duskclan DISCOURAGED BY THE NOISE | open, casual


Feb 16, 2024

Privetkit's fern-green eyes, aglow in infectiously honeyed curiosity, set their sights upon a tangerine-and-wine colored butterfly. Fluttering, flickering in and out of sight, Privet crouched down and wiggled his rump. He only imitated what he saw, and the facsimile of the trained hunter proved very obviously amateur. Still, he leaped upwards (and almost stumbled while doing so) and caught the butterfly between two fuzzy paws. He held it down by one wing, watching the insect struggle and flap - if butterflies could speak, this one would certainly be screeching for its life.

  • Try to keep your posts under 5 sentences :}
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  • —— PRIVETKIT / He/Him / 3 Moons
    —— Kitten of Duskclan / Mentoring or Apprenticed by
    —— Wine-dark and white-tipped, almost like a magpie. He has black fur except for the tips of his ears, his muzzle and chin, a blaze on his chest, bottom portion of the legs, outer end of the tail, and along the upper ridges of eyes. He has ghost striping that can only be seen in certain sunlight. He has fern-green eyes.
    —— Cool, calculating, and much too mature for such a young age. Enamored with the life of a warrior and burdened by the expectations of his people. Hard to befriend and harder to maintain a steady friendship with.
    —— Penned by Tempest. Contact on Discord (naruk4mi) for plots and threads.