
that's just the weight of the world
Mar 29, 2024

Many days, the black tabby apprentice found himself bored, having finished all of his duties for the day. Each time, he would make sure that kits and elders were fed before grabbing a small piece of prey for himself, wandering to his favorite corner of the camp, and watching. Today was no different, though there wasn't much going on, it seemed. He had hoped that one of his denmates would put on a show, maybe arguing with someone else, or maybe hoping he could watch as warriors went about their duties as well. In these times, he welcomed just about anything. His eyes scanned the camp for anything interesting, head leaning down to take a small bite out of a squirrel. Nothing, from what he could see. That was just fine.

Mintpaw flicked an ear and looked down at his meal. It felt a little bigger than what he really wanted... perhaps he would share. Awkwardly, he looks to a clanmate and smiles widely. His smile felt off, but offers of kindness was not his specialty. It was something he could work on later. "Do you want some?" He offered as the cat comes closer. "If not, I'll share with someone else."
  • ooc )) feel free to be the cat he talks to! anyone is welcome :)

  • m2hPL8s.png
    - MINTPAW . tags
    - AMAB Male (he/him) - 8 moons
    - gen 1 . npc x npc . sib to none
    - speech . thoughts
    penned by doc

Much like Mintpaw, Softpaw often laments the monotony of day-to-day life after she finishes her daily duties - though she supposes that no excitement is better than excitement such as wolves or deer or rogues. She just wished there could be a happy medium where the life of the Clan wasn't at stake. She was just exiting the apprentices' den and heading towards the fresh-kill pile to perhaps find something for her mentor to eat, now that Honeydapple was in the nursery, or something for herself if her mentor had already been fed, when Mintpaw's words caught her ear and she adjusted her path.

"Oh, I wouldn't mind, if you don't." Softpaw nodded sagely, and glanced over her shoulder towards the nursery. She didn't think that Mintpaw would eat before the elders and queens, but having a mentor in the nursery, Softpaw felt the strange urge to dote on her in return for all that she had learned. "Do you know if Honeydapple has eaten yet?"

Boredom was both unfamiliar and unfathomable. To be bored required rest, and more than rest, relaxation, and while Thistlepaw may have to accept the first he does not accept the latter. Sleeping is mechanical. Eating, too. He had his favorites, of course. He enjoyed a soft nest and a bite of freshly caught vole, but the joy he took in that was a predator's joy. It meant he was going to stay strong. Not everyone in this clan sees life the way that he does. They, like Softpaw and Mintpaw, worry about things like monotony and boredom. It's weak. Not that he would ever say such a thing to them. The broad-shouldered apprentice is lounging nearby and grooming sore muscles through his dense fur when Mintpaw offers to share. With him? He lifts his head to check and– no, Softpaw answers. He would have said no anyway.

"I took some to the nursery earlier," he offers with a nod. "I don't know if it was enough to feed them all." Since his foray into SkyClan territory, hunting patrols had seemed tenser. Less to bring back. More mouths to feed. Thistlepaw tries to keep the bitterness of that memory from touching his tongue. "But if Mintpaw's eating, I'm sure we're fine." They'd better be, anyway.

  • OOC.
  • 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐋𝐄𝐏𝐀𝐖. HE - HIM. YOUNG APPRENTICE OF THUNDERCLAN. ————— the son of an ex-kittypet has spent most of his life confined to the medicine den. bad circumstances and worse healing left him in a limbo between life and death which he only just escaped. he feels he must prove himself a great warrior so his clanmates will see him as anything more than a weak kittypet.   PENNED BY REVELATIONS

    a prickly-furred chocolate and slate cat with amber eyes. finally growing into his frame with moons of hard work and steady enough food, thistlepaw has taken a blocky, bulky shape with broad shoulders and densely muscled hindlimbs. his fur remains a tough-edged cloak, but now carries a well-groomed sheen despite how unruly it is.

Oh, a lovely sight! A meal shared between friends... though she had resided in ThunderClan for two moons now, Thundergleam still sometimes felt as if she was drifting in the in-between, suspended in limbo among plenty of cats who had grown up together. And... not one of them fully understood her purpose, yet. Not one of them saw the sparkling in her aze, the written dreams... none of them knew the prophecies she had recieved. The one that had lead her here- the one that had foretold that she would catch a squirrel on her first hunt- the one that had shown her a vision of her first Gathering, an affirmation she was meant to be here!

For now, though- she was adrift. Spectre, still not quite one of them... but she still looked fondly on moments of connection like this. Enough that a remark was drawn out from her like a sliver thread, a glowing voice, twinkling with approval. "ThunderClan's future is in safe paws," she purred, voice glowing with certainty. Yes, they thought dearly of the nursery.... they were putting the Warrior Code first, knowing their duty! It was a warming tincture for the soul, indeed.
penned by pin ☾

Tornadopaw never lacked company in the apprentices den, there were plenty of denmates to talk to and tussle with just as there'd been in the nursery - even if he'd always be partial Sparrowpaw, Wrathpaw and Orangepaw who were right besides him last moon when they earned their apprentice names. But! He wouldn't play favorites, he'd continue to make friends and become more familiar with the acquaintances he already had like Softpaw who he'd always found nice as a kit. He's not shy when it comes to approaching her, Mintpaw and Thistlepaw starting his greeting with a friendly meow and a wave of his dark tail. He'd heard Mintpaw offer to share his squirrel (his favorite) with Softpaw and the way the she-cat was looking not so eagerly tearing into it made him wonder if he could weasel his way in there too before they destroyed it. Plus well hey he and Mintpaw hadn't really gotten time to know each other it was a perfect opportunity, and he could talk with Thistlepaw and Softpaw as well.

He certainly looks more chipper then his older denmates, the monotony of apprentice chores not waring him down yet he was happy just to be active running around from place to place rather it was behind Mothfur's heels or from one den to another carrying dirty moss. He beams as he finally plops himself down besides the three, he briefly would pass a respectful nod to Thundergleam before he'd begin to chat to his denmates. "Well I'm still gonna go out for some more hunting practice later. If they get hungry later I'm confident I'll bring back enough freshkill to feed the entire nursery" he assures, always confident in his fledgling abilities - he wasn't the quickest learner or the most talented but what he lacked in natural born talent he made up for in determination and passion. He passes a look to the meal resting near Mintpaw "That squrriels looking really juicy... Did you catch it yourself Mintpaw?" he'd purr with a tilt of his head, his hint isn't a hidden one but he wouldn't be offended if he was told no.

He was still one of the youngest apprentices -low on the pecking order but he'd rise up in due time just as he'd rise through the ranks of Thunderclan one day!



the very brightly behaved orange tom cat is quick to trip over his paws once again. he can't help it. he's just growing so big, and so fast, and sometimes he forgets how big he is getting! he gets back up and shakes his pelt out, grinning widely at the small gaggle of apprentices sharing prey.

"hi! hi! can i join you? I promise to be reaaaaallllly quiet if you want me to!"

unknown to all of them, orangepaw considered every last one of them his friends. they couldn't get rid of him, even if they tried!

"are you guys gonna go hunting with your mentors? can I come? please! please! I'm getting real good at my hunting crouch!"

he'd hope so. he's been an apprentice now for a little over a moon! he has been trying his absolute best to be good!


His strange, wide smile falls to the casual one he often wears as Softpaw responds. He nudges the squirrel to her, nodding in response to her question. It was a habit of his to check the nursery, then the medicine cat den, and then feed himself. "They seemed fine when I asked," he responded to Thistlepaw. "Even double-checked Gentlestorm's den. Just in case."

Flicking a large ear at Tornadopaw, he acknowledged the younger apprentice, waving a tail in response to his hello. How many more are gonna join us? I only offered to one cat... Examining his fellow denmate, he figured that maybe the tom wanted a piece as well. He'd let Softpaw make that decision, he had no intentions on sharing it to two cats. Not even three, as he watched an orange tom stumble over to the group he had forming around him now. Wonderful. "Feel free." I do not want to be here anymore. Mintpaw listened to Tornadopaw's rambles, internally cringing at the confidence pouring out of his mouth. Why not play along with it? "I'm sure you will, Tornadopaw. You'll catch more than me any day." He goes to take another bite of the squirrel before responding again, chewing slow as questions are asked. "Probably didn't, no. Just grabbed something." His eyes look to Orangepaw. "I'm going to lay down after this. You should show us your crouch, though." While Mintpaw was confident that his hunting crouch would be terrible, he still wanted to see. Entertainment, it is the one thing he enjoyed.
  • ooc ))

  • m2hPL8s.png
    - MINTPAW . tags
    - AMAB Male (he/him) - 8 moons
    - gen 1 . npc x npc . sib to none
    - speech . thoughts
    penned by doc