camp DID YOU GET IT [ freedom from med den ]

.i'll be your calm, ———


——— before the storm!.
———————— ————————
Okay, alright. Batwing can admit it definitely- after being chastised by his best friend, trapped in the den with Wolfwind and Tigerpaw, seriously missing out on Fallowpaw's return... Batwing doesn't want to be stuck in there ever again. Hailstorm had been firm with him, and it was a good thing his gentle-giant friend had retrieved him at the border, and not Berryheart. He could only imagine the embarrassment...

A soft breath left him as he left the medicine den, drinking in the cold air hungrily. The sun was way overhead, and despite the minimal twinge in his paw, Batwing felt like he was ready to go. He wanted to get out there and run around, jump on trees and hunt. His bones and body itched for it. "Wheeew." He vocalized on his exhale, tail swaying behind him. He poked at snow that had barely been tread on, and a tiny grin found his face.

There was a silver lining here, though. In that medicine den, he had been warm. The warriors den- another thing he had caught in small gossip- was snowed in at one point. His vision shifted towards the den now, as if he could imagine it- Nightbird, Flamewhisker, the lot of them buried beneath a snow drift. A wry smile found his face, vision shifting towards the apprentice's den now. The new law was in place, which would keep his kits safe but... knowing some of them, they had a habit of trying to leave camp, even when they knew better.

Batwing eventually settled taking a small piece of fresh kill off of the pile, these thoughts in his head as he got a meal in him before he would set back to work. Should anyone join him, he'd speak between bites. "Y'know I think-" He chewed on a piece of mouse for a moment, swallowed, then spoke again. "I'm going to set up a hunting patrol, if anyone wants to join me."

// feel free to be the cat(s) he's speaking to!


I SEE A SONG OF PAST ROMANCE — It made Hailstorm happy that both Wolfwind and Batwing had recovered from their injuries even if ones were more dire than the other, he wishes silently that Oakfang had been as fortunate but Starclan had different plans it seemed and he wouldn't linger on it much since he had done everything that he could. The gentle giant had been resting in his own nest having been unable to sleep for too long as he kept a watchful eye on Berryheart, he's tired and a single eye opens seeing Batwing rise from his own nest to step out into the world once more and he closes his eye again to breath out a half-sigh that ends up being interrupted by a yawn. A grunt leaves him and Hailstorm pushes himself to his paws before stretching out carefully, he spares his mentor one last glance soon stepping out into the sunlight and wincing for a few seconds soon adjusting to the brightness of the sun. His paws already touching the snow, he has to refrain from grimacing still wishing for the arrival of new-leaf and he's certain that his own clanmates wish for it as well.

"So eager to get back out into the world, hm?" The tired hum leaves the snowy tom as he sits nearby looking to his friend and a large grin settles onto his maw "I hope this has taught you not to sneak off while having an injury." His voice having a slight sternness to it but completely lighthearted as he brings a paw up to swipe his tongue over and fix the fur near his cheek and ear.

    ✦✦✦✦✦ FLESH WOUNDS
    ✦✦✦✧✧ INFECTIONS
    ✦✦✧✧✧ ACHES & PAINS
    ✦✦✧✧✧ ILLNESS
    ✧✧✧✧✧ BROKEN BONES
    ✧✧✧✧✧ KITTING
    ✧✧✧✧✧ POISONS
  • dge7u2t-148923d9-4a3f-4c3f-b8e7-4e97c3a4cb2b.png
    longhaired blue sepia tom w/low white and brown eyes
    51 moons old; ages the 27th every month
    bisexual demiromantic; mates with little wolf
    currently being mentored by berryheart
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    semi-difficult in combat; relies on strength, his large size, and wits
    peaceful powerplay allowed
. ° ✦ Bravepaw never had to stay in the medicine den before, but there was a time where Leopardtongue was made to recover for the remainder of her yellowcough while he and his littermates remained in the nursery. He wouldn't remember it in the slightest, but the body certainly did in the way he would cling to her at any moment. Would once beg her not to even go to the dirtplace without him because the distance felt like the entire forest between them. Gradually as he had grown and Leopardtongue had doted on her brood his separation anxiety was diluted over time, but it still reared its head in some moments.

With Batwing and Tigerpaw having been in the medicine den together he would pace and repeated any excuse under the stars to visit more than necessary. He couldn't ever believe that Hailstorm or Berryheart would grow tired of seeing his face poking around his fathers nest, that he could be seen a problem child struggling to listen to their directive in leaving their patients to rest. Now with so many of their Clanmates healthy they must be relieved to know Bravepaw would have no reason to shuffle about in the dark looking for his family to bother.

"BATWING!!" The chocolate tabby shrilled as he leapt to throw his entire weight into Batwing, not thinking to hold anything back in his excitement. "Is your paw all better now? Can we go on a patrol together, with Tigerpaw? I can ask Howlingstar for you!! She might say yes if I ask real nice, you think?" Never mind the new rule, never mind that he and Foxpaw had just stirred trouble right after, he didn't want to wait two more moons for this!
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:
    A Longhaired chocolate tabby/blue tabby chimera with deep blue eyes. Very thick coat that has started to develop curls. Paws that seem too big for his little body. Gradually growing into his ears.
to be reborn , you have to die first .

“Finally learned to stay, did you?” He rumbled, watching the other with narrowed pinkish hues, helm tilted. His gaze lingered on Hailstorm Bravepaw, tail flickering just the slightest in the barest of greetings. He watched in muddled amusement as Bravepaw tried tumbling into the other, brow raised. Careful now. Don’t want to send him back, now do you? He thought, humming quietly in thought.

Perhaps a new addition to his collection of prey bones pecked clean of blood and muscle, washed and left to dry, rather than the three precious skulls he kept from particular pieces of prey, untouched and left alone tucked away in the comforts of his nest further away from nosy clanmates. “I need a few more bones, perhaps I’ll join you.” He mused suddenly, gaze sliding elsewhere as he said this.
thought speech
.i'll be your calm, ———


——— before the storm!.
———————— ————————
Hailstorm was the first to be after him as soon as he was out in camp. His ears twitched, lifting his head from the meal with a tiny grin on his face. He flexed his heavily-scarred paws, wincing at the small twinge of pain that followed. Nothing bad, but akin to how it feels with a pulled muscle. Batwing would still be resting until it was gone, believe him. A snort left him, tail touching Hailstorm's flank as he spoke. "Yes, dad. I won't go running and doing stupid things." A cackle left him afterwards at the jab.

Eyes lifted towards Spiderlily- an awkward friendship once, but one that he had fueled none-the-less. "Staying was never my style, really. But Hailstorm's real convincing when he's.. y'know, bigger then me with half a mind to drag me back by my scruff." Batwing's voice was light- teasing even, a good natured grin on his features. He stiffened gently as he heard his name from his son's mouth, and with a quick glance to Hailstorm, turned to receive the tornado about to run him over.

He leaned back as he was leapt into, a soft grunt leaving him as his ears flattened briefly. "Bravepaw." He greeted amicably, using a paw to push him into a sitting position so that he wasn't nose-to-nose with his son. He loved him, he did, but Batwing did want to breath his own air. "My paw is cleared for duty." He put on a fake voice, playing it up, before blinking at his son. A soft sigh left him- he didn't want to have to kill Bravepaw's vibe, but... "You know the law, Bravepaw. I'm not going to take you out of camp." Batwing murmured.

"As soon as you're old enough, I promise I will, though, okay? I'll take you to see Sunningrocks. Maybe the snow will be cleared by then." He smiled quietly, hoping it would soothe the burn that he had just put on his son.

. ° ✦ Bravepaw shifted with the lead warrior without taking eyes off him. Childish naivety and hope would lead him to believe that Batwing would absolutely work to make an exception for him. That he knew how capable the rosette could be, even 'fighting' off that stupid rogue!

Code-bound through and through, his father wouldn't budge in even the slightest. Bravepaw's sigh mimicked Batwings but this time he did not whine or stamp his paws. "You HAVE to keep your promise! Or else I'll tell Leopardtongue!" His pouting did not last very long, an answered prayer for both father and son as Bravepaw backed off to give them space.

"You'll have to bring Foxpaw too, though. She might put thorns in your nest if you don't." He doesn't mean it as a threat but more of a warning.
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:
    A Longhaired chocolate tabby/blue tabby chimera with deep blue eyes. Very thick coat that has started to develop curls. Paws that seem too big for his little body. Gradually growing into his ears.