pafp didn't know she was your girl // asking questions


What bonejaw had said had been running on loop in Siltkit's mind for days now, and even with the fire and all that happened she couldn't shake the feeling that maybe, just maybe, granitekit had been wrong. From her place in the damp tunnels, she could hear the echoing breaths of her clanmates, some more labored than others, as they slept on through the night, but somehow she could not join them. Her dull viridian gaze would slowly seek out the medicine cat where she'd last seen her, and she's getting to her paws before she eve realizes she'd made up her mind. Near silent paws come to a halt just before the dark furred feline, and the words are blurted out before her mind can even process them. "Did you really mean that?"

Eyes wide and she winces, shoulders hunching in as the loudness of her own voices startles her - that's not what she'd meant to say, not how she'd meant to say it. She's embarrassed, ashamed, nothing's going the way she'd planned. "When- when you said... you said you were only trying to save... save sparkkit," she says, realizing that the other molly probably hadn't a clue what she was talking about. Damp eyes stare blankly at her feet, at the mud and ash stained mittens that used to be so soft and white. Her heart is pounding and her mind racing, but she can't help herself - she needs to know if bonejaw had been lying, or if her brother had been wrong.

// super late on this whoops, originally wanted to get this up before the fire but forgot @BONEJAW

Working herself to the bone, staying awake through the night to make sure everyone is breathing. She has been trying her best and only the night knows how taxing it is. As she pushes some leaves out of her way she tries to think of what else she can do for the smoke inhalation. The honey seems to he helping but she wishes she knew more than just this. Every other medicine cat as far as she has come to understand knows more. And though they pass the knowledge onto her she has nothing to give back. She feels like she isn't supposed to be this but she says nothing as she keeps her paws working. Not until a small voice suddenly speaks up behind her. Twisting herself she looks at the younger kit then, blinking in confusion.

What had she meant? Though soon it becomes clear and she sighs softly, Siltkit is young. Impressionable. Just like Granite and she curls her tail around the young child, shifting so she can lay down. Her ears pull back and she thinks and debates before speaking. "I did what I thought was right at the time. What i could for Sparkkit. I would never intentionally kill a clanmate and that goes for your sibling. I'm very new at this whole medicine cat thing and I'm sorry that I couldn't save them." She really is.
Ghost wasn't so sure. Bonejaw was scary. She looks like she would kill someone... She's new at the medicine cat thing... hmm... but how was she gonna learn? Would she learn? "Wuh... what do you think is right now?" Ghostpaw asks. He tries his best to raise his voice. Paws rooted in place, he stays a safe distance from Bonejaw. ...She's weird. "W-what if, what if I got sick right now? What... would you do?" Ghostpaw asks with widened eyes. Ghostpaw used to get sick, and mama would take care of him, but now Bonejaw is supposed to... Could she? Would he die too? Like Sparkkit?
  • The loss of young life is always terrible, Betonyfrost knows, but illness seems like an unsurmountable thing. One was either going to get better or they weren't, and the use of herbs seemed like a sad attempt at maintaining some semblance of control; it was like hissing at the wind to ward off a storm. Its a grand lie, and one the youth of the clan seem to believe wholly.

    Bonejaw too.

    Betonyfrost stares, unwilling to break the moment by voicing her own opinions, but curious as to how such questions would unfurl. If caught staring, she would duck her head to her paws as if chastised.​
  • Code:
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