did you get what you deserve || granitepaw


die young or get old trying
Oct 4, 2022
Even under the quiet of moonhigh, the dark is not absolute. Silver light reflects off of spruce-sap waters and the edges of Loampaw's pelt are turned white. The shadows that lend their name to this clan are still ever-present, blurred at their borders and pooled at proud standing trees' roots. The marsh is a living thing unto itself — a buttonbush parts its branches with ease as Loampaw presses through, and this is a compliment.

"This way," Loampaw murmurs, chin pointed, "Not f-fff-fuh-far now."

There isn't an acceptance, not yet, but an acknowledgement from Loampaw that he isn't going to be the hunter he wishes himself to be. He can spot a track in the mud that goes unnoticed by the rest of a hunting patrol and he can follow a scent as good as any dog. Following a promisingly plump and noticeably injured pigeon missed by one of his peers had been laughably easy.

"It can't fl-fluh-fly, and it's bleed-eed-eeding. Don't b-buh-be fuckin' stupid and it's yo-your-yuh-yours," At last, Loampaw looks at Granitepaw. In the dark, where colors are washed away, it is easy to remember that Granitepaw is Siltpaw's sibling — until he does something tetchy or condescending, and Loampaw is left once again wondering how his friend can share a lineage with this. Loampaw has never made his thoughts a secret on Granitepaw, and is comforted in the near-certainty that the feeling is mutual.

tags ∘ shadowclan apprentice ∘ solid black with hazel eyes ∘ curled front foot ∘ 10 moons
He despises hunting in pairs or on a patrol. The feeling of eyes raking over his fur, judging his crouch and his movements, make him fumble more kills than he'd like to admit. A stunted apprentice like Loampaw witnessing a failure would be more than he could bear, especially knowing the black-pelted apprentice's attitude. He'd waste no time laughing at the mistake.

Granitepaw gives his ill-met companion a dark look as he stutters an order. "Good thing it's me catching it and not you, then," he retorts coldly. Don't be fucking stupid, indeed. He crouches and springs in a flash, his teeth embedded in the pigeon's chest before it can squawk its last breath. The taste of its blood fills his mouth warmly. He turns to look at Loampaw as it dangles from his jaws, a grim look of satisfaction on his face.

His slate-colored fur silvered in the moonlight, he doubts if they'll be finding much else, unless it's a creature staying tucked into the shadows and buried in the mud. He loses his impatience, studying Loampaw with feathers in his mouth. Normally, the stuttering cat is of little consequence to him, just like the majority of their Clanmates.

But recently, he's seen Loampaw around his sister a little too often. And that makes him nervous. He trusts Siltpaw, he has to, but knowing that she carries his worst secret, knowing she is getting closer to ShadowClan cats, is like knowing a sleeping badger is close to waking.

The gray tom drops the pigeon, his eyes narrowing shrewdly. "I'm surprised you chose to come with me and not Siltpaw." It's said in an accusatory fashion. "You seem to be awfully... close, these days."

Of course Granitepaw would need to say something to Loampaw before he is off. Loampaw rolls his eyes to hide the sting of it, and then watches with interest as Granitepaw makes his kill. Jealousy isn’t something easy to contend with — Loampaw smooths it from his face by the time Granitepaw is returning with the pigeon in his jaws, and sits a little straighter when he realizes Granitepaw is watching Loampaw.

The question, not worded as such, about Siltpaw should be expected, but catches Loampaw off guard all the same.

Yeah?” Loampaw says like a challenge and wonders if Granitepaw is jealous too, “If it wuh-wuh-was my choice ‘would b-buh-be, but appren-tice-tice-tices don’t exactly get t-tuh-to pick and choose wuh-where they go, now d-duh-do they?” Loampaw rolls his eyes again, this time to mean you idiot, and continues, testing his jealousy theory, “But yeah, w-wuh-we are pretty close, not th-thuh-that it’s any of your concern.” ​

tags ∘ shadowclan apprentice ∘ solid black with hazel eyes ∘ curled front foot ∘ 10 moons