different flowers from the same garden & Orangeblossom

Jan 5, 2023
The medicine den was so dry and crowded, she wondered if this was a good idea to be in here. Sure she needed treatment too but there wasn't anything life threatening about her as of yet. Maybe it was best to come back later? The cream tabby she-cat shifted on her white paws nervously as she kept her head low, she didn't want to face the wrath of her siblings. Blueberrypaw and Strawberrypaw seemed to be okay at least but she sported open wounds now. Claw marks across either side of her shoulders, blood dripped from claw marks across her eye and she felt more embaressed than anything else. Couldn't believe she didn't hold up against that Windclanner, that she allowed herself to get hurt cause of her lack of knowledge.

Bananapaw gave a soft sigh through her nose and had moved to turn to leave the den, but then froze in place. An orange and cream head was spotted amongst the gathered group of cats as Dawnglare tried his best to keep up with everyone. The cream tabby she-cat bristled slightly at the sight and ducked down beside a few of her clanamtes; Orangeblossom. If her sister knew she was hurt, that she was even in a battle, her pelt would be plastered across her nest. Bananapaw loved her sister dearly and knew she was just concerned for her in her aggression, but didn't mean she liked it. If it got back to Alice that Bananapaw was in a battle, her mother would have a heart attack right then.

Plus her humans would be so concerned if she came home with wounds.

So, the white splotched cat moved around the bend of her clanmates, checking to see if she could spot Chrysalispaw or Quillpaw, and was almost to the den when the medicine called out her name. Bananapaw froze in place and then shamefully ducked down to walk back into the den; damn.


[penned by wolf - ]
Time passes weird in the wake of a battle. Orangeblossom can barely remember the trek back to camp, carefully being laid in a nest in Dawnglare's den, hisses of pain and the scent of blood a constant companion as she drifts in and out of sleep. The deputy has been largely quiet, asked politely by Fireflypaw and less so by his mentor to keep her maw still as best she can so she doesn't disturb the cobweb dressings. In her bouts of waking Hailstone has been by her side more often than not, but he keeps a more awkward distance than usual for reasons she doesn't know and that annoys her slightly. A dutiful patient, she has yet to ask him about it, or be debriefed on what exactly happened on the camp-end of the skirmish.

She's awake now, watching through sleep-narrowed brown eyes the pelts of her Clanmates moving in and out of the den with fresh moss, frosty cobwebs and what little prey they can scrounge together. Orangeblossom watches as a familiar cream-and-white figure stops in the doorway and immediately turns to slink out of the den as quickly as she'd come.

"Bananapaw." She watches her sister's shoulders stiffen, something akin to amusement bubbling up in the deputy's throat at the guilty slump of acknowledgement. Orangeblossom can't hold on to her newly-found Deputy Voice, instead slipping into a fatigued murmur as the daylight apprentice draws closer. While relieved that the apprentice is up and walking, Orangeblossom can't stifle the piercing claws of guilt that sink into her over the claw-marks on her face and shoulders. She'd offered for the apprentice to join the dusk patrol on the way back to Twolegplace, therefore it's her fault that Bananapaw got hurt like this. At the very least, Alice would definitely see it that way, when she got back in the morning - Orangeblossom doesn't realise the sheer amount of snow about to be dumped on their camp before the sun rises. "Are you okay? Have you seen Dawnglare yet?"


  • orangeblossom, deputy of skyclan
    — no apprentice.
    ✦ 25 moons, she/her
    ✦ fluffy white and ginger cat with brown eyes. torn left ear, scar on right foreleg.
    ✦ bi, single. @ on discord for plots.

To think she almost got away if it hadn't been for being spotted by Orangeblossom, and she approached her sisters' nest with a sympathetic look to her green gaze. She looked terrible, so sleep deprived and bandaged up that even her voice seemed to falter slightly. Bananapaw should have done more to help her sister in the fight, but alas she chose Chrysalispaw instead to help out. Badgermoon did a number on her sister and she made a silent promise to herself to seek revenge when possible for what he had done to Orangeblossom.

There was a slight tinge of guilt though behind that, but it was quickly squished down by the cream tabby she-cat and she shook her head slightly, "I haven't seen him yet no, I was in here to see him but he seems busy and I don't wanna be a bother or anything like that," She rambled onwards nervously with a shuffle of her whtie front paws. Bananapaw was just hoping she wouldn't have to see her sister upset with her or anything like that for being in the midst of a battle.

"I'm sorry- please don't be upset at me," Bananapaw found herself begging Orangeblossom after a moment of silence lapsed between them, "Don't tell mom either, she'll never let me come back if she finds out I was hurt," Her green gaze started to get glassy with tears as she unleashed her fears over the fight, "I'm sorry that I didn't help you either,"


[penned by wolf - ]
"You'll be more of a bother if your wounds get infected, make sure you see them sometime soon. Who did this to you?" Orangeblossom leans her head up minutely, trying to get a better look at her sister, but recoils at the pull in her muzzle. Ugh. Shifting slightly with another wince, the deputy settles back down and folds her front paws underneath her in an attempt to get more comfortable.

"Look, you've got nothing to apologise for. I'm not angry at you, Nans, I'm angry for you." If anything, I should be apologising. I brought you on that patrol. She doesn't voice the thought aloud but her ears flatten for a moment, troubled. "I know you aren't, but I'm glad you didn't help me. I don't know who that fighter was but he was brutal. You would have gotten hurt worse if you'd gotten in his way."


  • orangeblossom, deputy of skyclan
    — no apprentice.
    ✦ 25 moons, she/her
    ✦ fluffy white and ginger cat with brown eyes. torn left ear, scar on right foreleg.
    ✦ bi, single. @ on discord for plots.

A white dappled tail twitched slightly at her sisters' words and she blinked a bit as a few tears trailed down her cheeks, "They were all brutual, I don't think Windclan knows what a fair fight is," she muttered a bit sourly and flicked an ear at the memory. She had no idea who those two cats were that she was fighting, she'd never been a gathering yet so she wasn't familiar with names yet, "It was a black and white tomcat and a she-cat with ruddy fur," Was all she could offer as to whom had attacked her and done this sort of thing, "I had gone to help Chrysliaspaw with his opponent and run from my own and-," She winced a bit at the memory and looked down at her white paws in defeat.

"I don't know their names- just what they looked like and how they just- kept coming," Bananapaw whispered softly and crouched down onto the ground, crawling over to her sister to bury her muzzle into Orangeblossoms' shoulder with a slight sob, "I couldn't do anything to defend myself! I hardly have any battle training and I just-," Bananapaw sniffled slightly and pulled her head away to look up at the deputy, "I was so scared"


[penned by wolf - ]
"No. WindClan fights with rogues lining their ranks, of course they don't. Slate, at least, is tempered by our morals." Their reputation precedes them, but as unsettling as it is that fact makes it easy to justify why a group across the lake had chosen to raid them. Orangeblossom notes the descriptions that Bananapaw gives, tucks them away in the recesses of her mind until she spots two WindClan apprentices bearing those markings. Completely unaware of the budding friendship between Bananapaw and Chrysalispaw, she notes with a swell of pride that she'd run to defend a Clanmate even at the cost of more injury to herself ... that was honourable, even if it was stupid.

She sets her chin on top of her sister's head. Thinks for a minute, sighs through her nose "There was no warning for this, Bananapaw. As your deputy, we haven't focused enough on fighting and I apologise." Her ears twitch back briefly. "As your kin, if I ever meet the cats who attacked you I'll have their pelts for a statement."
Bananapaw watched her sister with watery green eyes, her ears flicking back against her head and she nodded in understanding. She didn't have to apologize, but she didn't have a mentor just yet. Being a daylight apprentice was hard as she couldn't be around for a mentor who lived in camp and there wasn't many daylight warriors to train her either. Regardless, she had tried her best and even if her moves were clumsy or wild it was better than standing there. She had gotten that tom pretty good! There was hope they would never have to face each other again.

Orangeblossom laid her chin on the cream tabby she-cats head, sighing through her nose, and Bananpaw nestled into her sisters side. The comfort of the others' woodsy scent making her relax a little bit as she didn't realize she was stil in fight mode. Her wounds burned a bit more now and she shook her head a bit to try to get the senesation to stop, but it was fruitless.

"I saw you in battle! You got Badgermoon so good!" She piped up, but her words were kind of muffled as she was hiding in the orange and white fur of her sister. Lifting her tabby striped head, she smiled warmly at her sister, "You were so brave,"


[penned by wolf - ]