Chilledgaze had not stood beside her at the gathering was what had gotten WindClan’s trip out here on tracks. They had not stood against her either, but what use was an ally if she could not even count on them to remain seated at her side during times of turmoil? It would not do, and Sootstar would investigate.

At her side was Vulturemask, WindClan’s new medicine cat. In tow were Tigerfrost and Nutsprout, both had been instructed in carrying a rabbit and a crow. It was a big sacrifice for WindClan, but it’d be a worth while one if it meant strengthening their bonds with the marsh group through a trade. She was expecting the shadow dwellers to salivate at the mere sight of prey that wasn’t rotten, it was clear by their figures leaf-bare was causing them to shrivel. Besides, Sootstar had once been one of them, she knows how unforgiving the land becomes this time of year on their side of the thunder path.

The mud grows even worse near the thunderpath, the land always began to get murky around here but it was causing Sootstar to grimace this time. ”Watch your step, or your paws will sink right in.” She warns her companions before fixating her gaze on the border. Soon enough foliage rustles and emerges a border patrol, Sootstar wastes no time announcing WindClan’s presence. ”Sootstar, leader of WindClan requests the presence of your leader- if he is well enough to make the journey. Your medicine cat’s presence would also be appreciated.” Sootstar makes sure that their fresh-kill is in view to truly earn ShadowClan’s attention.

you do not have to wait for the above to post :) Requesting the presence of @STARLINGHEART . and @PITCHSTAR (if he can’t attend or warriors refuse to grab him, not sure of his status, don’t icly force it because i might have her make a request I’ve not seen done yet on tt)


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· SOOTSTAR, female — she / her
╰ ‣ 34 moons . pisces. ages on the first
╰ ‣ windclan leader . marsh-born . believes in starclan
╰ ‣ former soldier of the marsh group

· DOMESTIC FELINE, smells like heather and wet dirt , status — 100%
╰ ‣ blue smoke . scarred chest, difficult to see through fur . green eyes

· ESTJ-A ❝ EXECTUTIVE ❞ , Slytherin, Lawful Evil
╰ ‣ Cunning, brash, fierce, confident, self-reliant, envious & selfish
╰ ‣ finds great difficulty in relating to others . can be cruel, usually shows mercy to those she can find sympathy with
╰ ‣ sole key to her heart is loyalty, if you have her trust, she often shows a completely different side of herself. Aggression tends to manifest from her extreme paranoia
╰ ‣ Appreciates titles such as "miss, m'am" etc

· SOOT CLAW x PEBBLE BREEZE, sister to Pebblenose
╰ ‣ heterosexual. mate to Weaselclaw
╰ ‣ mother to Windpaw & Sootpaw
╰ ‣ mentor to Smokepaw & Coyotepaw
╰ ‣ average fighter . skilled hunter .
╰ ‣ will start fights . unlikely to flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.

Vulturemask would walk side by side with his leader without their fur touching one another. He was silent during his walk there, not much for him to say in truth. But that was not all...today he would have to face one of his biggest fears he had have as a child. To return back to the thunderpath. Leechpaw would never have even dared walking here always making sure he didn't end up on a patrol to shadowclan. He would swift with somebody else or come up with an excuse to why he couldn't go. The tragedy that had happen there on the thunderpath had been to traumatizing for the apprentice to comprehand. But Vulturemask...he was braver, ready to face this overcoming fear although he couldn't deny the uncomfortable clumb he felt in his chest. Unvinsible to the eye to see but it was there deep digged into his chest but he refused to get the best of him.

By the time they arrived at the monsters terrain the medicine cat would make sure to keep his head high, to keep it from looking at the pitch black ground below. He was here for importand business today and he wasn't gonna let Leechpaw stand in his way to prevent him from doing his job. Long ears would perk up when the shadowclan patrol arrived, and refusing to break the silence just yet he would wait patiently for their ally to answer to Sootstars demands. He must say he was curious to finally get to meet this Starlingheart, shadowclans very own medicine cat. He could only hope she wouldn't be all to difficult to work with. He was not a fan to deal with fools, but he also wasn't a fool himself who would endanger this allience between the two clans.

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He doesn't know much of ShadowClan's lands, other than it's wet soil and murky waters, and the fact that the territory seemed practically barren of prey. The gatherings were telling enough, for the cats of ShadowClan seemed even more emancipated than any other group. Tigerfrost still understands the importance of maintaining such an alliance, though. With SkyClan and RiverClan plotting behind WindClan's backs, it made sense to keep friends, rather than make any further enemies. Of course, whether or not ShadowClan would actually be of any use in a battle was certainly debatable. He'd keep such thoughts to himself.

As they make their way toward the thunderpath, the mud sucks at his paws, and Sootstar's warning rings through his ears. The rabbit he's carrying grows heavier within his jaws as he tries to drag his feet from the soaked grass. Eventually, they reach their destination, and the smell of ShadowClan is pungent where it hangs within the air. Tigerfrost takes his place near his leader, well within view of the border patrol that emerges from the undergrowth. They'd be able to see his prey laden jaws just as easily as they could likely smell it. A valuable gift, to be certain. ShadowClan would be wise to feel thankful. If they chose to break off the alliance, then they'd have nobody to help them through such a difficult season.
A sneaking feeling of uncertainty crept through a lilac chest like a worm through the mud; desperate and dying. The closer they came to the marshlands, the more there was the suggestion of turning back at the back of his throat. Nutsprout wasn't sure why he had been brought along, why he was chosen of all things, but he wanted to do good by Sootstar. To keep his place in the clan, at this point, it was like walking on eggshells of a nuclear bomb. Everything felt so tense and it was starting to spike anxiety within Windclanl could this be the cusp of a war?

In his jaws he carried a piece of prey, beside him another warrior carried one too, and he wondered what the plan was. Why just big pieces of prey? They could fed Echolight and her kits for moons! Though at this point logic seemed to be on the backburner of things. The lilac tabby cat looked around for a moment as they neared the thunderpath, he hated this thing. It reeked and only reminded him of the Coalition; they had used the gutters under it for missions and such.

Though now it was something entirely different wasn't it? Not the biggest threat out there anymore it felt like. Pale green eyes looked down as mud sucked at his toes and matted his fur, but he stood beside Tigerfrost. Holding the piece of prey and looking at the Shadowclan patrol, hope this all went over well. ​


It does not take long for the warrior to find Starlingheart, she is exactly where she had been the past couple of days now, by Pitchstar's side, redressing his cobwebs, cleaning his wounds, praying to the stars that they would not take him or Granitepaw from her. She needed both of them just as much as she needed air. Or prey. The thought enters her head accompanied by a loud growl in her stomach and she will admit, selfishly, she is glad when she sees a figure darken the entrance to her brother's den. Her green eyes scan their figure, nose sniffs the air for prey scent but instead, she smells Wind Clan. Her face falls as they tell her what is going on. That WindClan has come to their borders and is asking for her and Pitch. "He-he's i-iiin no no st-sta-state to go" she says to the warrior quietly. But she was, so she makes her way out of the camp and to the border with Wind Clan.

Just a child, but already she held the weight of so many lives upon her shoulders and this was just another responsibility for her to bare. She is terrified of having to do this, what could WindClan possibly want? Were they angry at them because of Chilledgaze's antisocial nature? She remembers reassuring that one Wind Clanner that of course, they were still friends but even though Chilledgaze had made the right decision in the end it seemed like it had not been enough to convince the moor-dwelling cats that it was true.

"I-I h-h-hope I hope y-you you wereeennnt ke-ke-kept wai-waiting loooong" she says with a respectful dip of her head in greeting to Sootstar and her companions. "I-I'm afraid Pi-pitch - my my bruh-bruh-brother, wo-wooont be co-coming" her nerves are on fire and her tongue feels as heavy as a rock in her mouth but still she presses on. "He-he's badly inj-iiiiiin-injured and he-he ca-cant luh-luh-leave his uh hiiiis ne-ne-nest" the rat bites had taken a lot out of her rosetted brother. Star Clan could not heal everything, only the thing that had killed him. Her green eyes do not leave Sootstar's face as she waits with bated breath for the smoky she-cats answer.


/tw 4 ableism, she jabs at starling’s speech.

Despite their loses, when Sootstar has strong and loyal warriors at her side she feels powerful. They still had qualities and goods to flaunt to other clans, and that made her feel good. She notes that a few NPC warriors on the other side of the thunder path take quick interest in their fresh-kill, one darts off likely to find the authorities she requested.

They sit idle for awhile, but overall it hadn’t been a bad wait for the medicine cat. Sootstar was pretty sure this was the first time she has seen Starlingheart up close and not from a distance at the gathering. She is young, much like Dandelionwish had been when he was made a full medicine cat. Her inner-voice scoffs now at the thought of a traitor.

Quite jittery their medicine cat was, isn’t she? Sootstar casts her companions a glance, have they witnessed this medicine cat’s wobbly speech before? Sootstar’s gaze remain neutral, but she immediately marks ShadowClan’s medicine cat up as a cat who must lack a backbone, to barely be able to utter a word without stuttering… graceless. She is not sure if she can discuss all that is needed with a medicine cat who can barely talk. Outwardly she remains respectful and returns a head dip in greeting.

”He is wounded? My condolences.” Sootstar begins, seemingly settling with the fact he would not be appearing, but she was not. That shows moments later, ”…May I suggest you take us to him? ShadowClan land is nothing I’ve never seen before, and the matters we wish to discuss today should have his approval. I’d just hate for us to make agreements here that he would not be pleased with.” Sootstar knows she wouldn’t be pleased with Pitchstar in her camp, and hell Sootstar was pregnant- she didn’t truly want to wade all the way out there. But the trade she envisions aside, she needs to speak with Pitchstar and assure her clan has a stable friend. No other ShadowClan’s word but his would do much to assure her of that.


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )



· SOOTSTAR, female — she / her

╰ ‣ 34 moons . pisces. ages on the first

╰ ‣ windclan leader . marsh-born . believes in starclan

╰ ‣ former soldier of the marsh group


· DOMESTIC FELINE, smells like heather and wet dirt , status — 100%

╰ ‣ blue smoke . scarred chest, difficult to see through fur . green eyes


· ESTJ-A ❝ EXECTUTIVE ❞ , Slytherin, Lawful Evil

╰ ‣ Cunning, brash, fierce, confident, self-reliant, envious & selfish

╰ ‣ finds great difficulty in relating to others . can be cruel, usually shows mercy to those she can find sympathy with

╰ ‣ sole key to her heart is loyalty, if you have her trust, she often shows a completely different side of herself. Aggression tends to manifest from her extreme paranoia

╰ ‣ Appreciates titles such as "miss, m'am" etc


· SOOT CLAW x PEBBLE BREEZE, sister to Pebblenose

╰ ‣ heterosexual. mate to Weaselclaw

╰ ‣ mother to Windpaw & Sootpaw

╰ ‣ mentor to Smokepaw & Coyotepaw

╰ ‣ average fighter . skilled hunter .

╰ ‣ will start fights . unlikely to flee .

╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.

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The scent of herbs is sharp as the medicine cat finally arrives. Admittedly, Tigerfrost isn't too fond about the wait, but his fur was quite short, and the cold was biting. Nonetheless, he had endured it without complaint, and now the ShadowClan healer was informing them of just how grim the situation appeared to be on the other side of the border. Pitchstar was clearly in bad shape, if he couldn't even get to the border to talk to his allies. What had caused such grave injuries? Sootstar responds, suggesting that she be taken to visit Pitchstar directly, right in the heart of ShadowClan's territory. Would they really agree to such a thing?

As vulnerable as they appeared to be, Tigerfrost would not be surprised if Sootstar was turned away. At the same time, turning their backs on their greatest allies in WindClan would be an entirely foolish thing to do.
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Greyish paws steer the patrol through the territory's outer rim. They are debilitated and done in, trembling as they zigzag around the jagged rocks and sticks that've been misplaced by the melting. Every so often, the tabby will lose his footing and stumble clumsily for a brief moment, in spite of how sticky and gummy the ground beneath his feet is. After a muttered curse, he'd point his head forward and start the process all over again.

The epidemic of malnutrition hasn't been kind to many a ShadowClan cat, siphoning them of their energy, sabotaging their minds. Smogmaw certainly isn't an exception, and when he inevitably joins StarClan in a moon or two, the amount of choice words he'll have for them might get him exiled.

When outlines emerge along WindClan's side of the thunderpath, he - for a brief moment - debates on turning the whole patrol around. In this foggy state of mind, he cannot tell if it's the prolonged hunger making him antisocial, or his underlying scepticism about the moor cats nagging at his consciousness. Through squinted eyes, however, he can make out the form of their leader. "Welp," he remarks, halting in his tracks, "be prepared for something."

Something good, something bad, it does not matter. This skin-deep alliance of theirs is supported only by fake smiles and a forced camaraderie. And knowing just how antagonistic Sootstar's foreign policy has become in recent moons, the tabby suspects it'll end in ShadowClan being dragged by the scruff into an unavoidable conflict—and he doesn't need Hyacinthbreath's vague jargon to make that much clear.

He approaches further, coming only to a final halt when everybody is in full view. His muddy gaze skims over those present and pays careful heed to the pieces of prey brought along. Isn't this something. As far as he's aware, Pitchstar hasn't swallowed his pride and asked for help, so what is this? A bribe?

There's not much to be said until Starlingheart appears; he instead keeps himself entertained by taking in the funny forms and shapes. One of the fellows' faces is littered with scars, scars which were covered by other scars. The oldest tom had a prominent white splotch covering his ugly mug, and the other... well, Smogmaw can just tell he's weird.

Only when the medicine cat makes the scene does he break his line of vision. The fact that she could depart from Pitchstar for so long is a good sign, one he found a strange solace in, making his shoulders lose the tension. Unfortunately, said tension returns when Sootstar speaks her piece. "We cannot give you permission to cross," asserts Smogmaw, tail sweeping behind him. "Starling has made it clear that Pitchstar can't make the journey, so you'll have to wait for Chilledgaze's decision."

He diverts his gaze to the young healer once again. Stress infects her like a sickness, and it's genuinely sad to see. Someone of her age should not be both playing politics and maintaining the health of her ilk. StarClan willing, this isn't all a ploy to steal herbs right from under their noses.

the deputy had messed up. of course they knew that but the bigger parts of them just didn't care. they tried to make it clear about the alliance being kept, especially in front of those badgerbrained riverclanners and foxhearted skyclanners. they did what they could. if sootstar let that go to her head, all because she was swimming with kits, then that was her fault. not theirs. they didn't even think they needed the alliance anyways. but they bit their tongue. this was what pitchstar wanted and they did not have the time nor energy to argue. approaching, they lifted their gaze to the other leader, twitching their torn ear before grunting.

"sure. i can take you. but you're not entering our camp. we will take you near. we aren't exactly company ready, you see, sootstar."

their monotonous voice rings before they twitch their tail. they didn't know how this was to work. they didn't want sootstar to know where their camp was. allies or not, that was a bit much, wasn't it? didn't it make sense for it to be too much? or maybe chilledgaze was just being paranoid. ask them, and it was rightfully so. they just didn't trust anyone except those that resided within their clan. it was nothing against sootstar personally at this point.

"i will ask pitchstar if he wishes to see you when we near. you will stay and i will go ask. if he is up for visitors then i will guide you and only you back to camp. okay?"

who knew what pitchstar was going to say? chilledgaze wasn't leader. this wasn't their decision in final. but they'd at least make them until the final moment.

"alright, let's go. and watch your step."


Sootstar looks to a dark striped tom, failing to recognize him from times where she had once lived in the marshes. If they had once fought side by side as soldiers under Briarstar perhaps a reason for her lack of recognization was ShadowClan’s all around poor state. A cats entire physical being was changed when food grew scarce, come new-leaf ShadowClan would look like a transformed clan once more.

She frowns at his words and glances to Starlingheart for confirmation, the mere words of a warrior were not enough for her. The leader nor deputy were not present, and unless this Tom-cat was a lead warrior he held little authority. It is another reason why she believes WindClan’s tradition of bearing high ranking marks on their chest were so great, one could actually tell who exactly you were talking to. As if on queue the familiar pelt of Chilledgaze appears through ShadowClan foliage. Their words please him much better than the tabby prior had.

First she looks to her warriors and gives them a curt nod, looks like they’ll be trekking through the swamps after all. She wishes Weaselclaw could have joined them, or even her children, this would’ve been a nice opportunity for them to see where she had grown up. No matter, ”That seems fair.” Understandingly she meows, she turns to Vulturemask and tries to give a quick whisper to his ear. Converse with Starlingheart, make her a friend. Offer a rabbit for some herbs. If he was successful perhaps he’d be invited into ShadowClan‘s camp too.

Pressing a paw upon the thunder path she feels for vibrations, just as her father and many other soldiers had taught her back in Soot’s own swamp dwelling days. Upon feeling none, she places her paws onto the rough concrete and crosses. A tail flicks signaling to her clan that they could follow her safely.

Once on the other side she dips her head to all present on the patrol, including Smogmaw and Starlingheart again and follows Chilledgaze. It’s strange being back in a land that was once home, feeling the moisture underneath her paws and a grungy scent filling her nose. It was all so familiar, she has memories scattered across every inch of this land, but no longer does it bring her comfort. Her heart was married to the moors now, this swampland was not hers, but a piece of her remained with it.

Sootstar contemplates reminiscing over old swamp days, perhaps it would remind these ShadowClan cats she could relate to them and was conscious to their struggles, even if it was true she cared less now that she was not the one facing them. The blue smoke bites her tongue though, getting the feeling these were not the talkative type of felines.


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· SOOTSTAR, female — she / her
╰ ‣ 34 moons . pisces. ages on the first
╰ ‣ windclan leader . marsh-born . believes in starclan
╰ ‣ former soldier of the marsh group

· DOMESTIC FELINE, smells like heather and wet dirt , status — 100%
╰ ‣ blue smoke . scarred chest, difficult to see through fur . green eyes

· ESTJ-A ❝ EXECTUTIVE ❞ , Slytherin, Lawful Evil
╰ ‣ Cunning, brash, fierce, confident, self-reliant, envious & selfish
╰ ‣ finds great difficulty in relating to others . can be cruel, usually shows mercy to those she can find sympathy with
╰ ‣ sole key to her heart is loyalty, if you have her trust, she often shows a completely different side of herself. Aggression tends to manifest from her extreme paranoia
╰ ‣ Appreciates titles such as "miss, m'am" etc

· SOOT CLAW x PEBBLE BREEZE, sister to Pebblenose
╰ ‣ heterosexual. mate to Weaselclaw
╰ ‣ mother to Windpaw & Sootpaw
╰ ‣ mentor to Smokepaw & Coyotepaw
╰ ‣ average fighter . skilled hunter .
╰ ‣ will start fights . unlikely to flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.
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It almost seems as if they're actually going to be denied, until Chilledgaze finally arrives upon the border to take control of the scene. So, they were to be escorted close to camp, but not quite? It certainly seemed fair enough. Tigerfrost wouldn't like inviting any other clan into WindClan's camp, and that included allies. With tensions so high and ShadowClan so frail, it made sense that they'd be cautious of showing their heart to outsiders. The chimera is still carrying the rabbit in his jaws, silent and looming as ever as Sootstar tests the thunderpath. He doesn't know how his leader knows it's safe, but he follows her across regardless, trusting her insight into the matter. The pavement is rough on his dried paw-pads as they finally reach the muddy ditch on the other side, where Tigerfrost would dutifully follow along as directed.

It didn't take long for a patrol to arrive and the conversation begun smoothly between them and their ally. Vulturemask would stay put and silent as he observed the cats from the otherside of the thunderpath while information about their leader state got revealed. Something had happened to Pitchstar. Explained why he hadn't been at the gathering then. During the conversation he would take note of a certain cat, one with the same fur color as his own just with a white chest and green eyes. Shadowclans medicine cat. Starlingheart was it right?. Her speech was all but confident, stuttering over each and every word she spoke. Nervouse and anxious. She reminded him of his deceased friend... He had been the same. Thinking about it, Vult believed Rosepaw would have fitted well as a medicine cat...Maybe he even would have been a better match...maybe, maybe. Thinking about that would get him nowhere now.

Vulturemask would frown to himself, that stinging feeling in his chest returning. Suddenly, Sootstar said something rather shooking. She asked to get taken to their camp. The medicine cat expression didn't change but he cast a side glance down at his leader, and if their eyes would meet his eyes clearly asked ' are you sure about this?'. Both of them had lived here once, this terrain not unfamiliar to them. Maybe they hadn't even moved camp since then. But still, this was a daring move...and she was pregnant too. Vulturemask was not one to question his leader though knowing there was always something going on in that head of hers. Scheming. He just wonderd what she was planning this time and if it was worth the risk?.

He would stay obidently by her side, revealing nothing as his features continue to stay unmoved like a stone. The shadowclan cats agreed more or less to their Queen's suggestion and now he realised he would be forced to step out on that death ground. Sootstar came in to whisper something in his ear, something about Starlingheart and to trade with her for the food..and become her friend. That was already something he had been planning on his own, to make a good impression to shadowclans medicine cat...or at least try to... A nod of his head would happen to confirm he had heard her and was in on it. He would twitch his whiskers in discomfort, and he hesitanted for a second or two before he would follow slowly behind...He tried to keep himself focused on the task, to the goal to reach to the otherside. But each step he took felt heavier then the other, and his heart was racing. It took everything inside of him to stay calm, to not have a panic attack.

Finally, finally he was on the other side. Vulturemask could finally breathe out, to feel a brief moment of relief that it was over and he had made it to the other side.. He would shake his fur to get rid of the anxiety and stress he had been put under, and after some more minutes of collecting himself Vult would seek out Starlingheart. He would leave their leader side to approach the other nervous looking medicine cat. A smile would have benefited him right now but...too bad he was not much for smiling. He would come in to stand beside her...not to close of course, and he would keep his attention between his leader and shadowclans deputy. " I don't think i have ever properly introduced myself to you, Starlingheart was it right?" He waited for a second, ear twitched before he would turn his cold orange orbs to her sweet green ones. " The name's Vulturemask, i'm Windclans new medicine cat. Pleasure to meet you." he would dip his head to her...a sign of respect and politiness. A uncharacteristically side of him. Dandelionwish would have lost his jaw if they saw him now.

He would flink his tail before he brought it closer to himself. " That rabbit my comrate is having in his mouth along with the crow..." [he would pause as he signaled with his head over to where Tigerfrost stood further ahead with the rabbit before he continued. " We have come here to offer that food to you...for something in exchange. I need herbs, goldenrods and honey to be exact... and something that help heal wounds. Would a trade like that be of interest?" Now he waited to see what her answer would be.

// interacting with Starlingheart (: