pafp DIE A KING ⸸ theft

He is not predispotioned to violence. His skill in combat was minimal at best, prior to being made Starlingheart's apprentice he was trained mostly to hunt and his former mentor seemed hesitant to even push him to do much in the way of battle practice; he couldn't blame her, with his shaky limbs and inability to walk a straight line he didn't have much to back up his claws unless he got lucky.
Today, he was quite fortunate. Or unfortunate, depending on how you looked at it.

The flash of pale sand-colored fur ahead gives him pause, for a brief moment he thinks its Siltcloud but its much too pale and after what happened to Starlingheart he felt both her and Granitepelt would know now to keep a fair distance from the territory less they be torn apart for their crimes. This cat, however, had no such qualms and he glances behind him to where the patrol in the distance is still lagging back and then lets his gaze flit back forward. The stranger was lean, pale earthen colored and leaning down to the ground and the medicine cat apprentice assumed he must have caught something. His claws unsheath and he wriggles his toes into the ground to find purchase in the soil in case he needed to defend himself or run as the trespasser rose to stand.

His blue-violet gaze hones in on the tom's mouth as he turns away, a ripple of rage rolling over his long dark fur at the flash of green between the trespassers teeth. He wasn't taking prey, already something to be furious about, he was taking herbs. Starlingheart's scarred body flashes across his mind, it had taken so much to keep her alive that their stock had dwindled down severely, he feels his entire pelt prickle as though coursing with electricity; unbridled fury swelling in his chest so intensely it aches. Magpiepaw has never felt so mad, so pushed to the edge that the slightest breeze would topple over it. He knows he should go for the patrol, logically he knows this, but his unsteady paws are carrying him forward with a speed he rarely let himself take given his uneven strides but he teeters forward in an unbroken pace; his momentum propels him after the loner and before the lean feline is even aware he's there he's sprung.

Magpiepaw had always been big for his age, his long coat emphasizing his already large size, he dwarfed Starlingheart now; it was his size alone that let him latch onto the sand-colored tom's back to throw him over onto the ground, sending them both toppling as he yowled out an uncharacteristic snarl of hatred, "I'LL KILL YOU! I'LL KILL YOU! DROP IT OR DIE!"
His claws gripped in tight, he pulled them back to shred where he could gain a grip and his teeth snapped violently near the tom's face, blindly seeking out his throat or his ears to clench between sharp jaws - it was uncouth, it was messy and unrefined, but he didn't need skill or poise when he could just brute force it, that he'd managed to get close enough for this was a gift from StarClan itself surely; they had let him make it to the trespasser without stumbling or falling to deliver swift justice.

  • PAFP - @Sharpeye

  • dgjzb1y-75361c4e-601a-4b3f-a424-fe26a15fe6df.png
    —⊰⋅ MCA of ShadowClan
    —⊰⋅ He/They
    —⊰⋅ Black tom w/a white throat and blue-violet eyes.
    —⊰⋅ Has mild cerebellar hypoplasia (Wobbly cat syndrome)


//CW: injury detail

Desperation had guided his paws far from the well known confines of the twolegplace. The need for fresh meat had sat heavy on his mind, but in pursuing that endeavour his nose had guided him straight into danger. He was no medicine cat, never had been, but he had never stopped marvelling over their ability. Even now that his clan days were many moons behind him. The memories of scents had remained in his mind, of herbs given to him when he was suffering from wounds. Herbs that WindClan had once tried to steal from his former home. With Siltcloud pregnant and someday eventually due to give birth he only wished to help. Somehow, in some way, and that was what drove him to take a foolish chance.

His nose had carried him into ShadowClan's territory and his keen sense of smell was swift to bring him to a plant that held a familiar aroma even among the snow. The name eluded him, the way in which to use it was a pure mystery to him, but desperation urged him to steal it all the same. The theft had seemed smooth and easy as he held the leaves in his maw, but then it all happened in a flash. Maybe the herbs held in his jaws had numbed his ability to scent the air, or perhaps his old injury had slowed him down too much, but all he knew was that he was suddenly being attacked!

A gasp broke from him as he was set upon and thrown to the ground with yelp of surprise and pain. The herbs fell from his open jaws and scattered across the snowy ground like a lost hope, leaving him to scramble desperately for purchase as the old fight or flight instinct kicked in. Sustaining an injury now would cost more than just him dearly, so retreat was his only option now. That is if he could escape at all.

"S-STOP! STOP! PLEASE!" The assault upon him was brutal and feral, stunning even him that a clan cat could be capable of such unbridled savagery. The grip upon him was like a vice and it stopped him from making any form of immediate escape, adding to his fear. A scream was torn from him as teeth found his left ear and ripped it away to leave nothing more than a jagged stump. A further bite caught the side of his neck and came dangerously close to being lethal if it had been better aimed.

Driven by panic he lurched forward with force, enduring the ripping of claws through his flesh in order to break free. Sharpeye scrambled to his paws and he aimed to kick his hind legs into Magpiepaw's gut in a bid to wind his attacker to ensure his getaway. Encompassed in complete agony he ran and refused to look back. Even as he felt the hot blood streaming from his fresh wounds he refused to stop running! He couldn't afford to die there over some herbs!

Look where your bleeding heart has led you! Idiot!



The patrol Snipe accompanies races forward. The scream unbridled with rage had Snipe’s hackles bristling, in the urgency to catch up with the medicine cat apprentice he feels his heart quicken. It was not fear, it was pure excitement, it’s been a long while since his claws have torn into the pelt of an enemy. The daily scraps were something he missed about life as a loner and Magpiepaw’s yowl tells him his time to fling himself into battle was here.

They arrive just in time to see the enemy feline disappear into marshland foliage. Magpiepaw has been knocked back, heavy breaths leaving their maw with herbs dropped from the loner scattered around them. Snipe hesitates- to help the medicine cat or to give into his urges. He looks the black and white tom up and down once before bolting into the foliage, ”I’m going to get him!”

His paws thunder against the wetland as he chases his prey like a rabid dog. He’ll run until he’s tired, turned around and confused, then he’ll return to camp with a muddy pelt and defeated eyes.
  • Also out! To be super clear Snipe will obviously, not catch up to Sharpeye. He loves himself a good tussle just a little too much is all and is doing what he can to find one
  • » Snipe
    » Loner
    » He/him
    » A heavily-scarred chocolate tom-cat with amber eyes.
    » "Speech"thoughtsattack
  • » A foe who uses brute strength and hits heavy.
    » Excels in taking opponents head-on.
    » Uses slow but powerful hits to bring them to the ground.
    » Fights to overpower and defeat .
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing

they didn't think that he had it in him to be so violent. his entire job was to heal. it was his life. his purpose. they didn't have doubts of being able to defend himself, he was briefly a warrior's apprentice. but that doesn't not mean for even a second that chilledstar wouldn't be worried about him. they don't give two shits about the other cat, they only care about magpiepaw. they make their way over to the medicine cat, sniffing his herb tainted fur, gaze flickering back and forth as they tried to find their words. it was hard.

"little bird, are you alright? what happened?"

whatever happened, they're not blaming their little bird. they just wanted to know so they know how to help him.

What was going on? They had heard the commotion of Magpiepaw yelling and then the sounds of what seemed like a fight? The furrowed their brow and followed the sound before coming to stand where Snipe had run off from. Skywish looked around for a moment and wondered if they should go after this cat that seemed to slip away into the forest without another incident.

Did they need something? Was it meant to be of help to those outside of it? Skywish wasn’t sure and wanted to ask further questions, but nothing smart came to mind. The young warrior flexed their claws and looked to Chilledstar for some sort of direction. Do they go after this strange cat or was there something more at play here?