private different flowers, same garden - tigerpaw


it's summer somewhere so you shouldn't be so cold
Sep 18, 2023

Tigerpaw was like her. Spottedpaw knew what it was like to grow up without birth parents. She couldn’t remember anything about hers or life before living in ThunderClan. In a way, it made things easier because she couldn’t miss anything yet it kept her wondering about “what if’s”. Since the day Tigerkit was brought into camp and taken in by Tanseyshine, Spottedpaw had accepted her as a little sister and watched her with interest.

She liked to keep up with Tigerpaw. In her eyes they were sisters - blood didn’t matter. This autumn evening, she did what she typically did. She snatched a grey squirrel from the kill pile and sought her adoptive sister. There was no one she’d rather spend her evening meal with chatting.

When she spotted Tigerpaw’s chocolate and cream mix of a pelt, she called, ”Hey Tigerpaw. Vwant ta share?”, as she bounded to meet the other molly. Her words were a little muffled from the prey animal she carried.


  • ✿ ooc : — ​

  • spottedpaw she/her 7 moons apprentice of thunderclan
    a thin and pretty long-haired calico she-cat with light blue eyes.
    ⇀ TAGS ↽

    ──── named 'spotted' for her calico pelt & named 'paw' denoting her rank.
    ──── she was born to a pair of rogues but was abandoned as a kit and taken in by thunderclan. tansyshine is her adoptive mother.
    ──── when the season permits, she wears various wildflowers woven into her long fur
    ──── bossy / confident / 'goodie-goodie' / self-righteous / helpful / headstrong
    / protective / vain / studious / devoted / extroverted

  • 71085478_Eoa4fDOiPWM5wEr.png

  • strength ◆◇◇◇◇
    stamina ◆◇◇◇◇
    speed ◆◆◆◆◇
    charisma ◆◆◆◆◇
    intellect ◆◆◆◆◇

    hunting ◆◆◆◇◇
    swimming ◇◇◇◇◇
    climbing ◆◆◆◆◇
    fighting ◆◆◇◇◇


Darlin don't quit your daydream - If others asked, she would answer. She told them, ever since she could remember, she traveled with her mother. They traveled from before the sun first woke up in the day, watching as they moved it stretch through the sky in a groggy manner. And they would walk till the sun rested at its lowest point way off in the distance, when the sky would set itself in a golden, red, and pink flame across the darkening sky.

Her mother would hunt for them. Tigerpaw has tried fish, mouse, vole- squirrels and rabbits were too big for her mother to catch, but Tigerpaw didn't know why. She knew that no matter what she did, towards the end, her mother would no longer share food with Tiger. Rather, she would nudge it all to her. She was growing, she needed it and her mother would hunt when Tiger was asleep.

It was a lie, and Tiger would never know that her mother was sick. The secret was on only a few cats tongues- Tigerpaw was not ready to hear the truth.

It was nice having a big sister. She felt protected a bit, but it still didn't help Flamewhisker and Batwing were not there. As Spottedpaw approached, carrying a grey squirrel within her jaw and asking to share, the chocolate tortie would dip her head. "
Of course," she greeted, her voice chipper besides the series of anxious topics within her head.


Spottedpaw dropped herself down beside Tigerpaw. She nudged the squirrel’s plump abdomen and back towards her sister while she gnawed idly at its chest. A lot was going on in ThunderClan or had been. Now the forest hollow seemed quieter than usual. It felt like half the clan left for the StarClan journey and the other half was ill. It was a hard time to transition to apprentice duties. Spottedpaw was sure Tigerpaw was doing her best. Her mentor Batwing had left with the group traveling to the mountains.

”How is your training going? Have you caught anything yet?” She asked the younger apprentice. Hunting for the first time was such a free feeling. Spottedpaw felt like she could finally make a difference in helping her clan when she snatched her first mouse. Mastering the hunting techniques had taken her time and she reminded herself she could always work on it more. But the feeling of her hard work and studies building up to her first freshkill was Spottedpaw’s greatest achievement as an apprentice. She wanted her sister to feel that too.

  • ✿ ooc : — ​

  • spottedpaw she/her 7 moons apprentice of thunderclan
    a thin and pretty long-haired calico she-cat with light blue eyes.
    ⇀ TAGS ↽

    ──── named 'spotted' for her calico pelt & named 'paw' denoting her rank.
    ──── she was born to a pair of rogues but was abandoned as a kit and taken in by thunderclan. tansyshine is her adoptive mother.
    ──── when the season permits, she wears various wildflowers woven into her long fur
    ──── bossy / confident / 'goodie-goodie' / self-righteous / helpful / headstrong
    / protective / vain / studious / devoted / extroverted

  • 71085478_Eoa4fDOiPWM5wEr.png

  • strength ◆◇◇◇◇
    stamina ◆◇◇◇◇
    speed ◆◆◆◆◇
    charisma ◆◆◆◆◇
    intellect ◆◆◆◆◇

    hunting ◆◆◆◇◇
    swimming ◇◇◇◇◇
    climbing ◆◆◆◆◇
    fighting ◆◆◇◇◇