camp Dirty Work | Reinforcing Dens

While she was more rhsn ecstatic about being back home, to their actual home, she could not deny how—homely it looked. Since the flood and complete collapse of the apprentice's den, the once pristine camp dotted with shells and rocks had now dissipated into useless rubble. Clean up patrols had done the best they could with what borrowed time they had, but it still needed more.

It needed to feel like their home again.

So, as the clouds swelled over her head to brooding colors of blue and gray, she would get busy in beginning the droning duty od reinforcements. Cindershade would gather what she could: bracken, bramble, bundles of reed and get to work. With the lulling back drop of the streams at her back and her mind focused, the lead warrior was a bit at ease than she had been in moons. Muscles flexed as she takes bits of bracken and reeds, tucking them carefully and intertwining into the wall, tying it off with tendril-like reeds and repeat. Despite her sturdy frame, Cindershade wasn't half bad at weaving; albeit she'd never be as good as Emberflower. Her sister had a knack for weaving and decorations, often teaching the dark molly how to improve her ethics.
As she continues, the gentle thump of pawsteps cause her to pause briefly as velveteen ears flick back in direction of the sound and she points to the pile she had collected with a shaded tail. "If you've not anything to do, you can help me so we can get this finished before the sun sets." Her tone is firm, but not rough as it's usual. It was clear that her spirits had lifted since returning back to the island where they belonged. She had missed sweeping under the weeping willows.

( tags ) It was strange to finally be home because it didn't feel like it. He knew it was the same place, but it was still disheartening to see the damage the flood had caused. He supposed it was also a bitter feeling looking at the camp as it was now because of how it reflected Riverclan. He wasn't saying they were useless rubble, no, far from it. He felt as if the rubble and the remains of the camp reflected Riverclan in terms of being a mess. With what had happened at Sunningrocks. With what happened with Windclan. Their true flood was Thunderclan and Windclan. However, there was good news. They had grown from their time away. Not only were many kits born, but new warriors had joined the ranks. They were going to rebuild themselves stronger than before.

In truth, he had been out collecting shells and other decorations, bringing them back bit by bit that he was exhausted. However, it was important for everyone to have reinforced dens. The sooner the better as Cindershade had said. Once they were assuaged of their worries in terms of dens, then they would be able to focus on what else needed to be done. The beech corpse could still be used and he was not opposed to the idea of maintaining the temporary camp around the area. However, the main camp needed the most attention. With a huff, he bounded over to the pile. "Are we going to use the whole pile for one den, or?" He didn't wait for answer, seeing as he was going to be weaving anyway.

Gathering as much bramble, bracken, and as much bundles of reed he could, he took his place a tail length away from Cindershade. Before setting the materials down, he inspected the wall to see where it needed more reinforcements. He had found a place where a little reinforcements wouldn't hurt, so he moved a little further from Cindershade and set down his materials. he wouldn't say he was horrible at weaving, but he simply couldn't compare to Emberflower's skills. "You know, I had a silly idea. I thought about our dens having those needle like shells sticking out of the walls, but it's not like the other clans will attack our camp." I just thought it would work like thorns, but I guess it would be a hazard for kits... The last thing I want is for them to lose an eye. Anyhow, he started his work.
Oohhh yes! Yes good good yes perfect!

This would be the opportune moment to see if Cindershade was really quite so snappy as she suspected. All bark and no bite, perhaps? She'd heard something about her being like, way more emotionally charged than Emberflower (which didn't sound hard to do honestly? Emberflower seemed... nice. Nice? Obnoxiously nice maybe was better..) and her cool demeanor certainly helped aid that illusion.

There was no way even Cindershade could be upset at a time like this though. They were home and comfortable and well-fed and had so many healthy kittens running around. Lichentail didn't particularly like the small ones because frankly, they were rude... and awful... and demanding.... and awful.... but that was besides the point and entirely temporary. Mostly. Hopefully....

"Cindershaaaadeee~" She could hardly get the molly's name out before an order was given. Pikesplash, ever the compliant good soldier, got straight to work, asking for further details and busying his paws without a second thought. Furrowing her brow, the blue point tried not to pay him much mind while he rambled about pointy shells like that wasn't a huge liability for later. He seemed to acknowledge that sometime in his rambling but she didn't care right now, she had better things to do.

Like... interrogate the lead warrior a little bit.

"Did you make your nest yet or did you set straight to busying your paws helping everyone else," direct... too direct. Back up Lichentail back up. "BECAUSE you work so hard I assume you wouldn't have given yourself a chance to rest."

Nice recovery Lichentail.
Thanks Lichentail.

Picking up a couple of reeds to at least pretend to be moderately helpful, she cared more for the answers than the actual work part. This kind of work was boring.. she'd rather be hunting. But Cindershade wasn't hunting so that wasn't an option right now to satisfy her curiosity about the dark-furred lady.​

It wasn't... proper, particularly, to ignore a bunch of warriors toiling away at a chore that seemed like it should fall into the paws of apprentices. But- equally, was this too important to trust fumbling paws to carry out? He couldn't imagine there was much entertaining about den reinforcement... but with the manner in which they had fled this camp those moons ago after the apprentice den had caved in on himself and his siblings meant that the importance likely outweighed the role that entertainment might have played in the chore. The nagging guilt that gnawed at him, some striving and inescapable need to prove something... that was what sent him forward, padding over to the small group of warriors.

He swallowed. Never really had he struggled with... nervousness about approaching people until recently. Who would really want him to help? His warriorhood had been handed to him on a platter, pitted against non-vicious family with an option to be bested and still pass, and he had still failed. But- Iciclefang always seemed to find fault in moping, and... so, perhaps it would do him good to follow her advice.

"I'll help," he offered, trotting up to the pile and studying the weaving of the walls. Verdant eyes narrowed in scrutiny, but there failed to light a bulb behind his eyes that betrayed some sort of revelation. "Is there a trick to this?" I'm not that good at it, he'd almost said, but- that was rather a given by now, wasn't it?
penned by pin

Weaving dens is one of the skills that Snakeblink only learned after joining the clan, but unlike patrolling he took to this one with enthusiasm. He enjoys the delicate, repetitive task, and its tangible results: a solid, protective structure for his clanmates and himself, so that none of them have to sleep buffeted by wind or rain. It’s of utmost importance that they be well insulated, especially with the coming storm.

When he notices Cindershade hard at work reinforcing the camp, he doesn’t think twice before joining her: he’s always glad to see the tough molly, and this is a task he knows cannot bring her ire upon him. He nods in greeting at the two warriors already assisting her, listening with some interest to Pikesplash’s suggestion, his mind already pondering how they might make use of those needle-sharp shells that so often cause them grief while walking in the shallow parts of the river.

He misses Lichentail’s unsubtle question entirely, but Fernpaw’s he does hear: the ginger apprentice is hard to miss (and he resolutely pushes thoughts of another flame-colored apprentice out of his mind). ”A trick…? Hm, you shouldn’t put too much strength into it: the reeds snap easily lest you bend them with care. But I don’t believe an overwhelming amount of force is an issue you’ll encounter,” he adds, knowing of the apprentice’s rather gentle demeanor.

Choosing to spare the younger tom the sight of Snakeblink’s poor attempts at smiling, he gives him a patient look and adds, ”Would you like me to do it slower?” Though given Fernpaw’s age, Mudpelt probably already taught him. He doesn’t mean to insult…

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely

  • Snakeblink • he / him. 42 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo

The source of those paw steps had been none other than that of Pikesplash, and the molly almost grimaced as she caught sight of his frame in her peripheral. Why was it always Pikesplash? Did he still have that weird infatuation for her? She remembers all too well of catching him staring not once but quite a few times at her, those sage green eyes always grazing over her. If she'd not know any better, she would have thought he admired her in a way that she'd never reciprocate. Tom's just—weren't her thing.
She continues in silence, swiping an ivory claw as she wrapped the reed before grabbing the excess with her teeth and pulling it tight. As she starts to get back into her rhythm, an incessant sing-song voice that grates her name pierces her canals suddenly that has her snapping a reed she held within her claws. Dammit! Lichentail bounces over and the lead warrior eyes her warily. What did they want? Her face steels itself as she surveys them, a shaded tail flicking in light annoyance. The blue molly interjects, rather directly, and Cindershade fully turns to her before the other immediately back pedals. "I haven't." She responds cooly, whiskers twitching as she mulls over her next words. "My clan comes before my own comfort. I'll get to it later."
Pikesplash's voice interjects and Cindershade pauses to survey the brush of bramble that settled between them. It wasn't much, and the warrior's den she was working on seemed nearly finished anyways. "We can use the rest for the apprentice's den. The nursery seems to be nearly finished. Since it collapsed in the flood, it will need the most. We need to ensure that it stands stronger." She finally concluded to the tabby tom, shifting into a stand and gathering the materials. You know, I had a silly idea. I thought about our dens having those needle like shells sticking out of the walls, but it's not like the other clans will attack our camp. "And gouge someone's eye out?" She questions with a quirked brow, her features tugging at a frown before shaking her head. "It seems like a good idea, Pikesplash, but I believe that'd be too much of a hazard. Can't have these half-brained kits trying to impale themselves, now can we?" She chuckles, rather darkly, as her grim humor twinkled within her gaze. Of course, if that actually happened she'd be devastated just as anyone else. "Let's just use the flat ones for decor."
Cindershade takes a mound of bramble with her, stepping a few tail-lengths away till the apprentices den was within reach before she starts again. "Lichentail, since you seem so energized, you can help too." She adds, flashing her a saccharine smile that held a certain hidden darkness. Or else, she decided to add on silently. I'll help. A new voice pipes up and she swings her head to see Fernpaw had settled beside of her, studying the bramble before asking if there was a certain way to do it. Cindershade opens her maw, ready to show him instead of criticism—because Stars knew that the poor lad had had enough of that already, before Snakeblink bumps in. "Yes, he's right. I'm not really the best at it either. Emberflower is quite the master at this than I. But, as long as you keep your paws light, it shouldn't break. Try using your claws for the smaller places." As she's instructing the flame colored tom, she's not particularly paying attention to her own weaving before snapping another reed. "Dammit!" A groan rumbles from her now, her impatience beginning bloom as she has to start again.