DIRTY CAR [ intro ]


she's a fairytale
Jun 7, 2023
It's a new day. The sun just blooming past the horizon, the birds chirping in the air above, the sound of the water trickling nearby. Troutpaw yawned, her mouth splitting open as she did. A smack of her lips, and she untucked herself from the nest she was wound up in, gently- and as quietly as she could managed- padding out of the apprentice's den. She squinted at the sunlight, forcing herself to move towards the side of the den to sit and adjust. Early mornings were rough for Troutpaw. She was a heavy sleeper, and it just wasn't in her genetics to get up and go. She was sure someone in camp was, but she didn't normally rise with them to find out.

A turn of her head, and Troutpaw was licking at her fur. It was sticking up this particular morning. Perhaps she had been active in her sleep. Oops. Sorry guys. She thought to herself, fluffy tail swaying beside her as she groomed her chest fur back into order. A soft huff left her, picking her head up and stretching now instead, the shorter apprentice taking in the sunlight. She was sure her mentor was likely planning something eventful today, but she had no idea where they were for now. All that mattered was the sunlight and the soft early morning. ​
Speaking of the devil, the high white molly was a delightful morning bird. There was glee in her eyes and an ever-present soft smile. Honeystone trotted away from the fresh-kill pile with a small eel, her favorite! As she was locating a nice sunny spot before a patrol she would spot someone just waking up. "Good morning, Troutpaw!" She'd chirp from around the prey in her mouth. The warrior would make a beeline for the youth, before setting down the eel. "Just waking up are we?" She'd giggle in her inquiry. "Would you like a bite to eat? It's always good to start the day with a little something in your stomach!" Her single tabby striped stocking would gesture to the prey, a warm welcome for the apprentice to have some. — tags
— tags

The calico mollie mozied on over from the apprentices den, smiling at the morning birds with a small ounce of annoyance at the cheery greetings. "I would personally love something to eat, Honeystone." Her words were tired and leaning towards a grumpy tone, though obviously not quite there yet. Any minor inconvenience could set the little she-devil off. "What's the plans for the day, hm?" Her inquiries were half hearted at best as she tore into a small fish from the fresh-kill pile.
walk "talk." thought
penned by helly
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Next to appear was Ravenpaw, on his way to the part of the camp where the river ran close enough and left little streams of water in which one could wash their paws. It was a morning habit of his since he was so particular about his hygiene and washing habits. He spotted two other apprentices and Honeystone conversing ahead of him. He cleared his throat, preparing to swerve around them as he did not seem too interested in whatever small talk they were engaged with.

"Good morning." He huffed. "If nobody has anything to do, I think we might need some help in the medicine den." He did not know, exactly. Beesong would be a better cat to go for that. But Ravenpaw wanted to make it seem that he was incredibly busy. Besides, it would not hurt to have some company apart from the injured cats that had to stay ther.

Her ears twitched as the molly approached, her head turning. And oh stars, was she approaching. Trout flattened her ears, squinting at the other. It wasn't that she was offended, she just wasn't entirely sure how to handle it so quickly. Finally, a tiny giggle left the apprentice, looking down at the eel. It wasn't her favorite, but she couldn't just deny an offer. How nice! "Um- sure! I could take a bite or two." She leaned down, taking a couple of bites as others approached and spoke.

Her head picked up, licking at her lips as Littlepaw spoke. She wondered what made the other apprentice so upset, but she withdrew herself a bit- a small nod at Honeystone in thanks. "Plans? Um... just some training, I think. Not really too sure..." She paused, head turning towards Ravenpaw as he approached as well. She perked up a little bit. "What kind of help? I'm good at helping." Trout nodded to herself, small and satisfied that she could even offer it. ​
With the morning rousing, birds chirped and filled the air with their song as the sun kissed the horizon. Clanmates had begun to stir, and she as always—had been up since before the sun. Cindershade had just dismissed a few warriors for some patrols, her shaded tail flicking as they had left. Her verdant gaze searches for a familiar skunk-patterened pelt to rise from the apprentices den but instead is greeted by Troutpaw's blue tabby silhouette as she trudged from the den herself. Honeystone is quick to chirp up, making a beeline for the apprentice before another pops up. Still no Sablepaw. The lead warrior's brows furrowed slightly, her whiskers twitching in light annoyance. Training had been hard in her yesterday through this blistering wind, though she had to admit she was progressing wonderfully.
Paws carried her over behind Ravenpaw, eyeing the shadowed tom before greeting him silently with a dip of her head. Her ire still stood with him, though it wasn't completely his fault for assuming a false pregnancy when someone had planted it into his ear to begin with. She catches the bit of conversation between them all, nodding in agreement. "Yes, Ravenpaw will need help with this looming storm heading our way. We will need to be stocked up as much as possible." She muses, sharp eyes flicking to thick clouds that looked above them. "Some of you could also join me and Sablepaw for some hunting, too. The fresh kill pile is getting a bit—" She pauses for a moment, eyeing the eel that had been placed at Honeystone's paws and involuntarily curled her lip in distaste, "—barren."

// apprentice tag @Sablepaw


She turned her nose up a little bit at Ravenpaw's request-- and, well, Cindershade's remark about the fresh-kill pile didn't help her grumpy mood and turned it quite sour, actually. If it's such an issue then why don't you take care of it? Her thoughts were on the tip of her tongue when someone else butted in, and the sour credence of her words would die on her lips. They seem to have just disrupted a war of wit and, well, rank. She glanced at the intruder, sniffing a bit haughtily before continuing to eat her fresh-kill.

ooc note: tbh anyone could have butted in LOL but i don't feel like putting my silly little guy on Cindershade's shit list rn sdkfjsfdjkn
walk "talk." thought
penned by helly
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In every situation you give me peace
Sablepaw blinks against the harshness of the sun's bright rays the moment she steps out of the apprentice den. Periwinkle eyes skim across camp until she realizes Cindershade standing relatively close by. A trickle of shame and perhaps a bit of fear runs down her spine as she slowly makes her way over to her mentor. "I'm sorry for oversleeping Cindershade, it won't happen again." The ivory streaked molly nearly whispers, wondering if the lead warrior would toss in some extra practice due to her late arrival. Looking over her shoulder she nods to those around her. "Good morning." She greets, taking a moment to flatten a tuft of fur ruffled by whistling winds.
Don't gotta be afraid because you're in the lead
Trout twitched her ears as more people approached. Her head turned, eyes trailing over Cindershade for but a moment. Her head tilted- her tone sounded dangerous, but that was fine! Troutpaw wasn't bothered by it. A soft smile touched her face, tail swaying a little bit. "I'm not sure I'd be much help with the medicine den- I can join you for hunting, if that's okay!" She chirped. Cheerful as ever, it seemed that she couldn't be dampened. This was her butting in for Littlepaw, of course- not that Trout even noticed the look on the other apprentice's face.

Her vision shifted towards Sablepaw, tilting her head. A dip of her head in return to the other. "Good morning! How did you sleep?" Truly oblivious to anything going on between the mentor apprentice pair.​
A soft voice carries towards velvet ears, her head shifting to Sablepaw and she nods to her in greeting. "It's fine, child. You trained hard yesterday, as long as you're not lazing the day away." And in truth, she had. Since their littke squabble, her apprentice had shaped up to be a worthy apprentice in these few moons. Before she would know it, her own warrior assessment would soon be around the corner. Troutpaw's own voice clips in now, readily agreeing for a hunting patrol and the lead warrior observes the blue swathed apprentice before finally nodding, clearly satisfacted with her eagerness. "Good, grab your mentor and we can head out. I look forward to seeing your skills in the water." As she spoke, she doesn't miss the look from Littlepaw that she had given Ravenpaw. Her eyes linger on the mottled apprentice for a moment, shaded tail twitching in light annoyance. "I'm sure Littlepaw would love to help you, Ravenpaw. Lest she wanted to clean the elders den. Stonepool and Reedfeather were just talking about some new bedding." A glint of mischief sparkled within her gaze, knowing how much the apprentice's loathed cleaning outnthe elders den, though her face revealed nothing—remaining as stoic as normal. "When you've retrieved your mentor, Troutpaw, meet me at the entrance and we'll head off." She turns now, heading in the direction of the reeds and waves her tail for Sablepaw to follow.


Littlepaw's maw would slip up into a smirk at Cindershade's suggestion, nodding along at her turned back as she responded with, "I would love to clean the Elder's nests. They're grumpy 'n all but they like me so I'm sure they'll have some stories for me. Thanks for the suggestion, Cindershade!" Her tail would give away her anger though, lashing very plainly in front of the others.

She stood, creating space for herself to breathe and attempt to calm down from her beating heart and racing pulse, heading off towards the elders den.

notes: exit littlepaw!
walk "talk." thought
penned by helly
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