pafp difference between us | snow

The snow, pristine white and soft as down but deadly as an adder's bite; she marveled at its beauty and respected its dangerous touch all the same. It was quite like her, in a way, delicate and soft yet could kill at a mere moments notice though in her method cats bled red rather than turned blue. Most feared it, but she found herself a strange ally in its ever falling depths. The cold gave as much as it took, for every dead cat another had a higher chance to survive and she was anything but frail. A cat of her sort seemed waif and easily left in ruin but she was as durable as a stone den, an iron spiral of twisted vines and bars; an unholy fortification. Let death try to whisk her away, she prefered her dalliances with the living. Halfshade stomped about her nest, flattening it back out to sleep in proper when night fell but once situation she was stepping out into the camp and taking it all in more proper. Inhale, lungs brimming with sparkling cold shards, exhale it into a cloud.
How crispy the air was today.

She spotted the disheveled tabby perched near the edge of camp and sulking or brooding, whatever it was he did when he glowered at the ground as if willing it to remove itself from before his paws. Quite the oddity Smogmaw was, but also very funny and their talks were always something she considered a highlight to an otherwise boring day in clan life. Most of her clanmates were terribly droll and she couldn't fathom living in such a mundane and miserable manner. Life was to be savored, enjoyed, against all odds and when said odds stacked against you then you simply toppled them, darling. One good paw shove could even the playing field and she felt one right now might make her day, so over the torbie strutted with her tail aloft and her eyes glistening mischief as she honed in on her target and the tantalizing pile of powder behind him; the drapping over a dying bush coated in frost and slush that would make for an excellent burial site.
With a shrill mewl of joy she leapt forward, paws out, to send the blue ticked tom tumbling into his new chilly prison.



Only one moon into Leaf-bare, and Smogmaw cannot tolerate it anymore. Even on the best of days snow bonds to his fur in sticky, frozen clumps, and his tail resembles an icicle more than anything else. Watching as prey slowly dwindles away doesn't leave a particularly pleasant taste in his mouth, either. One might construe his surroundings' bitterness as paradigmatic of the tabby's inner being, which would be a thoroughly correct notion. Smogmaw hates the cold just as he hates himself.

Indeed, he is brooding on this less-than-ideal day. His paws are planted into the powdery cold and his gaze is fixed on the ground between them. There isn't a lot of activity going on beyond the realm of his mind, where he attempts to calculate the number of sunrises which must pass before the arrival of Newleaf. Additionally, he wonders about the amount of snow somebody has to eat before serious problems occur.

His focus is broken by the abrupt emergence of a familiar voice, and he is promptly propelled off his feet. Fur standing on end, limbs stretched outwards, Smogmaw's conquered form descends into a heap of that glacial hell. Straight away is he met with a numbing sensation all throughout his body, and a mixture of outrage and agitation follows soon after. He doesn't remain inside of it for very long, mind you. Driven by a fiery lust for vengeance, the mackerel-patterned tom scrambles from his frosted confines, causing bouts of snow to fling in every direction.

"Halfshade," he huffs as he returns to all fours, his hungry gaze falling on the bi-coloured queen, "I hope StarClan takes pity on your soul."

Smogmaw barrels towards his devilish clanmate, leaping forth from the sleeted soil and tackling her. He sinks into her velvety pelt as his body collides with her own, which felt vastly better than the snow heap he'd just crawled out of. As he takes her to the ground, he seizes control of her torso and pins her shoulders into the terrain below her. And then, with her at his utter mercy, he bats a wad of snow onto her pretty face.
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"Get a den you two, there are kits out here." The familiar meow of Mapleshine would be shouted from where she had been resting in front of the warriors' den. Her hazel optics twinkled in mischief as she heaved herself to her paws and padded over towards the paw. A smirk decorated her maw and she snorted as Smogmaw threw snow in Halfshade's face, "Now if only we could get you both to pounce on prey as well as you pounce on each other, there might actually be prey in our bellies."

Her tone held nothing but good-natured teasing, despite how hungry she was in reality. Mapleshine figured that every clanmate was trying as hard as she was to find food for their clan, but lack of prey was inevitable during leaf-bare. Still, that didn't mean she was above taking the opportunity to poke fun at the cats she considered friends. So she sat there in the snow, giggling to herself as she looked at them both with an incredulous expression.

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Part of her wants to race into the fray and spew snow into Smogmaw's face, muddy Halfshade's pretty pelt, but she only watches from beside Mapleshine with a faraway look in eclipse-colored eyes. The gentle teasing, the playful stances they take with one another -- it's reminding her of something she doesn't want to be reminded of. Yearning stirs in her belly. She wants to go to the Thunderpath, but it's broad daylight, and she'd be missed, spotted, surely.

Flickerfire shakes herself out of her strange reverie. With a grin, the tortoiseshell scoops a pawful of snow into one paw and aims to smash it into Mapleshine's face. She bats her eyelashes at the other warrior. "Shall we get a den now, too?" She jokes, preparing to dance away in case the other she-cat retaliates.

- ,,

"StarClan will thank me for taking down such an opponent, their halls will welcome me with warm and cheer~"
Her victory was shortlived as he tumbled and kicked his way out of the bush and dropped into what was quite obviously a hunting crouch briefly before springing forward-she had just enough time to utter a, "You wouldn't dare!" Before having to react. With a shrill cry, both alarmed and delighted, she turned to make an attempted escape only to be slowed by the snow clumping around the long fur of his belly and legs, making her far too easy a catch and sending them tumbling backwards into the soft down that seems all the more colder the longer she is left rolling about in it.

An undignified huff of a sound escaped her maw at the deluge of snow suddenly being pushed into her face: a mix between a laugh and a gag of disgust because of COURSE it was littered with bits or dirt and debris and was now in her mouth. Horrible, but easily overshadowed by how amused she was at it all. Most of her clanmates were a little too uptight about the affairs of the world that they never paused to live the life they so desperate tried to preserve.
Mapleshine's comment was met with an airy laugh, the clan had maybe one or two kits and they were far from being mentally scarred by a bit of rolling around in the frigid snow; if anything it would be a lesson to them to not drop their guard around their heathen clanmates.

She is pushing her paws upward to remove her blue tabby assailant with rapid little kicks, almost kneading like a nest to urge him to let her back upright on her feet so she can watch Flickerfire make Mapleshine eat snow.
"One of you be a dear and pummel Smogmaw for me!"


Well, wasn't this a sight- something he'd get scolded by these very cats for doing, he'd bet. Teaselpaw had not grown fond of the snow in these cold weeks- some loved it enough to name their kits after it, but not him, never. After these few weeks he'd gladly remove any memory of snow from the minds of every cat who had ever lived in the forest and then purge it from existence, had he the power for it. When he want to StarClan, that was what he'd do.

Usually he had no desire to socialise with the warriors- they were boring, most of them, fully committed to being sticks in the mud who wanted him to do nothing but work. But the opportunity to pummel one of them with a tsunami of snow, soaking him head to toe? Yeah, that was appealing. "Gladly!!" sprung forth an eager answer, and as if he'd been struck by lightning Teaselpaw sprung to his feet and put every ounce of his weight into sweeping up and flinging as much snow as he could possibly manage in Smogmaw's direction. There was likely to be some collateral with such a wild and hulking hurl, but really he hardly cared the he hit... he had defence in instruction.

Smogmaw's laughter is an immensely guttural sound. Not the strained cackles that rang out from his maw when an apprentice fell flat on their face; no, his genuine, unreserved laugh.

Halfshade's jumbled reaction to the snow. Mapleshine and Flickerfire's elementary-grade innuendos. The raw excitement of having been the casualty of an ambush. It all warms the cockles of his cold heart, and harsh bursts of joy resound from his throat as a result.

Little heed is paid to the audience gathered around them, his avid eyes fixed solely on his victim's mixed hues. Her paws press into the fur on his chest, possibly indicating a desire to be freed from his grasp. Oh, Halfshade, this isn't how it works. The painted moggy initiated the battle, and he overcame the opposition. If the moment were to last a speck longer, perhaps her feeble kick-kneading would muster a purr. Yet, in her defeat, she seeks the assistance of a third party to wreak revenge.

Teaselpaw confirms the counteroffensive. Knowing what's coming, the tom narrows his brows and brings his forehead down until it's nigh brushing against Halfshade's. "Cheap trick," snarls the tom in a flippant tone. The snow hits him a mere moment later. Unlike the minute amount of powder he batted onto Halfshade's kisser, the apprentice's onslaught is devastating - enough to send Smogmaw recoiling off her body, and possibly defacing the bicoloured queen again in the process.

Even more snow coats his body now, from his lower flank to the fur on his cheek. He feels chilly, freezing even, but the fire in his system only burns brighter now. The stainless bliss previously worn on his face is immediately replaced by irksome resolve. Halfshade's score has been settled, but now it's his turn to give tit for tat.

"I'll freeze you all into martyrdom!" he roars, before stretching his front paws outwards and swiping them up, hurling an unheavenly amount of snow at anyone and everyone. Halfshade. Mapleshine. Teaselpaw. Bystanders. Everybody is a target when it's every cat for themselves.

( ) Mapleshine would let out a yowl of surprise as Flickerfire suddenly scoops a pile of snow and effectively makes her eat it. The pretty molly would jump back, shaking herself out before a laugh erupts from her chest and she lowers herself into a play crouch, "You've done it now, Flicker! I challenge you to a snow wrestle!"

Giving her rump a little shake, the chocolate smoke would move to leap at her friend, a meow of playfulness coming from her throat as she aims to tackle the tortoiseshell and coat her pelt in snow. The call from Halfshade for help would cause Mapleshade would pop up from her tussling comically and she smiles widely as Teaselpaw takes up the challenge.

"Get him Teaselpaw!" She encourages with another laugh before turning her attention back to Flickerfire, smirking down at her with a teasing glow in her eyes, "Oh Flickerfire, I had no idea you felt that way about me." She dramatically raises a paw to her forehead as she fights back giggles, "You're so bold."

Laughter eventually cracks through as she moves to push snow into her friend's face in retaliation.