private Dig a little deeper {Raccoon}


Soft words and Gentle paws
Jun 14, 2022
( ) Her ears lay flat against her head, pawsteps hesitant as she made her way slowly over to the medicine cat den. Between her jaws was a small dace that she had planned to gift to Raccoonpaw for lunch. She was still grateful to them after all, for the kindness they had shown her not a few days before the fox trap incident. Minnowpaw felt this was still such a lame gift, as really they could catch a fish for themselves whenever they were well enough to leave the den.

As Minnow mentally berated herself for the fish, she gently slipped into the den and placed the prey down at her paws as she looked around, "H-Hello? I um...I came to visit Raccoonpaw. I-If that's ok?..." Her stammer would be quite recognizable as most within the clan would be familiar with her speech patterns at this point. She had heard the murmurs around the camp of course, of how different the two sisters were, but Minnowpaw didn't really mind the differences. She adored her sister, and would happily support her from the sidelines.

As her gaze adjusted to the dim light of the den, she would blink slowly at the stores of herbs around them and smile ever so lightly at the scents of the plants that decorated the space.

// @Raccoonpaw

hanging out with peter pan
An idle paw bat away a piece of moss that had been rolled into a small ball, and a sigh left a dark muzzle softly. The days seemed to stretch onwards at a lacking pace and the thought of leaving the den crossed their mind for the hundreth time that day. Beesong had said that they could leave in a couple of days, and it felt like it would never come. Also lately it seemed like everyone was busy; Buckgait with her deptuy duties now, Willowroot with Poppysplash, and Ashpaw even seemed busy too. Boarpaw at least seemed to come visit every so often, but they missed their family. They missed being a little kit and being doting on by Buck, playing with Willow and just enjoying their time with them. Everything seemed to be pulling them apart and Raccoonpaw didn't like it. It made them feel sad, and feel out of place in the world.

Sunset hues looked up from their idle batting of moss at the sound of someone entering the medicine den; had Beesong returned early? Raccoonpaw got up to their paws shakily and limped their way from the nest they had in the den. Surprise crossed their dark gaze, Minnowpaw? The little she-cat was rather shy and seemed to keep more to herself, so for her to be in the den had to be a big deal right? Then her words registered in their mind; came to see them? Why would they want to come see them? Though they felt a little warm spark of excitement waver through their chest, someone cared? Someone wanted to visit with them?

"Minnowpaw? You wanted to come visit me?" They sounded giddy, happy that someone wanted to come see them and they brought food! A dace was better than the herbs they had been consuming and mice as well, they hadn't really had an appitite, and their bushy black tail wagged in their joy, "Of course it is okay! I love visitors," They grinned widely and gestured for the silver cat to join them in their nest as they sat back down in it.
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( ) As Raccoonpaw limped into the open, Minnow would smile in her shy and sheepish way, nodding softly as her denmate appeared rather pleased to see her. "Oh, G-good! I didn't want to interrupt a..healing..thing.." She fumbled already, paws shuffling where she stood as she looked around as if expecting Beesong to jump out of the shadows and shoo her away for being a nuisance.

She would pick up the dace as Raccoon gestured for her to join them in their nest and she would place the prey before them before taking a seat a friendly enough distance away. "H-how are you healing? I heard about what happened. I-It must have really hurt." Her gaze flickered to the injuries that were visible on the apprentices' form, "But..I'm sure Beesong is taking great care of you! R-Right?"

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hanging out with peter pan
A small shrug came from the white-bodied apprentice and then looked out into the den for a moment, "I'd do it again to save Frostpaw and Forestkit," The responded to the comment about their injuries and what had happened. The trap wasn't their fault, but it would rather be them than Frostpaw. Forestkit had been curious about the foxes in the territory, and that was entirely their fault. They had willingly gone out of their way to follow the kit and Citruspaw, and were the one who got hurt the worst. Raccoonpaw fought a fox on their own; what did they expect to happen? Houndsnarl got the worst of the fight and nearly lost his life, and they were at fault for it all.

They should've said something about going out to find foxes, should've done more to stop Forestkit, but alas they had made a poor decision. Now they had to sit with their consequences of healing and missing out on being named a warrior. The masked apprentice gave a small shake of their head, "I don't wanna talk about that, tell me about you! We don't usually hang out or anything," The tried to brighten up, but it could be seen being forced.
( ) Tell me about you!

Her ears would slink back against her skull and immediately her eyes would fall to her shuffling front paws. "Me? Oh...W-Well I'm not..very interesting. Not like my sister, she's the more...adventurous of us." She hated questions such as these, or perhaps 'hate' was too strong of a word, but they certainly made her uncomfortable.

Minnow had never been a creature of the light, basking in its ever-exposing glory, she much rather preferred the moonlight with its kind and soothing silvers and the mystery that came with the darker hours. She would settle into a quiet for several heartbeats, each one causing her to sink lower and lower into the depths of her own insecurity as she struggled to find something anything interesting about herself to talk about.

After a heavy and awkward silence had fallen onto them, she would finally mumble out, " like...shells." Bravo, brilliant, utterly original for a Riverclanner to like shells and other shiny things. She cursed herself silently as a blush touched her silver cheeks and she continued, "Sometimes I...I take some to the elders...for their den walls...Brightens things up for them..."


hanging out with peter pan
Those sunset hues watched the silver cat with genuine interest, and gave a curious tilt of theirhead at her words. Not as interesting as her sister? Hardly! Minnowpaw was a mysterious and shy cat, one they never got to know or speak too, and they never spoke to Garpaw a whole lot either. Raccoonpaw gave a little chuckle and nudged her shoulder a bit, "I think youre plenty interesting, Min, youre so mysterious and kind! Gar may be more out there but doesnt make you any less of a fun cat to talk to" They commented back before Minnowpaw went on about going to the eldera den with shells. That was adorable! The elders probably loved that, they always seem to enjoy young cats and being brought things.
"I use to do that all the time before the clan arrived! Making pretty walls in the willow tree with shells and stones as well as lillies and other thinga" Raccoonpaw offered in return to the silver striped cat and smiled warmly at the memory. It use to drive Buck crazy when they would do that cause it would weigh down the walls or cause too much attention. Still it was a fond memory and Raccoonpaw cherished it a lot. They looked to Minnowpaw for a moment as another lapse of silence moved between them before they shifted a bit in their spot, "Thank you foe the fish by the way- Ive been eating nothing but mice and herbs foe what feels like forever and a half" Raccoonpaw gave a light laugh and nudged the fish towards her, "Here you take the first bite, since you caught it and everything" They had to wrack their brain for morw things to say. What else could they ask Minnowpaw about? They knew very little about her and normally socializing came easy to them. With recent solitude though seemed to weaken those skills recently. It was easier to talk to Frostpaw, but she had her own life to keep track of and didn't need them bothering her.

"Have you been in Riverclan long? I don't know if you and Gar have joined recently or not" They gave an embarrassed chuckle and flicked their tail awkwardly. Great start, great start.