft, sky blues.

All at once the kittens are trudging into the water.. Eveningkit and Riverkit have a spike of tandem thought as they both dunk their faces into the water. Bubbles bloom around their faces, travel past them to splatter around their ears. She laughs, not even thinking about it. For all of Shellkit's dismay, there isn't anything to worry about, and she wades towards the nervous molly with a rough lick between her ears. "They're okay."

Pebblekit comments on the chill, the way it tingles in his toes... all of these experiences so typical for her that their newness in comparison is startling. How did they ignore the numbness of their pads? When had she stopped noticing it? "Hmm... Guess you just have to... move around..." It was the exercise itself that kept them warm... that kept their bodies from freezing into shock. Granted, it couldn't be so easily forgotten and powered through in the winter when it was truly freezing.

"Just uh... not in leaf bare."


The onslaught of even more negative emotions brought upon Riverkit thanks to her little rainfall is lost entirely on Eveningkit. Out of the corner of her eyes, she watches a rather large droplet of water slide down her whisker, hanging by the edge for a few heartbeats before finally letting go. It's definitely a comical look, even more so when she remains unmoving but her gaze switches to Lichentail when she talks about their eyes and how magical they are for changing color. Eveningkit's toothy grin is radiant.

The moment is broken when Riverkit all but yelps and makes quite a ruckus. Her own spray of water pales in comparison to his, thrashing about on top of the stone. "A bug?" she echoes Shellkit's concern, although Eveningkit looks a lot more fascinated and amused than anything else.

There's no more need to wait; both Lichentail and Riverkit are in the water now. "Watch out!" Eveningkit's warning is unhelpful considering the speed at which she launches herself into the more shallow part. She lands close to Riverkit, assuming his head swinging from side to side is due to playfulness.

  • 3rauDdy.jpeg
  • OOC -
    DAUGHTER TO Lichentail x Hazecloud
    SISTER TO Horizonkit & Twinklekit & Snowflakekit

    ✦ Pale grey point she-cat with yellow eyes.
    ✦ Penned by ˏ 𝙠𝙖𝙧𝙢𝙚𝙣 ´
༝ ˚ 。⋆ 𓇼 ⋆。 ˚ ༝   Riverkit. . . screeches. "AAAAAA!" Distorted by his still shaking head and bleeding away into hysterical laughter that betrays nothing of his earlier grumpiness, he wouldn't be surprised if his shout scared off fish for a whole MILE around him! Usually, that thought would make him upset. He doesn't want to bother the warriors. He's supposed to be an apprentice by now, he should be out there helping too! But right now? Right this very second, Riverkit is just a kit, and like some weird water-rejuvenated plant, he's buzzing with frantic, vibrant life. "It got in my ears!" he laughs, cringing away from her lick with a snrk of amusement and slapping one paw down into the water until a wave crests up towards her too.

Like Eveningkit, the mention of bugs is more intriguing than troublesome, and he opens his mouth wide to try and figure out if he did swallow one. But he can't see his own tongue, and Shellkit probably wouldn't wanna look if she doesn't like them, and he holds this position just– just a bit too long, because when Eveningkit launches into the water near him, the splashing of water goes right on up into his mouth. It's freezing cold against his warm tongue, sooo cold that it makes his teeth ache a little bit, and Riverkit loses it with laughter. "Eveningkit!" he sputters out with the water.

  • ooc:
  • "speech"
    ——  a messy blue tabby with low white. though small and slimmed down by the chill, riverkit's thick coat will bounce back with time and love. the fragility beneath his fur will dissipate with time. though currently stocky as most kittens are, he will gain some semblance of delicate stature with age. with a steady diet, riverkit may begin to fit into the clan he's so proudly named for.

They're all bouncing and rolling around in the shallows and Hazecloud's chest blossomed with a warmth of pride. She was not a molly born beside the river like many of her younger peers but the water is where her heart was content. Where she thrived and what she lived for. Seeing her kittens take to it so eagerly and fearlessly made her hopeful of the culture they were continuing. That RiverClan's way of life was truly bound to their very bones, even her kits that weren't born in a nursery beside her.

Cicadapaw and Dipperfrost make their appearances, the older of the pair expressing shock that tiny paws are already making splashes in the water. Lichentail shares her own fascination with how their eyes have changed color, a purr rumbling from her throat while she nodded in agreement. She found it curious, herself. How Twinklekit matched Lichentail's icy stare, Horizonkit mirrored meadow greens, but Eveningkit stood out with her own
pale citrine.

"Just keep your paws moving, try doing this." Hazecloud demonstrated a simple paddle motion for Pebblekit to copy. Unfortunately the lesson is cut short with shouts and laughter coming from the other side of the shallows.

"Euuh, no bug-eating! New rule, if you eat bugs don't tell me about it." Hazecloud stuck out her tongue and shook her head. Gross. She only cringed further as Eveningkit trampled into the water next and sprayed Riverkit by the impact. "Look at all these catfish in the river!" The queen laughed as she hopped around them, making her own little splashes for them to play in. "I've got my eye on... This one!"

@TWINKLEKIT is her choice of 'prey' and she leapt to wrap the she-kit in her embrace as she playfully nipped the girls scruff. "Haha, I got you! Mama's gonna eat you up now."
  • Like
Screeching and water never went well together, in Claypaw's opinion. Of course, if you asked her, the water was something she wished to avoid. Memories of churning through water, swallowing too much- it made her sick later- unable to breath, tossed about against frozen cold rocks and surfacing only to keep running. No, Claypaw didn't like it one bit.

Paws slowly found their way down to the beach, coming to a stop not too far off from Cicadapaw. Golden eyes stared out at the water, head slowly dipping down as she settled onto her haunches. Newleaf was here, yes, but that wasn't about to make her leap into the water. While it grew warmer then it was during leafbare, she still didn't like the water all the same. On another note, had it really been that long that Hazecloud's and Lichentail's kits were already tumbling about in the tide, shouting about how cold it was?

A huff left her nose- as much as Claypaw didn't like the water, it was slightly amusing to see their kits move, shake and roll. And then came burning... a burning feeling, in her heart, behind her eyes. Hazecloud chasing Twinklekit, laughing, playing. Her head drew back, muscles becoming rigid. She could not have been feeling jealousy right now, so much that it stung? That wasn't her. Claypaw's ears twitched, mumbling softly. "I hope it goes well." Just as soon as she had arrived, Claypaw was turning, heading back into camp.
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc: — in and out!

  • a large, lh chocolate torbie towering, nine moons old, she/her. well-build and muscled. a drypaw. former river colony cat.