but he never really quit, he'd just say he did
Sep 4, 2023
Beetleback may lack tact, but he is not foolish. When he had joined the clan he didn't know anything about the clans or how they functioned. Blazestar had given him one moon to prove himself and he had given the golden tom his word. Back then he had been known as Stormy. A tom who reeked of the twoleg place and one who started off on the wrong paw. Despite everything looking up for him in the first week he had hit a snag. His former mate Mottledove, whom he cheated on made her home here along with their her kits. Now, if he had the choice he wouldn't have liked it to be aired out in public. He will never forget Bobbie slapping him all of sudden. Mind you he didn't know her, so imagine a stranger slapping you while you were eating in peace? Certainly it's a bit disturbing. However, he knew better than to make too much of scene lest he wanted to get thrown out of Skyclan so quickly for causing issues.

Clan life was fairly simple to adjust. Some of the rules he had learned in his former rogue group was able to be translated, others were not for obvious reasons. Either way, he quite liked the rules of Skyclan. So much so that he asked Blazestar to be given a new name. After all Stormy was not actually his own. He was named after his father Storm. Yes, it was totally unoriginal, but he preferred to be called Stormy back then opposed to Junior. He remembers Blazestar's shock. Maybe it was uncommon, but he wanted to show that he was serious about being part of this clan. While he may not have been born here, he was going to give his best for the clan that gave him a chance. The tom who gave him that chance was dead. He was with Starclan now. If I remember correctly that is.

No longer would he take commands from Blazestar. How could he? The tom was no longer among the living and it's not like any of them could beg for the stars to bring him back. They brought him back more than once. That's way more than the rest of us get. I wonder... Does it suck? He shakes his head. Get a grip Beetle. We have a job remember that! A job? Curious are we? It would be better to say it's not an actual job, but he considers it as such. A gentle reminder that he lacks tact.

The blue tom practically skips towards Orangeblossom, a crooked smile on his maw. He's not a moron. Well... Not entirely. He knows that the situation isn't a happy one, it is perhaps offensive that he is joyful. However, he knows this to be true. If we can't smile or laugh, then how can we keep moving forward? Everyone needs joy! "Heyyyy Orangeblossom!" The tom awkwardly stumbles forgetting that waving a paw while walking is not the easiest thing in the world. "W-whoa!" A couple of awkward hops to steady himself he stops in front of the deputy? Leader? Y'know I should ask he-, one glance at her face is enough to tell him: Yeaahhhhh, she's not in a happy mood. Obviously, duh!

He didn't think that far ahead to be honest in what he was going to say. "What's your favorite prey to eat from the freshkill pile?" The inquiry he had blurted out surprised even him. He can't help but chuckle sheepishly. "Ehe, Sorry for the totally random question. I was asking 'cause you're sad, which! Is totally okay I mean... Blazestar's dead and, WOW! This is not turning out great. Anyway, I don't mean to overstep but I thought I could go bring back some stuff you like to cheer you up a little? If that's okay?" To be asked whether or not something is acceptable multiple times might have been an annoyance especially towards the older molly. However, it isn't like the pair had a proper conversation or were close in the first place. Somethings were bound to be awkward.

Even more so now, given the fact that Beetleback couldn't shut up. "I'm not saying you can't be upset about things. I'm upset about what's been happening too, and while it's not the same as yours... I think a little cheer helps. Everyone needs each other more than ever now, and that means you too!"

/ @orangeblossom here ya go!
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    orangeblossom | tags
    — she/her ; deputy of skyclan. mentoring springpaw.
    — scarred white-and-ginger she-cat with brown eyes.
    "speech" ; thoughts
    — chibi by waluigipinball
    — penned by mercibun. @ me in any official tabbytales discord for plots.
"Thank ... you." Orangeblossom says slowly in response to the sheer amount of words Beetleback has just meowed at her, eyes widening at first and then becoming narrow. That's a lot to take in. For once, however, the frown that greets Beetleback is not suspicious. His intentions are noble, earnestly explaining that he just wants to provide her with a piece of her favourite prey to lift her mood a little. It reminds her of Edenpaw, before they'd been attacked on patrol and their humour had been wounded just as much as they had been physically.

... It also makes her incredibly aware of the eyes on her once again. With Blazestar gone she's more in the spotlight than she's ever been. She straightens her shoulders, tail brushing the trodden snow, and regards Beetleback thoughtfully. The disparity between their ages is showing in a way that she's never been so knowing of. Orangeblossom can't muster more than a hollow sense of ... something, both confused and lined in a muffled purr that she doesn't let surface. this how Blazestar felt when dealing with Applefrost?

"I've always enjoyed robins. Yourself?"
The blue tom is grateful that she took his word vomit somewhat well, given the fact that she thanked him. He hides his shock by nodding. Phew! I didn't make her angry, orrrr maybe not. When he sees her frown he suppresses a sigh. "Did I do somethin' wrong?" The question may come as surprise, unless Orangeblossom was aware that her frown caused him to make an inquiry. By no means does he want her to backtrack and this becomes a game of apologies, he just wants to know whether or not he had said something offensive. I have a habit of doing that. Nevertheless, the conversation carries on which she tells him what her favorite meal is.

"Robins! Gotcha!" He closes his eyes and begins to concentrate. Robins. Robins are Ora's favorite food. Robins are birds. itty bitty things that are brown and orange. To Orangeblossom it may appear as if he is in deep thought about what prey he enjoys when that is not the case at all. What she didn't know won't hurt her. All he was doing was putting this information into his memory. When he opens his eyes he hums, "Welllllll, robins are tasty. I've never had them before coming to Skyclan, so when I first tried it... It took me sometime to actually get my paws on it, but it's become one of my favorites! Although..." The blue tom pouts as he stares into Orangeblossom's eyes. "I can't believe you've been taking all the robins!" From what it sounds, it's as if Orangeblossom has comitted a grave crime. The crime of prolonging his chance of trying a robin due to her love of them.

Beetleback doesn't give her any time to recover when he bursts into chuffs smiling all the while, "Nawww, I'm just pulling your leg. I don't mind! They're your favorite, so I'm glad you were able to nab them from the freshkill pile." It is true that robins have become one of his favorites, but he isn't picky. Before his time in Skyclan and in the twoleg place, he's eaten far more detestable things. While he may have been looking forward to a treat such as robins, he's more than willing to give it up to another who needed it more. Although, he'd make some quips and tease them before ultimately giving it up.

Something's bothering me though... His gleeful expression drops into seriousness, eyes narrowing when looking at Orangeblossom's rigid figure. The way you were talkin' too. With a blink he tilts his head in confusion, "Y'know you don't have to be so formal or tough? I mean, I get that your our deputy and gonna be our leader soon, but at least for me, I dunno... How to explain it. But, uh I am a cat you know? Like, I mean not that you're being mean or anything. Probably has to do with the job, but I would like it. If it's totally cool, if you spoke to me like we aren't just warrior to deputy? Like uh..." He brings a paw to his chin, tail flicking behind him in thought.

Then, he has a eureka moment. "Hey Beetle, I'm kinda tired and stressed, do you mind if I lay down? We can talk, but just for a little bit?" Clearly this is not how she would say this if at all, but this is his best attempt at trying to explain to her what he's getting at. Maybe this is all the more confusing. Maybe it isn't, however this isn't something leader's or those in higher ranks do. The tom doesn't know. What is clear that he is somewhat observant. While he is clumsy in many ways he understands to some extent that Orangeblossom is stressed due to recent circumstances.