"This way, I think" The striped warrior says as she pushes through the tall grass. It's a warm day, typical of green-leaf though there is a faint summer breeze to stir the air, making the heat more bearable then if the wind was still. Days like today are Bluepool's favorite to go racing around the moor on, and now that her apprentice had graduated she was free to do so without having to worry about training or dragging the poor wretch with her. Periwinklebreeze, at least, would have been in good shape under her tutelage. Despite this, however, she still had other duties to attend to, other responsibilities that fell onto her shoulders and that was being a lead warrior. Being on her sister's council meant that she had to take care of things like this, for the well-being of the clan. Really, despite her griping, she didn't mind it. It gave her a sense of purpose, of belonging. She could prove herself as just a fearsome a cat as Sootstar in a position such as this one, someone not to be messed with for reasons that are entirely her own and not because they are afraid of just her blood.

As they walk, tasked with finding the dog that Boarpaw had spoke about this morning and making sure that it is gone from their territory for good, she cannot help but allow her eyes to wander over to the cat next to her. Heathclaw was a strange sort, soft in a way she didn't expect him to be. She remembers when he had asked if she was okay after the battle and she wonders about it. Did he actually care? All she really knew about him was that he came from the rogue group but she finds herself yearning to know more. Who was he under that stony exterior?

If he were to look at her she would quickly advert her eyes, pretending as if she was focused on scanning the horizon for any sign of that dog.

He is caught between a rock and a hard place. With a dog allegedly lingering on their land, it'd be up to the individual to decide the severity of their assigned task. Vicious beasts, Sootstar had said, and of the many things she said, she was never quite wrong.

He could feel the anxiety from Wolfsong, good eye trained and rasping thick. Anxiety often led to failure more than not, though. Someone superstitious might tell ya it's the universe manifesting what you believe, but he would say it's simple as distraction. Heathclaw finds a midway point, resigning himself to a stern face and set jaw, attentive as he surveys the moor. Of all the lands he's traveled, he appreciated the straightforwardness of WindClan's open air. Any problem was one you would see comin', and subsequently face head - on. Maybe someone like him was too dependent on his eyes. Silly, considering one of 'em had nearly been taken moons ago.

It's difficult to treat it as any old patrol when there was only one other by your side. It's difficult to keep silent the whole time for just the same reasons. There was no conversation to be carried for him, and awkwardness rolls off him in waves even he tries to set his mind on something greater. Heathclaw would nod along with the molly's words, large pawsteps carrying him forward.

He catches her eye at just the right moment– Or perhaps, he'd thought he had, but golden hues would then be bright across the horizon as well. He wonders if she was thinkin' the same thing that he was.

Sunstride would probably roll his eyes at the both of them. Heathclaw huffs to himself.

" Strange, how Boarpaw seemed shocked at the notion a dog could be any threat, " The warrior would muse, eyes turned to watch where he's going, rather than pondering if he'd imagined any look. " S' old enough to know better. " He supposes all young Boarpaw's known was WindClan, unlike much the rest'f them. " Not like we get many dogs, but the others cry about it enough for you T' get the picture, I'd think. " The other clans, that was. He's been to a single gathering, even if all he did was keep his paws to himself, that whole time.

He's seen enough dogs in his moons not to blink at their mention anymore, but he wouldn't blame none that did. Wolfsong had concerned himself quickly, 'specially compared to Rattleheart's all but aloof regarding of the subject. Often, he's wondered about the histories of those who joined him in Gin's group, never asked nothin' though. History with dog would spin things about right.

" You scared of anythin'? " It comes out suddenly and bluntly, and Heathclaw has to stifle a sigh more fitting of an elder than him. " Weird question, " he quickly acknowledges.

  • HEATHCLAW: he / him; cisgender male, 45 moons. moor - runner of windclan.
    — bisexual with no clear preference. single.
    — low, rumbling voice with a noticeable, but not overbearing southern drawl.
    — goes with the tides. if loyalty is what will benefit him, so be it. independent but amicable.

    — for windclan – a tall and broad chocolate tabby tom with half a tail. Smattered with smaller scars, the most obvious being a sharp cut across his lower jaw and eye, that of which is half-blind. Sharp-jawed with an intense hazeled stare; lost most of his tail due to an incident when he was younger.

Finally the earth-hued tom next to her breaks the silence. Her black ears swivel, but she keeps her eyes on the moors. If there was indeed still a dog around she did not want to be caught unprepared. Well, there were other reasons as well, namely the awkwardness that rolled off her pelt in waves at the thought of being caught staring. She could feel the skin under her fur grow hot with embarassment but thankfully he does not comment on it. Perhaps he had not seen? She can only hope.

She nods in agreement to his words. "His flippancy is... troubling" she agrees, thinking about snapping jaws and big brown eyes and a chill runs up her spine. She would wish that fate on no cat. If there was a dog lingering around their territory it would be best to know about it, she thinks. Her mind wanders to thoughts of thunderclan, of their former leader. "Emberstar lost nearly all of her lives to a dog, they should not be taken lightly" she feels lucky that her sister is still with them, still breathing. Stars knew that the twoleg with the fire-stick had tried his damndest, that others would as well, but she was still here to lead them and for that she says a silent prayer of thanks.

His question surprises her and finally she breaks her silent vow and her eyes find his figure again, looking away from their path for long enough to meet his gaze this time before she stumbles slightly, not watching where she is going. Slightly embarrassed she quickly rights herself and ponders for a moment. Her fear? Immediately images of the gorge come to mind, the water raging below. She doesn't say it though, instead she lets out a small laugh "That is an odd question" she admits "I have a few but what cat doesn't?" if she ever met a cat that was truly fearless, she would not think them right in the head. "I'm afraid of foxes" she confesses softly. She was not ready to voice her fear of the gorge out loud, not yet. Talking about the nightmares that plagued her at night would make them real, but the fox incident had happened long ago. "When I was about apprentice age I thought I was invincible" at this she laughs "What young cat doesn't think that?" She wonders if her nieces and nephews had learned yet. Cottonpaw and Adderpaw specifically. "There had been a fox sighting and I thought- I dunno- I thought I could take it on myself but the damn thing nearly killed me. It took my tail before other cats from out colony found us and drove it away" there is a long pause as she dwells in her memories, haunted by the phantom pain she still sometimes feels but the look only lasts for a minute before shes turning that look back to him. "What about you though, what're you afraid of?" it wouldn't be fair if she was the only one who shared.

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The reminder is a grim one. Though he had once been skeptical of StarClan, Sootstar has died several times over by now, and yet still lives to enforce her will. Maybe it's a testament to her stubbornness N' a sign that Heath resides safely within her ranks. He considers that all she was is lucky, but were that the case and she was a fool, she likely would've met the same demise as Emberstar. Another one of them had met a similar fate too, if he recalls correctly. Were he to receive somethin' as extraordinary as multiple chances at life, Heathclaw doesn't think he could let all of them be ripped away from him so quickly.

It ain't the friendliest thing, t think about how you would've avoided a death others were not fortunate enough to, N' so he stops thinkin' on it. " Grim, " he rumbles. She must've been on her own. He supposes neither of them were too far off from that. Heathclaw glances at the molly.

Heathclaw would not be offended if she chose not to answer. What someone deems too personal to share is none of his business. He'd keep his pace no matter the answer, and foxes, it ends up bein'. He doesn't expect much more than that, but more is what he gets. It took her tail, she reveals. Heathclaw hasn't wondered 'bout it once, but it made sense now that he knew. The two of them were similar in that regard. " Glad you lived, " he says plainly. He thinks its better to celebrate survival, than to regret that it happened. " Wish I could exchange my own story with ya. Don't remember much, " he admits, referring to his own stump tail.

His own fears... It could be somewhat a liability to tell, in case he ever had to go against her someday, but he supposes he owes her after all that she's shared with him. It's more than he's earned. " When the mole - cats join up with us, I wonder how in the world they do that every damn day, " he admits. He has a silent respect for them, that they're willing to get lost like that for their sakes. " I think I'd lose it, myself. Need to know what's in front of me; stretch my legs. " He can only live the way he does 'cause he trusts himself to know when somethin's amiss. Couldn't do so much 'F that in the pitch dark. " They say you get used to it, but S' hard to believe., "

  • HEATHCLAW: he / him; cisgender male, 45 moons. moor - runner of windclan.
    — bisexual with no clear preference. single.
    — low, rumbling voice with a noticeable, but not overbearing southern drawl.
    — goes with the tides. if loyalty is what will benefit him, so be it. independent but amicable.

    — for windclan – a tall and broad chocolate tabby tom with half a tail. Smattered with smaller scars, the most obvious being a sharp cut across his lower jaw and eye, that of which is half-blind. Sharp-jawed with an intense hazeled stare; lost most of his tail due to an incident when he was younger.

she nods her head in affirmation to his statement. A simple word but it is one that she can agree with. It was grim. She often thinks about it, about how her sister is not as invincible as she had once thought. When she had heard nine lives she had thought Sootstar a god. Immortal as long as she evaded claws and teeth but quickly that was proving to be untrue. There were many more dangers to the world then Bluepool had considered originally, and nine lives seemed to have turned her sister into a target, each life a trophy to be taken by cats who she would crush under her foot like a big if given the opportunity. It is forces outside of her control, however, that truly terrify her. What would she do in a world without Mintshade or Sootstar? She does not want to think of it.

Grim thoughts indeed.

Instead of dwelling on foxes and fire-sticks she allows herself to get lost in the timbre of Heathclaws voice. For a moment she finds herself jealous. What she would give to not remember what it was like to have a tail, to forget the viscous look in the eyes of the creature that had taken it and the fear she had felt when she saw had thought that her throat was next to meet those shiny white teeth.

He continues though, and she cannot help the soft laugh that comes out her mouth "Dont let Scorchstreak hear you call her a mole" she advises light heartedly. She has to agree with him though, there’s no way she could ever get used to such a thing but she too respects the ones that can. They had more guts then her, for sure. "The only time I’d want dirt above me and not below is when I have joined the stars for good" she amends.