dior ♡ howlingstar

Jul 9, 2024
Tiny paws bound through the camp with her plumed tail held high reflecting that of a squirrel's. Myrtlekit practically prances forth in search of something or someone to spend the day with, and soon a target comes into vision. ”La la la~” She sings as she bounds toward Howlingstar before skidding to a stop on her tiny paws, wide chocolate eyes looking up to the umber tabby, the queen and grandmother of Thunderclan, herself. ”Miss Howlingstar, can you tell me about how Thunderclan was formed and what it was like before?” Her eyes pleaded to hear 'yes' and her tiny ears stood in antipication to spend time with the older female. Myrtle was the biggest Howlingstar fan, after all. The small lynx point wished to be trained one day as Howlingstar's apprentice, or maybe even Gentlestorm's

ooc. ”speech”

Anyone would be able to tell that Howlingstar has been stressed as of late. With all of the mysterious murders, she’s had so much on her mind that she hasn’t had much time at all to relax. Things need to be done, borders need to be secured. But as one of the clan’s youth bounds up to her, her stern expression softens at the sight of Myrtlekit's eager, sparkling eyes. The weight of everything seems to lift for a moment as she looks down at the young kit with a warm, albeit tired, smile.

"Hello, Myrtlekit," The tabby greets gently. She wants a story? Well…she supposes she can spare a moment. The stout leader eases herself back onto her haunches and tilts her head a bit as she looks down at the kit. "Alright, little one. Listen closely, now. Many moons ago, there was a battle between two colonies of cats: one lived in the marsh - that’s the colony I was a part of - and one in the pine forest. We didn’t live by any code, and we had no borders. We fought in the Great Battle over territory and prey, until the spirits of our fallen loved ones appeared to stop us. They became StarClan, and they told us the best way forward was to split into five clans, each with their own territories and ideals. Emberstar is who founded our clan. She was a brave, noble leader who sought to create a home where we could live in harmony. We settled here in the oak forest, and from our unity, ThunderClan was born."

Howlingstar's gaze becomes distant for a heartbeat as she remembers what it was like all those seasons ago. So much has changed since then. "In the early days, life was challenging. There was no Warrior Code. There were no mentors for apprentices. Everything was new, wild, untamed. We faced many trials, but every lesson we learned paved the way for the ThunderClan we know today."

She looks back down at Myrtlekit, her eyes filled with a mixture of pride and hope. "As you grow and train to become a warrior someday, you will carry on that legacy. Maybe one day, you'll be telling these stories to the next generation of kits." Howlingstar's tail swishes gently as she adds, "Do you have anymore questions? I would be happy to answer what I can. This history is a part of what makes us who we are, Myrtlekit.”
As Howlingstar greets her back and agrees to entertain her with stories of the past. The young child settles down and watches the older she with wide brown eyes. Her emotions easily show on her face as she uses a paw to cover her mouth in a gasp as she mentions a battle between the colonies, her long squirrel-like tail twitching anxiously. A war, how dreadful! She leans forward as she mentions how their loved ones became spirits and told them how to move forth without conflict. Her jaw is agape in awe of how her clan was founded and she can't help but squeal loudly in excitement, ”Waa!~ That's so cool! Did everyone see the Starclan spirits or was it just the medicine cats and leaders?” Myrtlekit realizes she's spewed out in curiosity as she slaps her mouth with her forepaws, and her ears flatten in embarrassment. Howlingstar elaborates on the hardships Thunderclan faced during its formation. There was no definitive set of rules or any permanent guidelines, like everything else that had been established.

”That's so cool! It all makes sense why you're an amazing leader now, miss Howlingstar!” Myrtlekit squeals in excitement as she sways side to side. She considers the leader's words, and she tilts her head owlishly as she giggles softly. ”I hope I get you as my mentor, or maybe even Gentlestorm! I want to make everyone happy and do my best to help the~” She admits with a soft blush in embarrassment, her ears flattening before pondering if there was anymore questions. ”I'm glad I'm a Thunderclanner. What makes Thunderclan different from the other clans- like... Riverclan is for swimming, Skyclan is climbing, but what about us?” She was never truly taught on how Thunderclan was different from the other clans, besides maybe they're capability at being good at everything (except fishing or swimming). Would it be traversing the undergrowth stealthily such as Shadowclan was great at stealth?

ooc. ”speech”
Howlingstar's tired eyes soften even further at Myrtlekit's eagerness and genuine enthusiasm. "Everyone. It was...breathtaking." That's the best word for it. She remembers it like it was yesterday, how magical it had felt. She had known then her life was about to change forever. The leader chuckles in amusement as the little one says she wants herself or Gentlestorm as her mentor. "Whoever your mentor will be will be perfect for you, trust in that." That's her job, after all. To match up teachers to students, make sure they compliment each other. She has her next apprentice in mind already, and Gentlestorm has given no indication he will be seeking an apprentice soon, so she will have her eyes on talented warriors for the young kit.

Howlingstar ponders the next question for a moment with a tilted head. "That's a wonderful question," She mews warmly with a smile. "ThunderClan is skilled in many areas, but we are particularly known for our ability to traverse the thick undergrowth. Our territory is filled with dense brush and tall trees, which means we've learned to move swiftly and silently through the forest." Tail flicking in a gentle rhythm, her gaze brights with pride as she continues, "I have no doubt that you'll learn that skill quickly as you grow into an apprentice." She leans down slightly, her gaze meeting Myrtlekit's with a smile.